gromit82's profile



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022 1:32 AM

No Status


TV release types

In the discussion at I had a question about how to submit a release date for a TV show which was shown on different days in different parts of the same country. (I'm in the USA and was dealing with a TV special which is syndicated and shown in different cities on different days.)

IMDb staffer Dominic explained that in the new contribution interface:

'Broadcast on TV' is intended to infer that a title had a wide distribution, there should be no additional information submitted with a release of this type (i.e. additional attributes)

If there is a specific case of a limited distribution, e.g. was only available in a certain town/city, additional information can be added by selecting Release Type - Other, then entering the attribute information as you would have previously.

I note that when submitting a release date for a movie, there is a warning that says, "For movies, an empty attribute field implies a nationwide theatrical release. If submitting a movie release which was distributed differently, please see our attribute guidelines for more information on what to use." However, there is no comparable warning when submitting a release date for a TV special.

Currently the primary release types for a TV show say:

  • On a streaming service (free or paid)
  • Broadcast on TV
  • Physical media (e.g. Blu-Ray, DVD)
  • Unknown
  • Other (not listed above)

I would like to suggest that the "Broadcast on TV" type be clarified to say "Broadcast on TV (nationwide)" since that is the intention. As you can see from the above, there is enough space there to do so since that line should still be shorter than the line above it, "On a streaming service (free or paid)".

After all, a one-city or limited broadcast still counts as being "broadcast on TV", but does not count as being "broadcast on TV (nationwide)".




14.2K Messages


327.8K Points

2 years ago

It might also make sense to mention local/syndicated TV releases in the guidelines.



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

10 months ago

I'm going to bump this thread. The fact that "Broadcast on TV" is supposed to imply "nationwide" broadcasting, despite not saying so, was confusing to me last year, and was still confusing other contributors (see

As I pointed out, there is enough room to insert the word (nationwide) so that the release type could say "Broadcast on TV (nationwide)" and not mislead contributors.



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @gromit82​ -

Thanks for bumping this older Idea post.  I have raised the release type request  with our Policy team for review.