PaperSplash's profile

7 Messages


262 Points

Friday, August 13th, 2021 9:30 PM


Two policy questions about voice credits.

1. For animated titles and video games, I understand we are allowed to list both the original-language cast and the English-language cast. If there are two sets of screen credits for said casts, should the original-language cast be listed first?

2. If a voice actor has their name listed with a character name in screen credits, but the voice actor is known to voice more character(s) than the ones they're listed for on-screen, should those unlisted character(s) be listed on this site?

Accepted Solution



14.1K Messages


326.7K Points

3 years ago

Regarding the second question: the uncredited characters can be listed, according to previous replies:

when should multiple roles be listed in imdb credits (see Will's reply)

7 Messages


262 Points

@Peter_pbn That was informative. Thank you.

7 Messages


262 Points

3 years ago

Still looking for answers to these questions.



17K Messages


308.8K Points

3 years ago

Hi PaperSplash -

To help with your first question, the cast order should be based on the original release of the title, so if the title is a Japanese animated title that was later released with an English-language cast, the Japanese-language performers should be listed first, followed by the English-language performers.  For example see the cast listing for "Howl's Moving Castle".

I hope this helps!