nic_b's profile



59 Messages


2.5K Points

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 10:28 PM

Updates to Characters

Today we are modifying the display of Characters across IMDb.
After in-depth discussion and examination, we have decided to simplify the display of Characters on IMDb, focusing our on-going efforts towards title specific character details.  While in concept, we love the idea of character data spanning across all titles, in practice we do not feel our past experience lived up to expectations. The majority of our previous character pages were dead ends, without any related content, providing a confusing and disjointed experience.  The filmography credits were often unusable, and the bios many times were inconsistent given numerous disparate story lines. While the previous experience had drawbacks, we truly appreciate all the hard work of everyonewho contributed to characters over the years.  That said, as of today, we are simplifying the experience, allowing us to retain the character concept while building a foundation for future growth.

With today’s release we have begun this transition.  Our new character experience will support title specific images, quotes, and keywords.  Moving forward we will no longer support character filmography, biographies, videos, character lists or polls.  To aid in this transition, we are temporarily retaining our prior character experience until Dec 6th.  This will provide our users time to archive any character lists, polls or biographies which they previously created or contributed towards. If you wish to migrate any character lists or polls, we recommend rebuilding the content with an image list.  Existing character lists can also be archived by selecting the “Export this list” option. During this transition, we have temporarily retained the character search option, but will suspend support after Dec 6th.  In the coming months, we plan to re-enable character search based on our new experience.
We understand this is a significant change which was made only after careful consideration.  We appreciate your understanding.

Here is an example of the new experience


8.5K Messages


175.6K Points

7 years ago

Changes to IMDb Characters
Today we are modifying the display of Characters across IMDb....

by Nic Bachhuber, Official Rep
Joined on October 17, 2014
- - -

You should add Today's date : November 14 2017

Any changes to the fact (?) that
WE can not search and find a Character that does not have a Character page

8.5K Messages


175.6K Points

So WE will not be able to see all who played Batman (sample) in one list ?

Filmography by type for Batman (Character)

ALERT: All Character pages will be turned off on Dec 6th 2017.
Please see the IMDb GetSatisfaction Character announcement for details.

1. Blood of the Bat (2017)  Played by Joan James Muixi
217. Batman (1943)  Played by Lewis Wilson

1. "Gotham Crusader" - Wonder Land (2016) TV episode, Played by Hunter T.
148."Batman" - Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires (1968) TV episode, Played by Adam West  (115 more)

5 Messages


368 Points

This doesn't make any sense.
The character filmography is one of the main features I use in IMDb.
This is almost as bad as Microsoft removing the start button from Windows 8!!!

3 Messages


266 Points

IKR, me too, that was my favorite section & now it will be gone, most of the time, that's how I can identify who played what character, they were saying that you were not going to be able to look up a character cause that was going to be gone from their drop down, inless I misunderstood. I'm really upset about this!



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

The correct way to do this is with a proper data model tied to the underlying credit database, backed with a full search; available across all IMDb interfaces. Once this is built, you will be able to find all instances of a character name across titles without requiring another contributor to have done essentially duplicate work to manually add each character credit to a separate character page. 

The old character pages will not return and there will be a temporary loss in functionality as part of the program described at until we can rebuild the character search function the proper way. 

1 Message


180 Points

There IMDb goes again, fixing something that isn't broken. I lived on the forums for over ten years, then they disappeared. Now the cool character pages are going as well. What's next? IMDb announcing they'll just shut down the site? At this point, you might as well. Most of us have stopped using it, anyway. RIP IMDb.

1 Message


180 Points

Wait what?  I am super bummed. This was valuable.  Here's the deal.  You guys are the Amazon of movie info.  I cross reference what's on your site, but it's the first go to.  You are going to make us figure this out ourselves again on fan sites?  That sucks. Can I export all?  

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

There is no "export" function. Maybe the new platform is more scalable. So, the transition from fourth generation (next generation) to fifth generation (after-next generation) will be smoother, and I'm not even sure if I have the generation ordinals right. The founder of IMDb said that it all started with a spiral notebook, so that is probably before the "first generation".

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Truth be told, all of the large and famous websites with lots of user-generated content despite their prestige are (or started out as) ultimately just the personal blogs of their respective owners. Wikipedia is Jimmy Whale's blog. IMDb is Col Needham's blog. 4chan is Christopher Poole's blog. Facebook if Mark Zuckerberg's blog. Each one can do whatever he likes to his blog until too many investors and contractual obligations are accumulated, which sometimes but not necessarily make matters worse (e.g., imagine the terror if Walt Disney Studios owned all of them). I would like to emphasize that we as a world of "customers" have larger problems. We need a lot of money and also a lot of ethics and technical skills to set things right.

422 Messages


14.3K Points

ACT you da man.

1 Message


100 Points

If you keep deleting portions of the site, there will be nothing left except a page full of ads.

1 Message


160 Points

Has to be the dumbest thing I've seen on the internet today. Literally the only thing that everyone I know uses IMDB for is to figure out what other movies a particular actor is in. You have made your website completely obsolete to at least 20+ people in my circle alone. Obviously 20 people doesn't make a dent but how many circles of friends will never use this site again bc there is absolutely no need. Why would I want random quotes from movies? I'd watch the movie if that's what I wanted. Why would I want to know what, I've wasted too much time on this now useless site with a useless complaint. Have fun only being a memory, like blockbuster. SMFH at how stupid of a move this was. Surrounded by idiots makes one extremely tired of people in general



1.3K Messages


43.8K Points

Hello Josh,
> Literally the only thing that everyone I know uses IMDB for is to figure out what other movies a particular actor is in.

What makes you think that they'll be doing away with that? That would be dumb.
They are talking about (AIUI) getting rid of the Character sections like the ones at (for Luke Skywalker) but they will still say that the character of Luke Skywalker was played by Mark Hamill and will still show all of the other movies that Mark was in

I hope an IMDb staffer will correct me if I am wrong


8.5K Messages


175.6K Points

Bond 25 (2019)
Daniel Craig ...  James Bond
5. Spectre (2015/I) .... James Bond
7. Skyfall (2012) .... James Bond
15. Quantum of Solace (2008) .... James Bond
20. Casino Royale (2006) .... James Bond
- - -

So ... who else played James Bond ??

Displaying 9 results for "JAMES BOND"   ( 007 !!! )

1. Bond 25 (2019)  Played by Daniel Craig  ... aka "James Bond 25"
2. Death Is Forever (2018)  Played by Tom Smith
3. Death Collector (????)  Played by Liam Fountain
4. Diamonds in the Sky: Fan Film (2018)  Played by Paul Cusack

100. Dr. No (1962)  Played by Sean Connery
- - -
Quarrel (Character) from Dr. No (1962)

Played by John Kitzmiller

a "Character" with only 1 credit should not have a "Character" page ??
Can not search and find a "Character" without  a "Character" page

8 Messages


500 Points

I have to say, I don’t like this. I like making lists of movies I want to watch. For example, I am making a master list of movies about leaders. It is very easy to type in Dwight D Eisenhower or Sadat and get a list of all movies featuring those leaders.

This change will make that harder to do. Someone may want to watch every adaptation of a Christmas Carol . But there won’t be a page for Ebenezer Scrooge.

You should leave it as is.

2 Messages


270 Points

I too hate the idea.  IMDb was most useful to finding out what other shows any particular actor was playing in.  For example, if I saw an actor I didn't know anything about but I liked his/her performance, I'd look up what else the actor playeed in, there were links to the shows I was intrerested in, together with ratings, brief description of content, what other shows were people interested in, etc., and we could instantly check it out.  Now I will have to find another site that provides all this info.  The proposed changes really suck!  Good bye, IMDb.

1 Message


160 Points

Hate it hate it hate it.. did I mention I Hate It !  If if ain't broke don't fix it !!!

1 Message


160 Points

I hate this idea as well...I like to use character pages to see what the last episode a certain character is on without having to go through each and every episode.

222 Messages


6.4K Points

And I was actually interested in the filmography of my favorite characters, not just a picture of some actor I don't care about. 

1 Message


202 Points

I miss the character pages as well. It was a good but not perfect concept which works perfectly to me. Without it, IMDB has lost a lot of it’s potential in investigate film and actor backgrounds to me. It will definitely reduce my usage and contribution of IMDB.

1 Message


184 Points

What a SHAME.
Worst idea since imdb's beginning. Your website simply lost 50% of its interest.
"thank you"...

1 Message


280 Points

I see absolutely no point in removing Character pages. Why remove information?

Just one example: 'Jesus Christ' as a character appeared in film and television over 600 times. If I'm interested in representations of Jesus in film (which, incidentally, I am for my doctoral research), I could navigate from that list to view over 600 productions. How else am I now supposed to find that information? Am I just supposed to somehow magically know all 600 films so that I can search for them individually? This makes NO sense.

Thank goodness for cached pages! 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Kate Hayward, no, you're not supposed to somehow miraculously know all 600 films, just as you wouldn't magically know all the novels, short stories and comic books in which Jesus or the "Christ" appears. Ordinarily deep research would have to be done to compile a list, but indeed IMDb used to provide that. We're stuck with going back to doing things a slightly harder way, as far as uncached and unarchived, character pages go. The search tools that accept a character name as input queries are still available. We can use that, but we're on our own as far as screening out false positives. The situation is a step backwards undoubtedly, but nothing with which we should be too unfamiliar. A wealth of knowledge in our world is basically undocumented, so we have to work to assemble some information.

1 Message


180 Points

Definitely do not like the new character pages - it used to be that I could find out all the actors who had played the role - e.g., Click on Doctor Who and you would see at least the actors since 2005.  Now, you see only the one actor in the one movie.  Why would I bother clicking on the character page at all?  It doesn't take me anywhere outside the specific movie.

1 Message


140 Points

Bring back the bios especially ones that didn't cross shows or movies. Character bios for tv series help tremendously when entering a show in later seasons.

28 Messages


1.3K Points

10 months since this feature was removed. The layman's understanding of 'database' is a CROSS-REFERENCED set of related data, searchable by many useful fields.
In IMDB, the most useful fields are title, year, actor and character, (among a few others, of course.)

Without the ability to  search this field, how will the average Joe find out which James Bond film starred 'that bloke who only did the one movie?' Or which Sherlock Holmes film starred the actor who played Doctor Who a couple of times...? Or, what's that film with Wade Wilson in it that ISN'T a Deadpool movie?

I understand that clicking a character within an existing Title listing cannot reasonably be expected to link to all instances of that character name in the database. After all, Benjamin Walker's Abraham Lincoln (the vampire hunter) is far and away a different character to Daniel Day Lewis' incarnation, or that of Robert V. Barron in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

What is totally possible, however, is the ability to type Abraham Lincoln into the search bar, click the magnifying glass and select Characters, (as we used to) and be shown all entries that had a character whose letters matched the entered letters, regardless of who or what that character actually was!

People often do need to know these things. That's why the database was invented, after all.

Under its current stewardship, maybe you should consider renaming the site IML - The Internet Movie... List.  Or WIMDb - Was/Wannabee Internet Movie Database...

5 Messages


102 Points



The character filmography is one of the main features I use in IMDb."

I myself used this option many times to find my titles, the new change is useless, who care about quotes in character search ,when we can find quotes more easy in other options 

I hope IMDb change their mind and after 4 years bring back this option

Would you please activate this character search again, I think after 4 years , the IMDB users still need this option

best regards



7.4K Messages


275.6K Points

7 years ago

Our new character experience will support title specific images, quotes, and keywords.
Nic: I see how images and quotes factor into this, but I don't understand what keywords have to do with title/character pages.
In the coming months, we plan to re-enable character search based on our new experience.
So, after December 6, if someone is wondering, "What was the movie where there was a character named Ugarte?", will they be able to find it?

If I understand correctly, there will be a page at showing pictures of Peter Lorre as Ugarte in Casablanca and a bunch of quotes from the character. Right? But will there be any way to search for that character and find that page, if one doesn't know the film title or the performer's name?



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

So, after December 6, if someone is wondering, "What was the movie where there was a character named Ugarte?", will they be able to find it?
Temporarily, no sorry.   Once the dust settles from a full character search is high on the list for search enhancements. 

It is important to note the current character search is extremely broken because it only searches characters which have been manually created; the replacement character search will search the entire character space whether or not they have photos or quotes.  In your example, all characters in Casablanca will be able to located via a character search.

[for example see]



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

On December 6, 2017 and after we can still use Google to find characters on IMDb. Although will not work as well as the current IMDb resident character search, it is a stop gap measure until that functionality is restored.

In general, you can enter the following in the search box for Google. [search term]
Where, [search term] is any search term you wish to find on IMDb.

Example: You wish to find "Han Solo" on IMDb. Enter the following in the search box for Google. "Han Solo"

This results in this search:

Note: Google may return non-existent pages because they may have exited the last time Google crawled IMDb.

3 Messages


284 Points

Col Needham, your responses are very, very helpful and actually explain things. Thank you!

9 Messages


252 Points

But searching across manually created character pages with filmography sometimes is much more helpful, than fully automatic search. E.g. if I want to know out all actors, who performed Napoleon, I can visit the character page with filmography easily. But soon I'll have to look through thousand of characters called Napoleon, including gang members, dogs and cakes. Am I right? :(

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Child, that's correct. So, you'll wind up using Wikipedia, provided the community there doesn't decide that creating "in popular culture" sections is not worthwhile or not aligned with the general notability guidelines. Somebody out there might just resolve to create a movie character database, like how IMFDb (for firearms), IMCDb (for automobiles) and IMPDb (for aircraft) exist, two of which have the MediaWiki platform. I wish somebody would create a movie landmark database.

11 Messages


438 Points

As a long-term Wikipedia editor, I can tell you that they already have. A coterie of medieval 'experts' have already arbitrarily decided that sections like this are incompatible with biographical articles on historical figures (apparently they're too populist and offend their sense of historical scholarship) and deleted many of them.

10 Messages


674 Points

When Wiki admins block you for "disruptive editing" for posting sourced facts just because of their own bias and refusal to accept facts. xD

11 Messages


438 Points

Well, I'm a Wikipedia admin myself, so generalising is a bad idea. Most of us aren't biased and wouldn't dream of blocking anyone unless they genuinely were disruptively editing. Depends what you posted and what sourcing you used.

10 Messages


674 Points

Wiki admins are cancer basically.

11 Messages


438 Points

I smell sour grapes!

2 Messages


82 Points

James King went from an editor to an admin of Wikipedia in only 3 hours once he thought the scenario benefited his stance.
Being affiliated with Wikipedia is not something that screams of credibility.

11 Messages


438 Points

You are presumably unaware that all admins are editors first and foremost! We're not a different breed. We don't work for Wikipedia. We're volunteers like anyone else. We are elected by other editors. We spend most of our time on WP editing just like anyone else. We sometimes get frustrated with what some other editors (including admins) do just like anyone else.

I smell the nasty smell of more sour grapes. Obviously there are a few people here who didn't like their soapboxes being kicked from under them at some point.

10 Messages


674 Points

Wiki admins seem to think they're some sort of know-it-all academics. Yes when you apply for college definitely let them know that you're a Wiki admin and see how much they care xD

222 Messages


6.4K Points

I am a Wikipedia editor, but frankly some administrators get involved in arguments when they don't even understand the topic of a debate. 

28 Messages


1.3K Points

Yup. Deadline passed and character searching via the search box is completely dead. Searching for Ugarte, as posed here, returns a couple of hundred real people but not one single fictional or dramatised real person. Not one.

IMDb is now, officially dead. Time of death: November 2017.
<Switches off EKG machine...>

28 Messages


1.3K Points

Yup. Deadline passed and character searching via the search box is completely dead. Searching for Ugarte, as posed here, returns a couple of hundred real people but not one single fictional or dramatised real person. Not one.

IMDb is now, officially dead. Time of death: November 2017.
<Switches off EKG machine...>

2K Messages


47K Points

7 years ago

Hi Nic,

What do you mean by "Archiving a poll"? Our polls have ongoing vote totals attached to them, so will this function be able to transfer over from a character poll to an image poll?

Thanks and let me know when you can.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points


Nic meant that you can export your character list to a CSV (comma separated variable) file. This file has the following information for each choice in the list:
  • position - order of the choice in the list
  • const - character ID (for instance: ch0008316)
  • created - date created
  • modified - date modified
  • description - text include in the description
  • Name - name of the character

The exported CSV file does not include the description of the list which is shown at the top of the page.

For example for your list:
Movie Redheads

You can export this list by clicking Export this list at the bottom of the page.

You can also save the html version of the poll page on many browsers.

Finally, you can also use the Internet Archive to archive the list, poll and poll results.

I've archived this poll:
Movie Redheads

3 Messages


266 Points

Yeah but I don't have time to go through everything & save them right now especially before Dec 6, I'm going to be extremely busy until the middle of December! I'm very upset about this! I wonder when it will be available & how different it will be then or will it ever be even close to what we've had all this time!

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

IKR. The timing is very crummy too.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

7 years ago

Thanks for the advanced notice.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

7 years ago

1. As part of this change, IMDb will no long be supporting character lists
and polls after Dec 6, 2017.  If you wish to retain your past Character
polls, they recommend recreating any Character Lists as an Image List
and then building the poll using the new image list. They apologize for
any inconvenience this has caused, and want to stress the decision to
deprecate their existing Character experience has been an extremely
difficult one.

2. To aid your effort in identifying your character polls, I’ve created
this list of 843 character polls as of 8-Nov-2017. The polls are sorted
in descending order of votes on the first tab and by author on the
second tab.


3. If I have your email address, I will also send this message to you via
email along with a copy of the Excel spreadsheet.

4. I recommend recreating your live character polls and pending polls as
soon as practical. IMDb is unlikely to extend their deadline and will
probably make the change at midnight GMT (London Standard Time).

5. IMDb will be adding additional wording on the site. For example, we’ll
include a large message on the character pages themselves, referencing
the Get Satisfaction message.

6. The images (which are associated to a specific title/name will still be
visible on the new character pages).  In general, if you add a
still_frame to a title and tag it to a name, it will automatically
appear on the new character page.  The same is true for a quote.  If a
quote is added to a name for a specific title, it will automatically
appear on the new character page.  A new character page will “exist” if
it has at least 1 quote/image

7. Recasting a poll from a character based poll to an image based poll
will effectively create a new poll with no voting history.

8. At this time, IMDb is unable to transfer poll counts to the new poll.

9. It’s not realistic to recreate all existing polls; I recommend
reviewing the top character polls and recreating those as new polls, but
not the full list.  Please note, anyone who has a poll taker badge will
still have the same “count” post taking down the character polls.

10. When someone accesses a character based list or poll on and after December 6,
2017, the user well see a 404 (page not found) error.

11. I am attempting to archive as many of the character polls as possible on the Internet Archive (
I am archiving the polls with the most votes first. Many of the lists,
polls and poll results may already be archived. However, I would not
count on these being archive. For instance, I’ve specifically archive
this poll to the Internet Archive:
Poll: Who Are You?
Poll Results:*/

12. I will create a separate thread where you can post the links to polls
that you’ve converted from character polls to image polls. It’s not
practical to push all of the recreated polls at once. The recreated
polls still need to be reviewed to ensure they will work properly. The
admin will push a certain number of recreated polls per day while still
pushing new polls.

Ideally, the original authors for polls will have
preference over other authors. Given the short suspense time, this may
not be practical.

2K Messages


47K Points


I know this will take a lot of hardwork and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it is incredibly appreciated.

So when you say:

Please note, anyone who has a poll taker badge will still have the same “count” post taking down the character polls.
1. Does this mean our cumulative vote total won't change i.e. If I am at 250,000 now, I will be at this amount post the termination of character polls?

2. And if we re-push the existing character-based polls with image polls, they will effectively start at 0 votes?

Thanks and let me know, I'm curious about what this change will entail.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points


From a practical point of view, I will treat the the image version of an existing character based poll as a new poll.

We will not be re-pushing the character polls as images polls. We will be pushing new image based polls that are essentially the same as your existing character based polls.

The newly pushed image based polls will start at zero votes. IMDb does not have a means of transferring votes from one poll to another.

I have a record of the votes for all of the live polls over time. I will maintain the votes for all of your character polls even though they will disappear on December 6, 2017

My total count of your polls will not be affected. However, if there is an images version of a poll and a recreated images version of the poll, these will count as two separate polls.

Your vote totals should not be affected. An IMDb staff member manually places the Poll Maker Badge on your profile page. Your Poll Maker Badge is not dependent on IMDb's totals for your votes and will not disappear when the character based polls are deprecated.

Once a character based poll disappears, IMDb's vote history for those polls will disappear. This should be reflected on the profile page of people who voted in these polls recently.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Thanks Dan, as always. You are the "Polls Champion" we need and I think you deserve more recognition from the powers that be.

Just to clarify, any published character polls that are made into image polls will be published but will not retain any votes and will be starting from scratch in that regard?



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

Yes, any published character polls that are made into image polls will be published but will not retain any votes and will be starting from scratch in that regard.

For instance, if you recreate your second most voted on poll:
That guy is everywhere!

... as a image based poll, the title will be the same, but the votes for the images based version will a different voting history.

On December 6, 2017, the original character list, poll and poll results will disappear.

Fortunately, I just archived these three web pages on the Internet Archive.*/*/*/

There may be multiple archives of these pages.

Please note: Unless, I have specifically archived poll related pages, the Internet Archive may not have an archived version.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

I re-read what I just posted above and it appears that I'm promising that we will push all recreated polls based on character polls. That was not my intent.

The admins still have to review recreated polls and will push as appropriate.

3 Messages


266 Points

I don't understand how to do this, I clicked on your link but I can't click on anything on the page, it doesn't go anywhere. Does this mean I have to type the name in the search box to go to the polls & then proceed from there?

2 Messages


530 Points

7 years ago

Very disappointing.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

7 years ago


An image may be accessed via two different URLs (links), one from the title page and another from the character page.

For example:

Are links for the same image.

If the character page URL is used instead of title page URL to make the image list, will there be any problem after Dec 6?

= = =

In essence, when a character appears in multiple titles, there will be a character page for each title. A character page is defined explicitly by the title ID and name ID. Is this correct?

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Harrison Ford: Han Solo

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Harrison Ford: Han Solo

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Harrison Ford: Han Solo

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Harrison Ford: Han Solo

= = =

Will this kind of link will work after December 6, 2017?
Harrison Ford



59 Messages


2.5K Points

Hi Dan,
Per your question:
>>If the character page URL is used instead of title page URL to make the image list, will there be any problem after Dec 6?

Yes, the character URL will be going away after Dec 6th.  Do not reference any URL that has a chconst since those URLs will be removed. You should instead use the title or name image URL as the source of the image link.  Please note in your example, those are actually 2 different images (duplicates).  They have different rmconsts

They are both in the title gallery so the image exists but you'll need a URL with a title/name path to access it

Hope that makes sense.




19.4K Messages


476.5K Points


Thank you for the quick response. You confirmed what I suspected that any link that includes a character ID will be deprecated and will return a 404 (page not found) error on and after December 6, 2017.



4.8K Messages


98.5K Points

OH MY GOD...!!!

Almost 90% of my 'Image' polls, I used images from character pages. Those all will be deleted...!!!

I have lost my hope...1 Million votes is not possible...and I can't update so many polls...




19.4K Messages


476.5K Points


Only 10 of your polls are based on character lists. These are the only polls that will be deprecated. Your remaining polls will have missing images. Although onerous, these can be repaired over time as needed.

And, yes, when I first heard about this change six days ago, I understood the implication for the IMDb polls beyond the character based polls.

34 Messages


1.1K Points

7 years ago

How do you access the new character pages, without manipulating URL's?



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points


From what I can tell, you can only get to the new character pages by going to a title page. For instance, if you go to the title page for Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) (, you will see links for all of the characters:
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, etc. These links go to the new character pages.

If you do a search for the character Han Solo, using the drop down, this will still bring you to older version of the character page for Han Solo:

You will also see this note:
ALERT: All Character pages will be turned off on Dec 6th 2017.
Please see the IMDb GetSatisfaction Character announcement for details.

34 Messages


1.1K Points

Not for me.  For me, the character links go to the existing pages, not the new URL's.

That alert on the character pages is how I learned about this to begin with.  So that's sort of like pointing out a detour sign that got me to where I ended up in the first place.



14.3K Messages


329.1K Points

Perhaps you are using the old reference/combined view for title pages? If so, the new links should still be on the Full Cast & Crew pages.



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

Per Peter's comment ... please go to your site settings at and ensure both "Always display full cast and crew credits" and "Show reference view (old title/name page layout)" are unchecked.   

34 Messages


1.1K Points

How do I maintain the old layout with those unchecked?  The newer layout is useless at best.  Could the better layout be updated to refer to the newer character pages?  Would make much more sense to make that change, than for millions of users to change their preferences.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

How do I maintain the old layout with those unchecked?
There is no way to maintain the old layout with the "Always display full cast and crew credits" and "Show reference view (old title/name page layout)" unchecked. Unchecking the these items forces the display of IMDb's preferred supported format.

IMDb is allowing users to use the old layout, but not making any changes to it.

34 Messages


1.1K Points

I can understand a lack of enhancement updates to legacy pages, but important consistency updates (ie, not allowing links to become dead or malformed) should still be included.  I imagine such an update to the legacy layout should take less than five minutes to accomplish, and would prevent IMDb from breaking within itself.



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

Would make much more sense to make that change, than for millions of users to change their preferences.
It's nowhere near millions of users, and once you take into account the number of people who have chosen these options accidentally without realizing they are stepping 7+ years into the past, it's barely even in the "hundreds of users" range, sorry.  The pages are unsupported, and for a variety of reasons, we cannot make any changes to them despite the long list of bugs which have accumulated since 2010. 

1 Message


262 Points

7 years ago

First watchlist, now characters pages... Very dissapointing changes indeed. Please, stop ruining IMDB



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

7 years ago

When remaking already published polls, I was thinking of trying to put the remade poll options in the order of the votes as they are right now and put the vote counts in the description areas for each option. For example, here is one I already remade vs. the current version:

Current poll as published:

Is this acceptable/advisable? Or should the list just be remade in the order/manner that it is right now and thus completely lose any evidence of previous vote totals?



14.3K Messages


329.1K Points

Personally I would prefer a poll that is aimed at new voters rather than trying to preserve old votes.



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Good to know Peter. But that wasn't my question.

131 Messages


2.2K Points

I like your idea Jen, I'd like to do it too if it's acceptable. It's sad to lose records of the previous votes :(



4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

Pea, since no one "in charge" has responded, I'm going to go ahead and do it. It's easy enough to switch the new list/poll back to the order the first version was in.

And Peter, I'm not going to redo all of my live character polls, just the ones with the most votes, plus a few that are dear to my heart (that were inspired by family or friends).



14.3K Messages


329.1K Points

The question is about poll content, so it is something to discuss with poll admins.

Dan has described his efforts to preserve the record of previous votes, so why should new polls do the same?




4.3K Messages


88.6K Points

If we have to re-make them anyways...

262 Messages


8.2K Points

7 years ago

So far, what I'm getting from this is a filter for anyone to see a character's quotes on a specific title. Fair enough. But when I click a character page link, I expect and NEED to be taken to the main character page! There should be a link in place to be taken to the main character page, getting rid of it does no one any good.

34 Messages


1.1K Points

Indeed.  It's especially helpful with TV shows, as you can see quotes from all episodes they were in.  I'm all in favor of making them less wikipedia like (in that people can update with crap vs reliable information), but give us ways to find connections, quotes, etc, without having to search multiple titles.



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

It's especially helpful with TV shows, as you can see quotes from all episodes they were in.
This is a known issue with the current implementation, sorry.  We have recorded the requirement to roll-up all of the episode quotes to the character page as a future enhancement.  It will be a while as we need to complete all of the future technology enhancements first, please see



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

I expect and NEED to be taken to the main character page
The new pages are the main character pages; although you can still navigate to the old /character/ pages if you know the URL (and, temporarily, search for them) they have effectively been retired, and in early December will simply result in a 404 "dead page" error, sorry. 

262 Messages


8.2K Points

I'm sorry but at this point (and even adjusting my site settings, as mentioned above) I do not see any proper character pages appearing. I can only assume that these  character pages are still being updated/construction.



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

I can only assume that these  character pages are still being updated/construction.
No, sorry, what you see is what you get.  For example, from Nic's message at the start of the thread, for Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back, the character data is

222 Messages


6.4K Points

If I want to find a quote, I don't use the Internet Movie Database. That is what Wikiquote is all about. 

79 Messages


1.6K Points

7 years ago

What if I voted on a character poll .. the count of that vote will be removed?



4.8K Messages


98.5K Points


After Dec 6, all the character polls and character lists will show Error 404 message. So you can't open or vote on those polls.

Previous poll vote counts will not be changed.

During this time, you can re-create your character polls by creating image lists for those character lists. Those new polls will be published later.


79 Messages


1.6K Points

What about if I vote on these polls now before dec 6th .. will my vote count or it will be removed .. (I'm talking about how many polls I voted)



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points


I'm assuming you are talking about your votes on the individual poll pages and on your profile pages. The current behavior is votes in character polls will be shown for the most recent votes. If you were to not vote for awhile eventually the votes on your profile page will be old enough not to be shown.

On December 6, 2017, if you have votes for character polls those will no longer be shown.

Internal vote count on IMDb in theory should not change. My external count of votes on IMDb polls will definitely not change. However, I only track votes for polls not by individual users. Vote tallies for individual users is only available within IMDb.

IMDb staff (Nic Bachhumber, Col Needham or someone else) will have to verify this statement.

If you are referring to the count at the bottom of your profile page:
Total polls answered:

IMDb staff will need to answer that question.



59 Messages


2.5K Points

Hi Dan,
The poll count at the bottom of your profile page will not change.
Total polls answered: xx

1 Message


300 Points

7 years ago

It's a remarkably stupid idea to delete productive content in order to justify uniformity of ephemeral "user experience". But let's pretend this was the right way to proceed, in general. I'm less concerned about moving/recreating character polls than about other associated content, specifically, bios, cross-links and searchability. While much of IMDb use is effectively fandom or trying to recall the cast in a particular movie, character pages that had content had served effectively as research vehicles. Removing bios, cross-links and searches by character name effectively kills IMDb as a research tool (much as Google Books lost research value once Google removed chronological listings).

To make matters worse, this will make series pages effectively useless. There's already a proble in trying to decipher cast & characters of any show with more than 3 episodes. Inability to search for non-lead characters makes pages for these shows completely superficial.

Hopefully, search features will be restored sooner rather than later. But the proper way of handling the transition would've been to archive the content being eliminated (except polls) and offer the link to that content at the bottom of new character pages. Why this was not done is puzzling. The whole premise is that there's an insufficient number of content-specific character pages, so archiving them would not be a burden. And both archiving and linking could've been automated without much cost. Instead, we got stupid, stupid, stupid...



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

Hopefully, search features will be restored sooner rather than later. But the proper way of handling the transition would've been to archive the content being eliminated (except polls) and offer the link to that content at the bottom of new character pages.
Unfortunately the character content exists only in a system which is being removed for reasons covered in so it's not practical to archive it and attach it to the new pages, sorry.  It's also never a good idea for us to publish static content which cannot be updated as there will be errors frozen within it. 

3 Messages


160 Points

7 years ago

While the temporary disappearence of the old character pages is sad, that new feature/improvement is very welcome!

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Is it temporary? The IMDb staff have indicated nothing of the sort.

262 Messages


8.2K Points

One hopes it's temporary. And it's to the benefit of IMDb to have character pages.



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

It is not temporary at all -- as shown in the message on all the old character pages, they will be retired in early December. 

The new character pages are, as in the example at the start of the thread, now in the form of -- we are committed to providing a better search experience for characters in 2018, but the new pages themselves are what they are already. 

262 Messages


8.2K Points

I have spent (and am still spending) a great deal of time/work on developing/updating character pages, and as a contributor it aches and frustrates to hear that they will be discarded.

All I can do is wait and see how this "better search experience for characters" turns out.



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

I have spent (and am still spending)
Please do not spend any time adding / updating the old character pages.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

Although IMDb will not explicitly archive the character pages, they may survive in part via the Internet Archive. For instance,
Jesse James (Character)
IMDb Page:
Summary of Snapshots:*/
Latest Snapshot:

17 Messages


1.2K Points

IMDB destroyed users' contribution in character pages, users' character lists and made impossible for users to search in which other titles the same characters appear. This decision is unbelievably stupid! It is nonsense.



19.4K Messages


476.5K Points

I've created a list of the Internet Archive of the first 1000 character pages. A small sample of character pages shows that all of the pages examined have been archived.

I've posted the list on my Blog on Google.

Links to Internet Archive of Character Pages

This is a sample of the first 10 pages:

Character Code / Link to Archived Page / Character Name 

ch0000001 Archive Jesse James
ch0000002 Archive Han Solo
ch0000003 Archive Mace Windu
ch0000004 Archive Obi-Wan Kenobi
ch0000005 Archive Darth Vader
ch0000006 Archive Qui-Gon Jinn
ch0000007 Archive James Bond
ch0000008 Archive Princess Leia Organa
ch0000009 Archive Atton Rand
ch0000010 Archive Visas Marr

222 Messages


6.4K Points

If I remember correctly, I first discovered the Internet Movie Database two decades ago, because I was searching for a list of character appearances by Dracula. The character pages were one of my favorite features. 

28 Messages


1.3K Points

I'm with you Dimos. 10 Months on and no replacement solution to the deprecated search tool.

R.I.P. IMDb.

4 Messages


690 Points

7 years ago

Nooo..... :(

I loved this function, despite it's (minor) faults.
Removing it altogether means removing access to a source of information ('what titles had a Sherlock Holmes character in it, and who played them') for which it will be hard to get a good and easily accessible answer, without IMDb.
I mean, even if the data wasn't 100% correct or complete all of the time, it was still the most comprehensive and most easily accessible source for this kind of information that I know of. Besides: even if there are other websites where I can find an answer; I don't really want to have to do that, because I go to IMDb for my film/series information. For a number of reasons. :/

I also feel like you could have taken other steps than deciding to remove the function altogether. You could have made it more accessible to 'crowd-sourcing' the addition and correcting of incomplete/incorrect data on the character pages. I have found myself correcting the occasional entry now and then, and I found the process a little tedious. Nevertheless, like I said the function certainly has/had it's merit.

Also, after deleting the Message boards, I hope this trend of removing functionality from the IMDb website isn't going to continue much further. :(



7.2K Messages


178.6K Points

The correct way to do this is with a proper data model tied to the underlying credit database, backed with a full search; available across all IMDb interfaces. Once this is built, you will be able to find all instances of a character name across titles without requiring another contributor to have done essentially duplicate work to manually add each character credit to a separate character page.  

The old character pages will not return and there will be a temporary loss in functionality as part of the program described at until we can rebuild the character search function the proper way. 

4 Messages


690 Points

How long is temporary? What I don't understand is why the old function has to go before a replacement is implemented. People are still using the current functionality.

When you are improving things, can you find a way to improve the "Lists" function? Lists could theoretically be a fun and valuable way of discovering new films. But 99% of the lists are "500 films that I have seen" and "100 hot actresses". Not of any added value to anyone.

17 Messages


1.2K Points

IMDB destroyed users' contribution in character pages, users' character lists and made impossible for users to search in which other titles the same characters appear. This decision is unbelievably stupid! It is nonsense.

222 Messages


6.4K Points

"Besides: even if there are other websites where I can find an answer; "

Do you have a list of such websites? I will need alternatives to the Internet Movie Database. 

1 Message


104 Points

It may seem that IMDb won't survive losing important features like character pages, message boards (forum), etc.  However, remember it is owned by Amazon.  With that kind of backing, it won't go away.  It will just become less useful and receive less use, leading to less clicks on ads.  Fortunately, there's a workaround for the lack of character pages:  Google.  Write your searches carefully, with keywords and quotes, like: "harrison ford" "han solo"

It's not a complete replacement, but it helps.

@dimos_dicoudis: See alternatives to IMDB at