

November 17th, 2017

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4 years ago

IMDb, could you please review submission #210531-220806-342000...? This is regarding splitting two people with similar names (but spelled differently). Even though I know this correction to be true, I managed to find an actual audio podcast wherein the person in question discussed for over 45

posted a problem

June 3, 2021

4 years ago

IMDb, could you please review submission #210531-220806-342000...? This is regarding splitting two people with similar names (but spelled differently). Even though I know this correction to be true, I managed to find an actual audio podcast wherein the person in question discussed for over 45

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4 years ago

Any chance of you designating someone to whom profile photos of deceased / pre-1945 actors / actresses may be submitted?I have run across so many Silent film era stars who have no profile foto. They're long gone and will never have a profile foto per your current Pro-account only submission policy,

Hey @jeorj_euler, thank you for this input! I've seen your incredible help on other pages too.  Unrelated question for you.  I've always been curious about the "studio partners" that you mentioned.  Other than having some say in the p


May 25, 2021

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4 years ago

Same response I received regarding my Dad. I don’t understand why they can’t allow us to upload a photo free for those who have passed. It should be in respect —— to those who in fact have built the site with their hard work and craft through films

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4 years ago

Respecting actors and artists by displaying their photos posthumously is a no brainer, yes their memories will live on through their films but iMDB should champion their memory online. Brian Becker

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4 years ago

IMDB did the same with my parents photos. Both deceased and photos were removed. Makes NO SENSE running a database without DATA. SMH

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4 years ago

A few years back, I helped advise on the formerly miscellaneous crew job positions that needed to be migrated into the new location management category, but I noticed today that we missed a major one. Could you please assist now with moving "film commissioner" (and all of its iterations, such as "f

EXAMPLES OF PEOPLE WITH "FILM COMMISSIONER" JOB TITLES WHO WORK ENTIRELY IN THE LOCATION DEPARTMENT Sharon Pinkenson of Philadelphia Ami Zins of Oakland Marshall D. Moore of Utah Andy Edmunds of Virginia Kenny Boyce of Winnipeg Guy Gaster and Aaron

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4 years ago

A few years back, I helped advise on the formerly miscellaneous crew job positions that needed to be migrated into the new location management category, but I noticed today that we missed a major one. Could you please assist now with moving "film commissioner" (and all of its iterations, such as "f

I didn’t say they are location managers, but they do location department work under the direction of the supervising location manager. And, as I noted before, if somebody has the same job title, but works in a different capacity (the exception

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4 years ago

A few years back, I helped advise on the formerly miscellaneous crew job positions that needed to be migrated into the new location management category, but I noticed today that we missed a major one. Could you please assist now with moving "film commissioner" (and all of its iterations, such as "f

* Sharon Pinkenson (correction)