gromit82's profile



7.6K Messages


277.7K Points

Monday, November 21st, 2022 1:47 AM



Television release date attributes?

I'm submitting a Christmas-themed TV special which airs in syndication throughout the U.S. on different days.  I noticed that when submitting the Release Date for this new title, under Release Date, I selected "Broadcast on TV" -- and the form then indicated that additional information was "Not required", and no additional information could even be submitted for the attribute. Am I correct in saying that IMDb no longer wants any attribute to indicate which city the show is first broadcast in, or that a broadcast release date is (limited) in that the show was aired in only a few cities on a particular day?



136 Messages


4.6K Points

2 years ago

Hi gromit82, thanks for your question.  To confirm, the recent changes to the contribution interface are intended to aid contribution and make it clearer for the majority of use cases (although there may be some exceptions). There has been no change to the policy of how we store of display release date information. As always the information submitted with a release date should define the type of release. 'Broadcast on TV' is intended to infer that a title had a wide distribution, there should be no additional information submitted with a release of this type (i.e. additional attributes) If there is a specific case of a limited distribution, e.g. was only available in a certain town/city, additional information can be added by selecting Release Type - Other, then entering the attribute information as you would have previously. I hope this helps.



7.6K Messages


277.7K Points

@Dominic​ Thanks. I will follow up with a separate "idea" thread regarding this.