

17.7K Messages


316K Points

Sunday, December 3rd, 2023 3:29 AM

Top Contributor Leaderboard for November 2023 + Sneak Peek for the 2023 End of Year Standings

  Hi all!Please find below the link to November’s top contributor standings. Top Contributors of November 2023Anyone who has successfully contributed over 100 items in that period will be able to see their total and position at the head of the leaderboard, even those who didn't make the top 1000. Each contributor can also be clicked to view that person’s previous standings - dating as far back as March 2021, when we first started posting these on Sprinklr. Congratulations to everyone who placed and as ever, many, many thanks to all those who contributed last month.Now, as we approach the end of the year we thought you would appreciate a sneak peek at the current overall standings for the whole of 2023. Top Contributors of 2023These are still subject to change as contributions continue to come in over the next 4 weeks (although admittedly it would take a monumental effort to overthrow Nomissimon at this point!). Whilst December’s numbers are being tallied, we will be updating this leaderboard once a week on the following dates, so that you can keep track of your progress in the build up to the final standings:8th December15th December22nd DecemberSubmissions will continue to be counted up until the 31st December, so make sure to get them in before then if you want them counted (but please do bear in mind our Processing Times as anything contributed too late may not be processed in time to count!). As ever, please do feel free to join the discussion below!

155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

Mission accomplished. I will be in the Top 300, no matter what. 🐯​ Not bad, too, once you consider I practically only started contributing since June / July this year ... PS: Overthrowing the current (and final #1) will not be a tremendous effort, but impossible. User #2-5 would have to join forces with an entirely new account, submit as much as they did before, and more, and make sure to tie #1 up, so he can't contribute) and even then it is a close call, since we are currently 3 days in December already. Hehehe.


200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ 66,113 so far this month. Entertaining PS to read. Congrats on the top 300! If you want some extra information on your all time position provide me with your username or IMDb account id :)

155 Messages


2K Points

@Nomissimon10​  How do you do that? Do you sleep, too? ^^ My alltime position should pretty much be the one in the sneak list. I've had basically close to no submissions prior to my engagement as of this June; so I only had a gold trivia badge, and a silver lifetime. Now, it sure looks a little more gold-ish... But here you go: https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/contributor/ur4054614/?ref_=lb_lb_cn I'd be far more interested in the current top mini bio writer list. Will my count (1111, to be precise), be enough to make the list this year?

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ The contributions are automated so yes I do sleep :P The data about position and such is just compiled from all sources of information such as yearly top positions, yearly contributor lists, monthly contributor leaderboards etc. However specifically your mini bio writer contributions I can not figure out. Sorry. However, your all time contributions puts you at approx. 561 place. Even though you have only contributed 6 months. Comparing you to #500 place

155 Messages


2K Points

@Nomissimon10​  Thank you.That's quite a decent place, for 6 Months contributing... I do not yet know if I'll be able to keep that up next year, though. Many of the items I've submitted were web mini series, and the videos these creators have made over the years. So, of course, they won't make as much in one year...  I'll update them regularily, of course, but it is quite possible I'll fall in the lists... We'll see. I've also set my sights on the Plot Summary Writer Badge. Who knows...


200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ I wish you good luck for the rest of the year and in the year to come. ~45k is already a massive amount of contributions you should be happy with :) I might update this post with some info about your ratings and such if you are interested


155 Messages


2K Points

@Nomissimon10​  Thank you again. I am happy about my profile-site. It looks nice 😁​(Aside from the Oscar badge, I do not care about Oscars, but I will not un-vote for what I've seen, just so the badge disappears). Regarding the Ratings: Go ahead. 😁​

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​  Ratings https://ibb.co/QYmf2HVhttps://ibb.co/w6M6Ky9https://ibb.co/nfwZJr2https://ibb.co/vPqCvqNhttps://ibb.co/TbTTJZ3https://ibb.co/xGckhGphttps://ibb.co/PcBZ83khttps://ibb.co/qsTDpHqhttps://ibb.co/9rw7fDBhttps://ibb.co/GHmKst4https://ibb.co/vLkD6Mn Contributorhttps://ibb.co/7rDPF2C Achievements/Badgeshttps://ibb.co/47HZVTj

155 Messages


2K Points

@Nomissimon10​  Very interesting. Question regarding the Badges: What do the numbers in the brackets mean (13/30) etc.? Could be the seperate Levels of the Badge (1,5,10....)?


200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ Total obtainable. Usually regarding contribution badges 1 million is the max. So it is all the steps per badge.

155 Messages


2K Points

@Nomissimon10​  Thought so - see my edit. Hmm. That means I'm even further from the next Filmo Update than I thought... Oh, well. My, my. Then you basically are stuck at 1000000+ with those badges where you already have them. I've always wondered why it won't update to the next level and figured that 1Mil+ must therefore be the limit.Maybe the Staff can implement new levels for those elitists that surpassed the 1 Mil+ at one point? Couldn't be that difficult, right? I find it very interesting to look at your profile. Don't you want to golden up those silver and bronze badges, at some point ;)

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ Yeah, I should probably work on those

155 Messages


2K Points

Go ahead! 😉​ Trivia is actually pretty easy. That was my first Goldy, and up until late June this year, only one! Name can be difficult, just as Bio. In the latter case: Go for the lesser known Individuals, even Athletes ( 😉​ ). New Names can also easily be added by checking the end-credits with regards to thanks/special thanks. (I've seen a short lately with 68 ST-Credits, none of which was listed here, so within the blink of an eye I've created round about 40 new names)...

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ Thanks for the tip

155 Messages


2K Points

Anytime :-) I've just added some more episodes, even three new shows, which, if they are approved, will mean some more contributions for me. I've also found a show already listed, but in catastrophical data condition. I'll have to clean that up and can than continue updating it. @ Col. Needham: Do I have to send you my bank connections at some point ^^


8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

1 year ago

@Michelle 😁 Wayback Machine You list the totals.How many Names, Titles, Reviews etc did the top Contributors contribute ??How many IMDb Employees added how many Names & Titles ??   Display "Date Added to IMDb" to Names & Titles pages for better stats?? Top Contributors of November 2023  https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2023/11/ Rank  1 - Nomissimon10        1,526,283 approved items     50,876 per 24 hour day |1,695 per hour | 28 per minute??     ___ % of total November ___ approved items ??     all from same IP address ??     Nomissimon10  IMDb member since July 2019   Rank  2 - inespape-1                  283,984 approved itemsRank  3 - formulakaz                  251,379 approved itemsRank  4 - tatjanagreindl              214,389 approved itemsRank  5 - plomenzo                    107,674 approved itemsRank  6 - supermarketuldefilme 102,368 approved itemsRank  7 - cinelamour                    71,395 approved itemsRank  8 - ron_whisky                   48,208 approved itemsRank  9 - prudi-272-737983       36,029 approved itemsRank 10 - raympretorius             33,316 approved itemsRank 83 - Col Needham              5,868 approved itemssprinklr memberCol Needham IMDb member since October 1990 = = = Top Contributors of October 2023 https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/top-contributor-leaderboard-for-october-2023/6545176e43701a436f571f23 https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2023/10/ Rank  1 Nomissimon10 3,658,263 approved items            118,008 per 24 hour day | 4,917 per hour | 82 per minute ??              ___ % of total October ___ approved items ??https://www.imdb.com/user/ur105395432/ https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/contributor/ur105395432 Rank  2 plomenzo         508,717 approved itemsRank  3 formulakaz       392,971 approved itemsRank  4 SkipEastport     310,007 approved itemsRank  5 inespape-1       296,711 approved itemsRank  6 Perspicuity1     124,111 approved itemsRank  7 tatjanagreindl   103,376 approved itemsRank  8 cinelamour        71,210 approved itemsRank  9 ron_whisky        47,568 approved itemsRank 10 dbassler1304    43,295 approved items Rank 114  Col Needham 4,339 approved items. = = =  Top Contributors of September 2023https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/top-contributor-leaderboard-for-september-2023/651bf5a63fb15832f35e72d6 https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2023/9/ Rank 1  Nomissimon10   3,032,723 approved  items               101,090 per 24 hour day.   4,212 per hour.  70 per minute ??   Rank  2  SkipEastport    366,922 approved  itemsRank  3  formulakaz      305,472 approved itemsRank  4  inespape-1      287,045 approved itemsRank  5  Perspicuity1     236,672 approved itemsRank  6  plomenzo        213,437 approved itemsRank  7  cinelamour        69,355 approved itemsRank  8  tatjanagreindl   47,784 approved itemsRank  9  Woodyanders   39,990 approved itemsRank 10 raympretorius  32,016 approved items Rank 108  Col Needham   4,546  approved items. = = = Top Contributor Leaderboard for August 2023https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/top-contributor-leaderboard-for-august-2023/64f739aff78b88060a46b120 https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2023/8/ Rank  1 SkipEastport        542,960 approved items.             17,514 per day, 730 per hour??Rank  2 Nomissimon10    395,275 approved items.Rank  3 inespape-1          320,668 approved items. Rank  4 formulakaz          256,698 approved items. Rank  5 Perspicuity1         224,994 approved items.Rank  6 daanishichsanme 114,551 approved items.Rank  7 cinelamour            86,830 approved items.Rank  8 tatjanagreindl       69,670 approved items. Rank  9 plomenzo             60,746 approved items.Rank 10 descartes95         56,174 approved items. Rank 72  Col Needham      6,668 approved items. = = = 30,258,300 Titles Dec 1 2023 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30258300/ 29,712,700 Titles Nov 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29712700/ 29,360,000 Titles Oct 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29360000/  28,900,000 Titles Sep 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28900000/  28,520,000 Titles Aug 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28520000/  28,270,000 Titles July 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28270000/ - - - 15,494,600 Names  Dec 1 2023 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15494600/  15,417,050 Names  Nov 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15417050/ 15,310,000 Names  Oct 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15310000/     15,220,000 Names  Sep 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15220000/ 15,104,000 Names  Aug 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15104000/    15,000,000 Names July 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15000000/ - - -    9,466,500 Reviews  Dec 1 2023 https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9466500/ 9,409,100 Reviews  Nov 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9409100/    9,350,000 Reviews  Oct 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9350000/  9,296,000 Reviews  Sep 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9296000/   9,230,800 Reviews  Aug 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9230800/   9,160,000 Reviews July 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9160000/ - - - MartinHafer | planktonrulesSun Jun 8 2003https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2467618/ https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2467618/reviews - 28,937 Reviews  TheLittleSongbirdFri Jan 30 2009https://www.imdb.com/user/ur20552756/ https://www.imdb.com/user/ur20552756/reviews - 21,300 Reviews  lor_Mon Jul 30 2001https://www.imdb.com/user/ur1287548/ https://www.imdb.com/user/ur1287548/reviews -  18,195 Reviews  bkoganbingSun Jun 15 2003https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2483625/ https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2483625/reviews - 17,612 Reviews    SnoopyStyleDec 2003https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2898520/ https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2898520/reviews - 17,609 Reviews- - -     173,465,037 Users Dec 1 2023 https://www.imdb.com/user/ur173465037/ 172,187,082 Users Nov 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/user/ur172187082/    170,997,103 Users Oct 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/user/ur170997103/   169,957,618 Users Sep 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/user/ur169957618/   168,742,701 Users Aug 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/user/ur168742701/     167,214,414 Users July 1 2023https://www.imdb.com/user/ur167214414/ - - - 109,850 sprinklr members Dec 1 2023 (2,197 pages x 50) truemovie1987  https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/users/65696f90956a715d194e68f2  109,450 sprinklr members Nov 1 2023 (2,189 pages x 50)dingbatterwarriorhttps://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/users/6543053efe2dd467ced460b1 109,000 sprinklr members Oct 1 2023 (2,180 pages x 50)AmicusHammerhttps://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/users/651914efe82d554bfb11e226   108,500 sprinklr members Sep 1 2023heinmoeaungkhinmgsanwinwinmaoninninkunghttps://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/users/64f3a2b5a77ded639cd087ca = = = IMDb Statisticshttps://www.imdb.com/pressroom/stats/ Total Items: 484,123,998 | Titles: 12,678,652 | Names: 12,157,986 | December  2022Total Items: 513,598,803 | Titles: 14,631,612 | Names: 12,418,036 | March         2023Total Items: 531,906,818 | Titles: 15,463,008 | Names: 12,651,394 | June            2023Total Items: 552,972,583 | Titles: 16,507,091 | Names: 12,891,345 | September  2023 - - -  Contributor Hall of Famehttps://contribute.imdb.com/czone/hall_of_fame * Top Plot Summary Writers* Top Mini-Bio WritersDoes Not have    Top  Titles     Contributor   Top  Names  Contributor   Top  Reviewers   etc...- - - A message to you, our contributors, from IMDb's founder and CEO, Col Needhamhttps://contribute.imdb.com    Col_Needham, EmployeeSunday, January 1st, 2023IMDb Top 300 Data Contributors for 2022(and Happy New Year 2023 from IMDb) Top Contributors of 2022https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2022/ Rank 1 - Nomissimon10  8,924,424 itemsRank 2 - SkipEastport      3,850,949 itemsRank 3 - inespape-1        3,605,644 itemsRank 4 - formulakaz        2,783,738 itemsRank 5 - Perspicuity1         869,019 items Rank 161 - Col Needham    35,149 items https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/imdb-top-300-data-contributors-for-2022-and-happy-new-year-2023-from-imdb/63b15375d7c1791e7f2004f5 Data Processing Timeshttps://contribute.imdb.com/times    Your Update History: https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/history   Your Contribution History:https://contribute.imdb.com/contributions/history = = = Top Contributors of July 2023 https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/top-contributor-leaderboard-for-july-2023/64cbd5184a4d1b4048daa3b2 https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2023/7/ - - -   Top Contributors of June 2023https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/top-contributor-leaderboard-for-june-2023/64a38d742ae401788a23bd87 https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2023/6/ - - -    Top Contributors of May 2023https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/top-contributor-leaderboard-for-may-2023/6480a42b7754d331f29358dd https://contribute.imdb.com/leaderboard/2023/5/ .


469 Messages


6.2K Points

@ACT_1  This comment was more helpful than the post👍

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@ACT_1​ Why are you wondering if I contribute all from the same IP address? :D (And no I do not, same account but 2-3 (to infinity depending on whether or not I am using my main computer together with a VPN or not) different IP's, 90% does however come from one of them with a static IP) It is difficult to upload everything from different computers while still accounting for parallel tasks, errors and timeouts that might occur due to too many requests etc. So not much is done between multiple computers, the things I however have added to multiple computers is uploading accurate playtimes, and downloading images to upload to IMDb for episodes. I am yet to upload these, but they all need to be scanned and compared to each other which is quite a heavy task considering it has to: ------ I went on a complete tangent to my original response in the rest of this reply 1. Request the url for the image 2. Fetch the image 3. Fetch url for all other images for the same series 4. Compare the image to the two last and two first images that have been fetched for the same series (To avoid having to check 1000+ images if all are different while still checking that the closest images are unequal) So max 1 api request 5 images downloads 1 database request per image check. Considering it has to do almost 6.1 million checks like that I distributed that between servers. (6.1 million api requests and 30.5 million images downloaded and compared) There are around 4.950.000 images to check left, meaning it has done approx 16% of the checks so far. And out of those around 20k unique images have been found. So the total should be somewhere in the ballpark of 120k images. Which potentially could end up with around 250k contributions if I am pleased with the quality of the samples I look at. (Not considering the aspect of filtering away those who already have images for the episodes and the potential declines. The declined part will probably be pretty low, out of the 22.7 million total contributions I have around 21.304 declined items)


155 Messages


2K Points

1 year ago

Speaking of Images: Can it be that contributing still frames via the title's main page, or via "edit page", does not count the same way like contributing images via the add photo sub-page of a title? I wouldn't know why this should be the case, but it seems to me my image count should have surpassed 1000 already, easily; but appearently the images I've submitted via edit page do not count as such? They also do not (yet?) appear on the films photo-site. How odd... And to think of it, the image badge is bar far the easiest to golden up, I'd say... I do not have this issue when I take snapshots and upload these...


682 Messages


8.6K Points

1 year ago

Rank 4 looks good for November



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

1 year ago

I am #104 for the year to date so trying to crack the Top 100 by end-of-year! 

682 Messages


8.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ you will for sure

155 Messages


2K Points

@Col_Needham​  We are pretty close to each other. But I doubt I'll crack the Top 100. Then again, I am already far higher in Rank than I anticipated - I'd have assumed I'll wind up somewhere in the 150-200 range; at best.

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@Col_Needham​  Currently approx. #170 in total (lifetime) with 268.514 contributions. Comparing your contributions with person in front/behind: Unfortunately I could not give you more graphics as your overwhelming amount of ratings can't be stored in localstorage. (Only supports <10MB) Haven't moved it to IndexedDB yet. (80% of diskspace)




7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

@Nomissimon10​ Thanks for the graph ... Currently approx. #170 in total (lifetime) with 268.514 contributions. My number ought to be higher than this, but because we did not even have a registration system at the time, the massive volume of filmography data I contributed in 1990-1996 via the database of credits which I manually collected from 1981 onwards is not tagged to my IMDb account.  I still contribute some filmography credits, mainly for festival premieres, but not at those 1980s to mid-90s levels.  

583 Messages


10.9K Points

1 year ago

In the Top 150 at this stage. I doubt I'll ever be able to do as well as I did when we had lockdown and I was working....(!) from home, but I guess that's not too bad. 34,823 approved items this year... that would only get me into the Top 10 (just) for November.




7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

1 year ago

Argh, I actually slipped a position to #105 with the update on Friday, instead of gaining 4.  Whoops. 

682 Messages


8.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ you have still 20 days



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

@tatjana1984​ ... and so does everyone else contributing faster than me :-)

682 Messages


8.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ if you want i can give you some bigger things to contribute



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

@tatjana1984​ I have plenty of things to contribute; the problem is finding the time outside of a busy work environment :-)

682 Messages


8.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ i know that problem, i have things to contribute for the next 250 years for sure

682 Messages


8.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ i have over 800 Screen Records of Credits of Arte Movies and series set on Private on youtube, over 37,000 Screenshots of Credits on the computer and so on

155 Messages


2K Points

@Col_Needham​  Off Topic: could you please send me the reply to your answer regarding the AI gen. Bios again? I am shown a Page 404 if I want to click the notification.



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ You should have the full text of my reply in the email notification.  Unfortunately the person who falsely accused you of being an AI bot has deleted the thread and so that removes all of the replies with it, hence the 404 message.  All I wrote was that you had been falsely accused, you had proved that you were a real person and that we encourage you to continue contributing. 

155 Messages


2K Points

@Col_Needham​  I have deactivated the eMail Not. for Replies. That is good news. I will continue contributing, don't worry. I might announce in advance (also in order to stop the same thing from happening again next year regarding summary Contributions), that I will add quite some Plot Summ. next year. I even leave some of them out for now, in order to have them credited for next years count. So, I hope noone will restart such a thing, claiming that isn't possible, blablabla. PS: I assume, once you have a Top Bio Contr. Badge, you will always have it, or do you always need to stay in the Top 20 in this category?

682 Messages


8.6K Points

1 year ago

Why i have less than last week now?



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

@tatjana1984​ Do you mean your item count dropped or your position in the list?  We assume you mean the former, if so, remember this is the number of approved and live contributions made in 2023.  If names/titles/data items are deleted then this can lower the total since the items are no longer live, similarly a name/title/item merge ends up assigned to only one of the two (or more) original contributors. There are certain edits which can have the same effect.  It is difficult to diagnose after the fact and it very much depends upon the type of data you have been contributing. 

682 Messages


8.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ i mean i had more submissions for the whole year last week than yesterday



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

1 year ago

I have dropped even further away from #100, now at #107.  I do have an advantage next week though -- I finish work for the year once I have finished writing the annual letter in the next couple of days, so this gives me more time to contribute.  Going to aim higher for the 22 December update! 

682 Messages


8.6K Points

@Col_Needham​ you will get to the Top 100



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

1 year ago

I made it up a place from 107 to 106 this week but the top 100 still remains elusive! 

155 Messages


2K Points

@Col_Needham​ I'm much closer (101). That means you'll have to get past me. Good Luck, trying 🐯​ I am, however, very curious whether or not #2 and 3 remain in that order or if there will be a switch; same thing with #4 & 5. It is also very likely Nomissimon10 might crack the million! 👍​


200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ I doubt I will round 15m. Don't have anything in the submission que, so if I wanted to round 15m I would be completely reliant on all the main titles to be accepted quickly so that the episodes might be added to them. (If I were to put in tens of hours finding the titles to upload) But thanks for the belief in me :D


155 Messages


2K Points

@Nomissimon10​ You'll manage ;-) If you pull off another year like that, I believe you wind up All Time #1. Oh well; as long as we are having fun contributing (and the datas are corrrect!), all is well.

200 Messages


2.8K Points

@TheTigerInMe1980 It is starting to get pretty close, but I doubt I will ever pull of another year like 2023.​

30 Messages


606 Points

@TheTigerInMe1980​ @Col_Needham​ I'm much closer (101). That means you'll have to get past me. Good Luck, trying 🐯​ I am, however, very curious whether or not #2 and 3 remain in that order or if there will be a switch; same thing with #4 & 5. It is also very likely Nomissimon10 might crack the million! 👍​ I’m #2 and not particularly concerned about my 2023 ranking. My primary goal this year was upward movement on the All-Time rankings, from 4th place to 3rd. There’s a good chance I might achieve that. Had I not been sidelined by a personal tragedy in November and unable to submit anything, my bronze would have been assured. No worries. Such is the suspense of life!

155 Messages


2K Points

@Nomissimon10​ Very impressive graph! @Nomissimon10 @skip_eastport  As is always said in the letter: The Contributors are the life blood of ImdB. That goes for each and everyone; and Contributors like you might even set an example for others to join the fun. Maybe not in the dimensions you put up, but to some degree. As a German saying goes "Kleinvieh macht auch Mist!" @skip_eastport Sorry for your tragedy. I hope you can/could put it behind you. @jeorj_euler I've noticed you keep liking my comments. Thanks. But, what is so likeable there? :-)