Will's profile



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Monday, March 8th, 2021 12:33 PM

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for March Trial

Top 300 Contributor Leaderboard for March Trial

Hi everyone!


Welcome to the Top Contributor Leaderboard for March Trial. I will be posting a new comment with an updated leaderboard every Monday, for the rest of the month, letting you know how the featured contributor rankings and totals have changed from week to week. Please note that all totals will be cumulative week on week e.g. the contributor totals for week 2 will also include items from week 1.


Come and join the discussion, all feedback on the trial is welcome!





Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:



Final Top Contributor Leaderboard


Please see the final leaderboard standings for March and for this trial. Thank you to all of our featured contributors for taking part and for your submissions throughout the month.



rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 282,149 ↔️
2 Perspicuity1 81,437 ↔️
3 michaelfool 56,343 ↔️
4 formulakaz 55,689 ↔️
5 cinelamour 48,573 ↔️
6 spring_migrant 37,015 ↔️
7 harrisonjiang-78175 28,689 ⬆️
8 batshoncristiano 28,466 ⬇️
9 Woodyanders 24,806 ⬆️
10 Mark_a_Wood 24,400 ↔️
11 ctfabian 23,458 ⬆️
12 BonaFideBOSS 22,702 ⬇️
13 ron_whisky 21,427 ⬇️
14 digital-18070 20,424 ⬇️
15 emiebocalbos-jp 20,238 ↔️
16 pegg1976 19,982 ⬇️
17 Ioana_St 17,026 ↔️
18 mcwelch7 16,753 ⬆️
19 ymirkovic 16,538 ⬇️
20 dscbulkmail-amazon 16,408 ⬇️
21 bradleykent1 15,969 ⬆️
22 Blaine1942 15,563 ⬇️
23 denny-27 15,419 ⬇️
24 raympretorius 15,248 ⬇️
25 Huggo 15,190 ⬇️
26 Holojarg 14,058 ↔️
27 Greg75 13,366 ⬇️
28 Happy_Evil_Dude 12,999 ⬆️
29 geeked-out-4-movies 12,908 ⬇️
30 Invisible2015 12,483 ⬆️
31 farhanazhari05 12,420 ⬇️
32 soma-2 12,054 ⬇️
33 elouie2000 11,944 ⬇️
34 Stevarooni 11,502 ⬇️
35 shatterdaymorn 11,011 ⬆️
36 trotter1954 10,596 ⬆️
37 thomaswake16 10,586 ↔️
38 gurer-65810 10,463 ⬆️
39 Leffaneuvos 10,347 ⬇️
40 vorachotes 10,303 ⬆️
41 yook 10,226 ⬆️
42 Lara_Cain 10,017 ⬆️
43 PierreLeewes-2 9,830 ⬆️
44 zoltanakos 9,603 ⬇️
45 Robohopper 9,554 ⬇️
46 Simba63 9,525 ⬆️
47 joeddelozier 9,340 ⬇️
48 saebaby86 9,275 ⬇️
49 lapantera 9,166 ⬆️
50 11433Sthlm 9,099 ⬇️
51 sarge-19 8,735 ⬆️
52 ianlueck 8,716 ⬆️
53 calderdo 8,667 ⬆️
54 ncottone-28464 8,660 ⬇️
55 tashrimac 8,282 ⬇️
56 horn-5 8,101 ⬇️
57 dk_schiff 8,048 ⬆️
58 NickRiganas 7,925 ⬇️
59 mna-35184 7,893 ⬇️
60 Kurre 7,863 ⬆️
61 mneu-22567 7,763 ⬆️
62 skillwithaquill 7,686 ⬆️
63 pampeano2882 7,638 ⬇️
64 lecoinducinephage 7,625 ⬆️
65 lor_ 7,571 ⬇️
66 info-68530 7,477 ⬇️
67 ind3 7,452 ⬇️
68 philipfhayes 7,331 ⬆️
69 benhampel 7,290 ⬇️
70 vielguillaume 7,215 ⬆️
71 jostimor 6,997 ⬆️
72 E-Kartoffel 6,951 ⬆️
73 Gabrielfox 6,899 ⬇️
74 ahmetkozan 6,872 ⬇️
75 rvindas-38328 6,840 ⬇️
76 martindano 6,783 ⬇️
77 jimjo1216 6,730 ⬇️
78 Littleman95 6,694 ⬇️
79 chribren 6,356 ⬇️
80 maaarun 6,309 ⬆️
81 Velaska_official 6,299 ⬆️
82 essmom 6,277 ⬆️
83 eknowlson 6,230 ⬆️
84 akira625 6,173 ⬇️
85 martinchinwuba 6,150 ⬇️
86 madhuc 6,134 ⬇️
87 arturo_smallcharm 6,114 ⬇️
88 zedmusic 5,818 ⬇️
89 jmgr-86592 5,799 ⬆️
90 Peter-Patrick76 5,723 ⬇️
91 Col Needham 5,694 ⬆️
92 Rain85 5,693 ⬆️
93 snazzyleo-40564 5,650 ⬆️
94 LargoDonWen 5,584 ⬇️
95 SlyFan180 5,569 ⬆️
96 azuraring-84989 5,418 ⬇️
97 ebrahimiexe 5,360 ⬇️
98 gal bela 5,321 ⬆️
99 slordoshoes 5,284 ⬇️
100 LoginTo 5,250 ⬇️
101 common_rotation 5,241 ⬇️
102 Channing_F 5,195 ⬇️
103 The_Movie_Cat 5,143 ⬇️
104 Lenonn 5,088 ⬇️
105 davefoss 5,077 ⬆️
106 scgary66 5,063 ⬇️
107 PierreS 5,061 ⬇️
108 dbassler1304 5,037 ⬆️
109 slownet2 4,999 ⬆️
110 carllh 4,962 ⬆️
111 mafaldaroma 4,955 ⬇️
112 capamaroux-1 4,938 ⬇️
113 prudi-272-737983 4,822 ⬇️
114 kashyapchandhock 4,577 ⬇️
115 mitchelvwijk 4,533 ⬇️
116 jb71a 4,489 ⬆️
117 info-67488 4,455 ⬇️
118 klier_leon 4,434 ⬆️
119 andreaguiar08 4,377 ⬆️
120 sweet_fluffy_puppy 4,107 ⬆️
121 brainybrailler 4,072 ⬇️
122 sarahm17 4,071 ⬇️
123 abby_fdez 4,068 ⬆️
124 aghaemi 4,066 ⬆️
125 tmfraga 4,040 ⬆️
126 Tarkin 4,032 ⬆️
127 migueloliveiramonteiro 4,031 ⬇️
128 jan_nihilation 4,026 ⬆️
129 jg-50323 4,009 ↔️
130 arans-75600 3,959 ⬇️
131 Tarhaseppo 3,914 ⬆️
132 mnmonteiro 3,856 ⬇️
133 ayumihamasakifan 3,830 ⬆️
134 ismailumarrkhan 3,784 ⬇️
135 christinakyriazis 3,744 ⬇️
136 marty602 3,742 ⬆️
137 sonny-corleone-38-760864 3,691 ⬆️
138 marcial84 3,680 ⬇️
139 Schneider-light 3,660 ⬇️
140 scharlachred 3,627 ⬆️
141 Imme-van-Gorp 3,594 ⬆️
142 Jukka_A 3,556 ⬆️
143 Chip_douglas 3,537 ⬆️
144 The_Professor_Scary 3,531 ⬆️
145 paulparisot 3,527 ⬆️
146 lovingreg23 3,510 ⬆️
147 TheTempestAhead 3,481 ⬇️
148 jordangun 3,474 ⬇️
149 carlesum 3,473 ⬇️
150 bmlpsn 3,414 ⬆️
151 rharlan58 3,404 ⬇️
152 ipsd-75573 3,376 ⬇️
153 kuldeepchauhan_331 3,365 ⬇️
154 alphastud 3,364 ⬇️
155 robiics 3,354 ⬇️
156 farmigaharmon 3,341 ⬇️
157 kevinolzak 3,317 ⬇️
158 yossi-tissona 3,259 ⬇️
159 vondiesel-1 3,212 ⬇️
160 Sosna95 3,176 ⬆️
161 FangsNL 3,172 ⬆️
162 KaramXXV 3,145 ⬆️
163 DmitryKantorov 3,096 ⬇️
164 hm-2021 3,094 ⬆️
165 Valkyrslayer 3,027 ⬆️
166 hemantagarwal-05637 3,018 ⬇️
167 fireflightawake-22396 2,995 ⬇️
168 NoRa_FoKa 2,988 ⬆️
169 PJ66MR 2,973 ⬆️
170 RoderichFM 2,959 ⬆️
171 consumerapplication 2,949 ⬇️
172 bruno_knolle 2,941 ⬆️
173 MrIQ 2,928 ⬆️
174 aidanrodriguez-16648 2,908 ⬆️
175 Matt-Affleck 2,901 ⬇️
176 markomisiraca 2,875 ⬆️
177 anthony-42000 2,862 ⬇️
178 stefanocappuccio-sc 2,859 ⬇️
179 kimran999 2,827 ⬇️
180 SlapCapFever 2,823 ⬆️
181 Noirdame79 2,822 ⬇️
182 benboulaid 2,822 ⬇️
183 geronimoelortegui 2,792 ↔️
184 jayantakumarmondal 2,778 ⬇️
185 srfacanha 2,746 ⬆️
186 bbmtl-21883 2,737 ⬆️
187 jason-nadle 2,736 ⬇️
188 bozsko-andras 2,729 ⬇️
189 luis_caffesse 2,727 ⬇️
190 Cecchini- 2,721 ⬆️
191 Godslaye 2,711 ⬆️
192 lashadardagany-858-825885 2,699 ⬆️
193 nelliepants 2,690 ⬇️
194 ehren-50501 2,674 ⬇️
195 Rachel 2,674 ⬆️
196 nickromm 2,661 ⬆️
197 salternativa 2,659 ⬆️
198 edwardhewitt65 2,642 ⬇️
199 jrommz 2,623 ⬆️
200 danstarr69 2,595 ⬆️
201 Akasava 2,593 ⬇️
202 britstuff 2,585 ⬇️
203 Sekho 2,561 ⬇️
204 connorwhearn 2,545 ⬇️
205 xylit333 2,537 ⬇️
206 mysteriousbluebox 2,528 ⬇️
207 arrifat-77810 2,514 ⬇️
208 anoopj226 2,509 ↔️
209 willsonemmanuelp 2,497 ⬇️
210 blackorpheus-2 2,474 ⬇️
211 Travis_Bickle92 2,454 ⬆️
212 Bolkonskij 2,443 ⬆️
213 aankietchoaksey 2,443 ⬇️
214 mbjwilkins 2,438 ⬇️
215 rnahigian 2,433 ⬇️
216 mmeijlof 2,418 ⬆️
217 sheilaforever 2,409 ⬇️
218 ashi1550 2,365 ⬇️
219 Mjollnir 2,356 ⬇️
220 paulijcalderon 2,344 ⬇️
221 newyorkinspace 2,341 ⬆️
222 ripitidi 2,306 ⬇️
223 alex-mjacko 2,300 ⬇️
224 izko-35160 2,294 ⬆️
225 GroupZlatan 2,293 ⬇️
226 mririv 2,292 ⬆️
227 georgidjul 2,279 ⬆️
228 tityron 2,273 ⬆️
229 slachtomi 2,270 ⬇️
230 manzanamx1 2,263 ⬇️
231 JasonIK75 2,262 ⬇️
232 penguin-694-706044 2,237 ⬆️
233 fredcdobbs5 2,233 ⬇️
234 guillaume-52319 2,232 ⬇️
235 BulmaPunkRocker 2,226 ⬆️
236 vande 2,216 ⬇️
237 suprabj0083 2,200 ⬇️
238 Marcus_Trubridge 2,187 ⬆️
239 staylor-51 2,182 ⬇️
240 pizarron-00920 2,176 ⬇️
241 blytheandferb-91172 2,161 ⬆️
242 EricGreene 2,158 ⬇️
243 martinlovettross 2,150 ⬆️
244 CPPB-Int 2,138 ⬆️
245 rebekahlos 2,126 ⬇️
246 marilyng-08110 2,105 ⬇️
247 jerrygauthier 2,101 ⬇️
248 ruditstamas-87565 2,100 ⬇️
249 BeetleBailey33 2,096 ⬆️
250 TrivWhiz 2,090 ⬆️
251 Rodrigo_Amaro 2,081 ⬇️
252 thephenom-98803 2,063 ⬇️
253 benourdog 2,062 ⬇️
254 livewirebryant-58232 2,060 ⬇️
255 dj-dom 2,059 ⬇️
256 GBrazier 2,056 ⬆️
257 dutchmarvel 2,053 ⬇️
258 Gislef 2,045 ⬇️
259 hannu-33731 2,042 ⬇️
260 abtheboss 2,027 ⬆️
261 ljdoncel 2,020 ⬆️
262 playtimejm 1,987 ⬇️
263 noni-25243 1,983 ⬇️
264 k-vissers 1,967 ⬆️
265 philip_leach 1,958 ⬇️
266 smcgann14 1,940 ⬇️
267 Sergey119 1,930 ⬆️
268 nmilijasevic-98485 1,917 ⬆️
269 quintjones 1,908 ⬆️
270 amickbyron 1,903 ⬇️
271 pbn 1,900 ⬆️
272 Hurdy_Gurdy_Man 1,897 ⬆️
273 neilr64 1,894 ⬆️
274 glf-5 1,893 ⬇️
275 diveta-productions 1,878 ⬇️
276 Himanshusainy 1,877 ⬇️
277 lharamija 1,868 ⬇️
278 watcheram 1,868 ⬇️
279 ccoyle36 1,854 ⬆️
280 alexfbi 1,853 ⬆️
281 invisec 1,850 ⬇️
282 ntanakey 1,847 ⬇️
283 sudheeshthulaseedharan 1,819 ⬆️
284 shape5 1,815 ⬇️
285 umbdis 1,797 ⬆️
286 arorashadow_2003 1,788 ⬇️
287 untilter 1,780 ⬆️
288 spencergagnon-37805 1,774 ⬇️
289 ulf-635-523367 1,769 ⬇️
290 mahdi_ahmed 1,765 ⬇️
291 sanisaaura 1,763 ⬇️
292 mackenziepaterson-29292 1,757 ⬆️
293 swayleetna 1,738 ⬆️
294 elliot91 1,726 ⬇️
295 wnevill 1,714 ⬇️
296 vtorov-boss 1,712 ⬆️
297 ozerovocka-17870 1,711 ⬆️
298 SchaiDog 1,704 ⬇️
299 ChloeDee 1,694 ⬇️
300 TVBuff90 1,694 ⬇️



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

4 years ago

Here is the leaderboard for Week 1:



rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 55,736 ↔️
2 Perspicuity1 19,750 ↔️
3 michaelfool 11,348 ↔️
4 cinelamour 10,684 ↔️
5 formulakaz 8,674 ↔️
6 MAthePA 7,613 ↔️
7 ymirkovic 7,293 ↔️
8 harrisonjiang-78175 6,448 ↔️
9 ron_whisky 6,242 ↔️
10 mcwelch7 4,659 ↔️
11 batshoncristiano 4,602 ↔️
12 Robohopper 4,562 ↔️
13 digital-18070 4,327 ↔️
14 Mark_a_Wood 4,182 ↔️
15 bradleykent1 3,975 ↔️
16 denny-27 3,931 ↔️
17 dscbulkmail-amazon 3,561 ↔️
18 emiebocalbos-jp 3,538 ↔️
19 Huggo 3,412 ↔️
20 sarahm17 2,964 ↔️
21 pegg1976 2,861 ↔️
22 saebaby86 2,814 ↔️
23 kimran999 2,813 ↔️
24 Blaine1942 2,795 ↔️
25 PierreLeewes-2 2,781 ↔️
26 bozsko-andras 2,729 ↔️
27 Holojarg 2,711 ↔️
28 Woodyanders 2,694 ↔️
29 tashrimac 2,635 ↔️
30 akira625 2,524 ↔️
31 sundevilemily 2,506 ↔️
32 Stevarooni 2,502 ↔️
33 elouie2000 2,435 ↔️
34 Invisible2015 2,375 ↔️
35 Gabrielfox 2,352 ↔️
36 philipfhayes 2,309 ↔️
37 ashi1550 2,304 ↔️
38 raympretorius 2,146 ↔️
39 ctfabian 2,039 ↔️
40 martindano 2,032 ↔️
41 yook 2,026 ↔️
42 info-68530 2,009 ↔️
43 lapantera 1,974 ↔️
44 Happy_Evil_Dude 1,959 ↔️
45 abby_fdez 1,916 ↔️
46 vorachotes 1,880 ↔️
47 Himanshusainy 1,877 ↔️
48 lharamija 1,868 ↔️
49 Simba63 1,854 ↔️
50 horn-5 1,852 ↔️
51 skillwithaquill 1,813 ↔️
52 spring_migrant 1,802 ↔️
53 sanisaaura 1,715 ↔️
54 wnevill 1,714 ↔️
55 Greg75 1,712 ↔️
56 11433Sthlm 1,706 ↔️
57 ahmetkozan 1,664 ↔️
58 farhanazhari05 1,652 ↔️
59 madhuc 1,617 ↔️
60 shatterdaymorn 1,613 ↔️
61 geeked-out-4-movies 1,601 ↔️
62 LoginTo 1,581 ↔️
63 dk_schiff 1,578 ↔️
64 Lara_Cain 1,569 ↔️
65 ianlueck 1,492 ↔️
66 joeddelozier 1,490 ↔️
67 trotter1954 1,485 ↔️
68 bogicevjelena 1,451 ↔️
69 benhampel 1,418 ↔️
70 mneu-22567 1,417 ↔️
71 ind3 1,375 ↔️
72 eknowlson 1,353 ↔️
73 essmom 1,322 ↔️
74 paulijcalderon 1,317 ↔️
75 vondiesel-1 1,307 ↔️
76 LargoDonWen 1,301 ↔️
77 brainybrailler 1,300 ↔️
78 hemantagarwal-05637 1,300 ↔️
79 Velaska_official 1,297 ↔️
80 alphastud 1,288 ↔️
81 fireflightawake-22396 1,232 ↔️
82 kevinolzak 1,223 ↔️
83 sweet_fluffy_puppy 1,204 ↔️
84 Littleman95 1,193 ↔️
85 prbkrn91 1,180 ↔️
86 Tarkin 1,162 ↔️
87 capamaroux-1 1,140 ↔️
88 Lenonn 1,128 ↔️
89 prudi-272-737983 1,124 ↔️
90 indu-95696 1,119 ↔️
91 MrIQ 1,103 ↔️
92 The_Movie_Cat 1,089 ↔️
93 E-Kartoffel 1,079 ↔️
94 spencergagnon-37805 1,057 ↔️
95 klier_leon 1,048 ↔️
96 davefoss 1,045 ↔️
97 erindunlap 1,044 ↔️
98 jordangun 1,041 ↔️
99 sarge-19 1,029 ↔️
100 DmitryKantorov 1,023 ↔️
101 gurer-65810 1,020 ↔️
102 scgary66 1,019 ↔️
103 marty602 1,010 ↔️
104 pinch_of_hope 1,006 ↔️
105 surenpbharadwaj 1,006 ↔️
106 jimjo1216 1,001 ↔️
107 slordoshoes 1,000 ↔️
108 SlyFan180 987 ↔️
109 Marcus_Trubridge 981 ↔️
110 migueloliveiramonteiro 973 ↔️
111 noni-25243 953 ↔️
112 Peter-Patrick76 933 ↔️
113 mubi-262-564821 922 ↔️
114 officialprincekumar 920 ↔️
115 CPPB-Int 900 ↔️
116 benboulaid 889 ↔️
117 Godslaye 885 ↔️
118 PierreS 881 ↔️
119 jb71a 874 ↔️
120 csillabedi 871 ↔️
121 zedmusic 869 ↔️
122 soma-2 860 ↔️
123 elliot91 860 ↔️
124 jan_nihilation 856 ↔️
125 farmigaharmon 844 ↔️
126 dbassler1304 834 ↔️
127 kaihiamaru 830 ↔️
128 mnmonteiro 826 ↔️
129 common_rotation 820 ↔️
130 kashyapchandhock 814 ↔️
131 sheilaforever 805 ↔️
132 gal bela 799 ↔️
133 vadoczpeter 797 ↔️
134 arturo_smallcharm 794 ↔️
135 Ioana_St 793 ↔️
136 Valkyrslayer 792 ↔️
137 benourdog 792 ↔️
138 jason-nadle 791 ↔️
139 ayumihamasakifan 789 ↔️
140 michaelapearlman-68040 789 ↔️
141 elfrontinoso 785 ↔️
142 pampeano2882 777 ↔️
143 TrivWhiz 775 ↔️
144 jmgr-86592 775 ↔️
145 anthony-42000 775 ↔️
146 PJ66MR 751 ↔️
147 chris-53-184575 750 ↔️
148 Quig555 746 ↔️
149 ipsd-75573 742 ↔️
150 tymoteuszkutz 740 ↔️
151 sargentty 738 ↔️
152 becshanssen 731 ↔️
153 jeremysnead 728 ↔️
154 hershiser2 725 ↔️
155 vielguillaume 724 ↔️
156 yossi-tissona 722 ↔️
157 TVBuff90 715 ↔️
158 martinchinwuba 712 ↔️
159 dorisperrolf 708 ↔️
160 andreaguiar08 702 ↔️
161 sim_ul 697 ↔️
162 jessicalclark 687 ↔️
163 marcial84 686 ↔️
164 kristinarytkola 684 ↔️
165 Imme-van-Gorp 678 ↔️
166 lor_ 673 ↔️
167 manzanamx1 670 ↔️
168 p_sorensen89 663 ↔️
169 robiics 662 ↔️
170 user-00056-70001 660 ↔️
171 joffke 653 ↔️
172 Rodrigo_Amaro 652 ↔️
173 Col Needham 648 ↔️
174 chribren 648 ↔️
175 martinlovettross 646 ↔️
176 aghaemi 645 ↔️
177 mysteriousbluebox 641 ↔️
178 Offworld_Colony 623 ↔️
179 ermalay 621 ↔️
180 guillaume-52319 618 ↔️
181 mitchelvwijk 617 ↔️
182 Leffaneuvos 616 ↔️
183 Travis_Bickle92 615 ↔️
184 NickRiganas 615 ↔️
185 newyorkinspace 610 ↔️
186 edwardhewitt65 609 ↔️
187 abdelrhmansamy-15224 600 ↔️
188 ljdoncel 599 ↔️
189 georgidjul 596 ↔️
190 Rain85 594 ↔️
191 tmfraga 588 ↔️
192 Channing_F 587 ↔️
193 charlesburke-47120 581 ↔️
194 ebrahimiexe 577 ↔️
195 stefanocappuccio-sc 577 ↔️
196 montoromania 576 ↔️
197 watcheram 572 ↔️
198 SchaiDog 570 ↔️
199 srfacanha 570 ↔️
200 britstuff 564 ↔️
201 jayantakumarmondal 561 ↔️
202 vande 559 ↔️
203 Chip_douglas 558 ↔️
204 janelletubbs 556 ↔️
205 albierobles 556 ↔️
206 peter-13079 544 ↔️
207 slownet2 536 ↔️
208 carllh 527 ↔️
209 scharlachred 522 ↔️
210 ekhatorsam 519 ↔️
211 SilexFilms 512 ↔️
212 sonny-corleone-38-760864 512 ↔️
213 timeslord 509 ↔️
214 Gislef 508 ↔️
215 jostimor 505 ↔️
216 alexrollinsberg 503 ↔️
217 diveta-productions 499 ↔️
218 livewirebryant-58232 496 ↔️
219 ehren-50501 496 ↔️
220 vert2712 486 ↔️
221 jari-kovalainen0 486 ↔️
222 ajcasting-07056 486 ↔️
223 tylerbchristie 484 ↔️
224 NoRa_FoKa 483 ↔️
225 paulparisot 482 ↔️
226 mdmckinnis 479 ↔️
227 zoroman2008 478 ↔️
228 tityron 477 ↔️
229 nathan-w-shields 473 ↔️
230 tougheggs-46813 472 ↔️
231 Kurre 468 ↔️
232 amalie-75282 467 ↔️
233 gamazoa-35769 461 ↔️
234 sylvievandijk 460 ↔️
235 mririv 456 ↔️
236 Jukka_A 455 ↔️
237 JasonRJohnston 453 ↔️
238 ulf-635-523367 452 ↔️
239 alex-mjacko 452 ↔️
240 RoderichFM 449 ↔️
241 maaarun 444 ↔️
242 caphung1 442 ↔️
243 quintjones 441 ↔️
244 naomidancer 439 ↔️
245 corcop 438 ↔️
246 jp_91 438 ↔️
247 drtarundatta 438 ↔️
248 daandreevna 431 ↔️
249 izko-35160 425 ↔️
250 pizarron-00920 425 ↔️
251 bigmealsmallkitchen 425 ↔️
252 danchermawiski 424 ↔️
253 shharradspandey 421 ↔️
254 pranavkulkarnipk 417 ↔️
255 FangsNL 415 ↔️
256 lovingreg23 415 ↔️
257 GroupZlatan 415 ↔️
258 meri-tuuliakorhonen 414 ↔️
259 swayleetna 412 ↔️
260 Fabio_Canova 410 ↔️
261 jigreelstudios 410 ↔️
262 jrojro-934-596215 409 ↔️
263 dj-dom 406 ↔️
264 chazz8873 406 ↔️
265 troylucia 405 ↔️
266 stage13network 400 ↔️
267 lukehaughton-72000 399 ↔️
268 catsnstuffgillwithagee 396 ↔️
269 jo-47-655609 395 ↔️
270 bta98 393 ↔️
271 pipjb 392 ↔️
272 rharlan58 391 ↔️
273 neilr64 391 ↔️
274 jandrewworld 388 ↔️
275 marilyng-08110 384 ↔️
276 J-R-Dickson 383 ↔️
277 emanuelaborruso 383 ↔️
278 slachtomi 381 ↔️
279 jerrygauthier 381 ↔️
280 jrommz 380 ↔️
281 McBE92 379 ↔️
282 kingstoken 378 ↔️
283 SirPercy 376 ↔️
284 davidcunningham-46431 376 ↔️
285 zoltanakos 376 ↔️
286 bss0317 369 ↔️
287 umbdis 368 ↔️
288 ariviere-30684 368 ↔️
289 dezyx_7 367 ↔️
290 connorwhearn 366 ↔️
291 fredcdobbs5 365 ↔️
292 jesse-34892 365 ↔️
293 blackorpheus-2 364 ↔️
294 demoorth 363 ↔️
295 isabellaboettcher-60352 363 ↔️
296 rorymsk 361 ↔️
297 elifyilbas 360 ↔️
298 BlackfellaFilms 359 ↔️
299 Ron 358 ↔️
300 amy-27299 357 ↔️


8.6K Messages


176.7K Points


Hey! Howabout adding links to User Names here

so we can see the contribution history  ? ?

IMDb member since November 2001

Lifetime Total : 1,000,000+
Lifetime Name: 50,000+
Lifetime Filmo : 1,000,000+
Lifetime Plot : 250+

- - -


IMDb member since January 2013

Lifetime Total : 200,000+
Lifetime Name : 1,000+
Lifetime Filmo : 50,000+

Lifetime Plot : 1,000+

- - -


IMDb member since January 2006

Lifetime Total : 1,000,000+
Lifetime Name : 25,000+
Lifetime Filmo : 300,000+

Lifetime Plot : 5,000+

- - -


Contributor Hall of Fame

- Top Contributors: All Time


Has ...
Top Plot Summary Writers
Top Mini-Bio Writers

Has not ..
Top Name  Writers
Top Filmo  Writers

Top Review  Writers

- - -


IMDb member since June 2003
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur2467618/reviews - 25,358 Reviews
IMDb member since January 2009
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur20552756/reviews - 18,359 Reviews
IMDb member since November 2006
https://www.imdb.com/user/ur13134536/reviews - 16,429 Reviews





3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Thanks for the suggestion, I've updated the leaderboard to include links to profiles now.

8.6K Messages


176.7K Points

4 years ago

March 8 2021




1857 x 50 Names per page = 92,850
1858  :  3 Names now

92,853 Sprinklr members

- - -

130,200,000 IMDb Users


- - -

IMDb Top 300 Data Contributors for 2020
Col_Needham, Employee
Fri, Jan 1, 2021 





3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Thanks ACT_1, this refers to IMDb data contributors, not Sprinklr community stats. I've amended my post to make this clearer now.

8.6K Messages


176.7K Points



Recently added pages : 
Asako Nitta
Known For : Dardara   15 March 2021
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm12386200/  - 12,386,200 Names now


Lars A. Christensen

Known For : Retten er satt  14 Dec 1966 



10,892,582 names

6,223,262 names

- - -

Marriage or Mortgage (TV Series)
A Second Chance
Reality-TV  10 Mar 2021  TV Episode
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14210000/reference - 14,210,000 Titles now

A Praça é Nossa (TV Series)
Programa exibido em 

Comedy  12 Aug 1993  TV Episode


Blank pages ending with Odd Numbers for Titles past 3 years ? ?











- - -

A few more suggestions...


Add Date created and Date updated to Title and Name pages ? ?

Add Date Registered to User Profile page


IMDb member since March 2021
IMDb Member 1 week = Mon Mar 1 2021


IMDb member since February 2021
IMDb Member 1 week = Sun Feb 28 2021



Add to User Profile Activity page "Quick Links" section
Col Needham
IMDb member since October 1990
Founder and CEO of IMDb.







Oh, and add "Polls Created" list



8.6K Messages


176.7K Points

Update this monthly ? ?


IMDb Statistics
December 2020
Total Data Items: 404,763,829
Titles: 7,548,383
- Title Types
- TV Episode: 5,338,520
- Short: 781,188
- Movie: 560,232
- Video: 287,977
- TV Series: 196,972
- TV Movie: 111,667
- TV Mini Series: 34,590
- Video Game: 26,915
- TV Special: 30,493
- TV Short: 26,306
Genres: 12,289,709
Names: 11,214,704
Filmography: 137,362,735
- Actor:    29,412,693
- Actress: 18,949,421
Images: 11,108,071
Videos: 453,685  

- - -

Wayback Machine

 NOVEMBER 22, 2019

IMDb Statistics
May 2019
Total Data Items: 336,394,426
Titles: 5,980,614
Title Types
- TV Episode: 4,044,529
- Short: 681,067
- Movie: 516,726
- Video: 229,543
- TV Series: 164,061
- TV Movie: 126,206
- TV Miniseries: 25,886
- Video game: 23,388
- TV Special: 17,747
- TV Short: 9,361
Genres:  9,626,303
Names:  9,880,784
Filmography: 113,902,873
- Actor:    24,496,030
- Actress: 15,549,871
Images: 7,790,150
Videos: 493,080

- - -

JANUARY 30, 2019

IMDb Statistics
Dec 2018
Titles: 5,626,984
Title Types
- TV episode: 3,754,173
- Short: 656,885
- Movie: 505,380
- Video: 217,703
- TV series: 156,992
- TV movie: 126,398
- TV miniseries: 24,083
- Videogame: 22,464
- TV special: 14,422
- TV short: 8,894
Genres: 9,023,794
Names:  9,572,880
Filmography: 107,817,611
- Actor:    23,369,933
- Actress: 14,756,195
Images: 7,064,323
Videos: 399,165

- - -  

MAY 27, 2018

IMDb Statistics
Titles: 4,734,693 (Year Range: 1874 - 2025)
Type Information
- TV episode 3,054,974
- Short 589,086
- Movie 467,523
- Video 186,247
- TV Series 138,056
- TV Movie 120,905
- Video Game 20,524
- TV Mini-Series 20,184
- TV Special 10,276
- TV Short 8,020
People:    8,702,001 (Credits: 91,169,747)
- Actor    20,267,616
- Actress 12,485,267
Companies 604,100
Images  6,721,992
Videos  3,435,367
Reviews 3,536,271



3K Messages


72.5K Points

4 years ago

This is an interesting idea and I love getting updates without having to wait for the end of the year but how on earth has someone made 55,000+ edits so far this year?!?



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

4 years ago

A few stats for you - the top 300 accounted for 433,357 total items in week one alone! That's on average 61,908 a day, 2,579 an hour and 43 per minute! Great work everyone :)



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

4 years ago

Here is the leaderboard for Week 2:



rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 118,849 ↔️
2 Perspicuity1 44,044 ↔️
3 michaelfool 26,262 ↔️
4 cinelamour 23,035 ↔️
5 formulakaz 22,396 ↔️
6 ymirkovic 14,431 ⬆️
7 batshoncristiano 12,844 ⬆️
8 harrisonjiang-78175 12,172 ↔️
9 MAthePA 11,954 ⬇️
10 emiebocalbos-jp 10,225 ⬆️
11 ctfabian 9,728 ⬆️
12 Mark_a_Wood 9,691 ⬆️
13 saebaby86 8,987 ⬆️
14 Ioana_St 8,984 ⬆️
15 denny-27 8,625 ⬆️
16 Robohopper 8,328 ⬇️
17 pegg1976 7,533 ⬆️
18 bradleykent1 7,327 ⬇️
19 Woodyanders 7,199 ⬆️
20 dscbulkmail-amazon 6,652 ⬇️
21 ron_whisky 6,447 ⬇️
22 farhanazhari05 6,380 ⬆️
23 Blaine1942 6,308 ⬆️
24 Huggo 6,245 ⬇️
25 Holojarg 6,177 ⬆️
26 Happy_Evil_Dude 5,584 ⬆️
27 Greg75 5,557 ⬆️
28 mcwelch7 5,550 ⬇️
29 spring_migrant 5,510 ⬆️
30 PierreLeewes-2 5,312 ⬇️
31 11433Sthlm 5,082 ⬆️
32 elouie2000 5,033 ⬆️
33 Stevarooni 4,936 ⬇️
34 raympretorius 4,830 ⬆️
35 sundevilemily 4,830 ⬇️
36 digital-18070 4,604 ⬇️
37 tashrimac 4,530 ⬇️
38 geeked-out-4-movies 4,364 ⬆️
39 vorachotes 4,347 ⬆️
40 joeddelozier 4,301 ⬆️
41 ahmetkozan 4,106 ⬆️
42 sarahm17 4,071 ⬇️
43 horn-5 3,885 ⬆️
44 philipfhayes 3,839 ⬇️
45 lapantera 3,837 ⬇️
46 yook 3,795 ⬇️
47 slordoshoes 3,790 ⬆️
48 akira625 3,769 ⬇️
49 Simba63 3,762 ↔️
50 martindano 3,728 ⬇️
51 E-Kartoffel 3,648 ⬆️
52 trotter1954 3,594 ⬆️
53 shatterdaymorn 3,579 ⬆️
54 azuraring-84989 3,425 ⬆️
55 dk_schiff 3,353 ⬆️
56 benhampel 3,171 ⬆️
57 mna-35184 3,163 ⬆️
58 Littleman95 3,142 ⬆️
59 sarge-19 3,104 ⬆️
60 common_rotation 3,081 ⬆️
61 mneu-22567 3,030 ⬆️
62 vielguillaume 3,024 ⬆️
63 Leffaneuvos 3,017 ⬆️
64 ianlueck 3,001 ⬆️
65 ncottone-28464 2,957 ⬆️
66 madhuc 2,898 ⬇️
67 kimran999 2,813 ⬇️
68 kevinolzak 2,785 ⬆️
69 Channing_F 2,775 ⬆️
70 gurer-65810 2,757 ⬆️
71 Gabrielfox 2,751 ⬇️
72 luis_caffesse 2,751 ⬆️
73 bozsko-andras 2,729 ⬇️
74 zedmusic 2,718 ⬆️
75 skillwithaquill 2,710 ⬇️
76 Invisible2015 2,674 ⬇️
77 LoginTo 2,673 ⬇️
78 essmom 2,656 ⬇️
79 LargoDonWen 2,645 ⬇️
80 Velaska_official 2,626 ⬇️
81 brainybrailler 2,614 ⬇️
82 andreaguiar08 2,610 ⬆️
83 fireflightawake-22396 2,581 ⬇️
84 martinchinwuba 2,528 ⬆️
85 jason-nadle 2,523 ⬆️
86 chribren 2,486 ⬆️
87 jimjo1216 2,482 ⬆️
88 lor_ 2,464 ⬆️
89 info-68530 2,429 ⬇️
90 zoltanakos 2,410 ⬆️
91 Lenonn 2,397 ⬇️
92 capamaroux-1 2,396 ⬇️
93 carlesum 2,380 ⬆️
94 The_Movie_Cat 2,344 ⬇️
95 ind3 2,330 ⬇️
96 migueloliveiramonteiro 2,305 ⬆️
97 ashi1550 2,305 ⬇️
98 maaarun 2,259 ⬆️
99 SlyFan180 2,234 ⬆️
100 abby_fdez 2,215 ⬇️
101 lecoinducinephage 2,214 ⬆️
102 davefoss 2,188 ⬇️
103 staylor-51 2,182 ⬆️
104 scgary66 2,182 ⬇️
105 jb71a 2,163 ⬆️
106 soma-2 2,154 ⬆️
107 geronimoelortegui 2,099 ⬆️
108 gal bela 2,092 ⬆️
109 ipsd-75573 2,086 ⬆️
110 ebrahimiexe 2,074 ⬆️
111 mnmonteiro 2,057 ⬆️
112 anthony-42000 2,025 ⬆️
113 eknowlson 2,010 ⬇️
114 Peter-Patrick76 1,984 ⬇️
115 prudi-272-737983 1,973 ⬇️
116 klier_leon 1,946 ⬇️
117 hemantagarwal-05637 1,937 ⬇️
118 sweet_fluffy_puppy 1,905 ⬇️
119 Himanshusainy 1,877 ⬇️
120 MrIQ 1,872 ⬇️
121 lharamija 1,868 ⬇️
122 DmitryKantorov 1,867 ⬇️
123 carllh 1,864 ⬆️
124 yossi-tissona 1,862 ⬆️
125 hannu-33731 1,860 ⬆️
126 benboulaid 1,854 ⬇️
127 farmigaharmon 1,851 ⬇️
128 jmgr-86592 1,838 ⬆️
129 alphastud 1,825 ⬇️
130 srfacanha 1,813 ⬆️
131 Kurre 1,801 ⬆️
132 PierreS 1,783 ⬇️
133 spencergagnon-37805 1,774 ⬇️
134 sanisaaura 1,763 ⬇️
135 vondiesel-1 1,751 ⬇️
136 arturo_smallcharm 1,734 ⬇️
137 wnevill 1,714 ⬇️
138 Tarkin 1,706 ⬇️
139 snazzyleo-40564 1,702 ⬆️
140 Lara_Cain 1,700 ⬇️
141 jordangun 1,693 ⬇️
142 aghaemi 1,672 ⬆️
143 Tarhaseppo 1,629 ⬆️
144 mitchelvwijk 1,620 ⬆️
145 Rain85 1,597 ⬆️
146 dbassler1304 1,589 ⬇️
147 ntanakey 1,578 ⬆️
148 NickRiganas 1,568 ⬆️
149 noni-25243 1,558 ⬇️
150 jan_nihilation 1,537 ⬇️
151 marcial84 1,533 ⬆️
152 ayumihamasakifan 1,531 ⬇️
153 jishnuproductions 1,526 ⬆️
154 kashyapchandhock 1,508 ⬇️
155 surenpbharadwaj 1,506 ⬇️
156 marty602 1,500 ⬇️
157 Valkyrslayer 1,498 ⬇️
158 paulijcalderon 1,491 ⬇️
159 xylit333 1,489 ⬆️
160 tmfraga 1,482 ⬆️
161 thomaswake16 1,476 ⬆️
162 hm-2021 1,476 ⬆️
163 jayantakumarmondal 1,469 ⬆️
164 heartbreak_king-2 1,460 ⬆️
165 bogicevjelena 1,448 ⬇️
166 kyle-harvey-03165 1,432 ⬆️
167 rharlan58 1,396 ⬆️
168 Noirdame79 1,393 ⬆️
169 nelliepants 1,385 ⬆️
170 mysteriousbluebox 1,374 ⬆️
171 TiredAlex 1,367 ⬆️
172 Godslaye 1,352 ⬇️
173 sheilaforever 1,349 ⬇️
174 prbkrn91 1,318 ⬇️
175 Col Needham 1,296 ⬇️
176 benourdog 1,282 ⬇️
177 Chip_douglas 1,254 ⬆️
178 mdappel 1,253 ⬆️
179 robiics 1,248 ⬇️
180 livewirebryant-58232 1,247 ⬆️
181 ljdoncel 1,242 ⬆️
182 vadoczpeter 1,241 ⬇️
183 SchaiDog 1,240 ⬆️
184 gigovatio 1,240 ⬆️
185 PJ66MR 1,223 ⬇️
186 alex-mjacko 1,212 ⬆️
187 Imme-van-Gorp 1,211 ⬇️
188 scharlachred 1,211 ⬆️
189 CPPB-Int 1,203 ⬇️
190 gsnoon 1,186 ⬆️
191 vande 1,185 ⬆️
192 slownet2 1,179 ⬆️
193 Rodrigo_Amaro 1,176 ⬇️
194 Matt-Affleck 1,176 ⬆️
195 salternativa 1,166 ⬆️
196 Marcus_Trubridge 1,166 ⬇️
197 indu-95696 1,156 ⬇️
198 erindunlap 1,148 ⬇️
199 danstarr69 1,134 ⬆️
200 mririv 1,132 ⬆️
201 Travis_Bickle92 1,121 ⬇️
202 RoderichFM 1,119 ⬆️
203 kuldeepchauhan_331 1,117 ⬆️
204 ehren-50501 1,117 ⬆️
205 NoRa_FoKa 1,113 ⬆️
206 JasonIK75 1,105 ⬆️
207 edwardhewitt65 1,090 ⬇️
208 marilyng-08110 1,086 ⬆️
209 corcop 1,068 ⬆️
210 pampeano2882 1,050 ⬇️
211 manzanamx1 1,030 ⬇️
212 lovingreg23 1,027 ⬆️
213 elliot91 1,021 ⬇️
214 stefanocappuccio-sc 1,018 ⬇️
215 sonny-corleone-38-760864 1,016 ⬇️
216 TVBuff90 1,014 ⬇️
217 GroupZlatan 1,010 ⬆️
218 pinch_of_hope 1,008 ⬇️
219 EricGreene 1,007 ⬆️
220 fredcdobbs5 1,007 ⬆️
221 Sekho 1,003 ⬆️
222 jg-50323 996 ⬆️
223 The_Professor_Scary 994 ⬆️
224 diveta-productions 985 ⬇️
225 guillaume-52319 984 ⬇️
226 connorwhearn 983 ⬆️
227 Akasava 980 ⬆️
228 jrommz 978 ⬆️
229 ulf-635-523367 975 ⬆️
230 ozerovocka-17870 974 ⬆️
231 paulparisot 968 ⬇️
232 slachtomi 959 ⬆️
233 neilr64 956 ⬆️
234 BeetleBailey33 953 ⬆️
235 hershiser2 952 ⬇️
236 newyorkinspace 947 ⬇️
237 tityron 933 ⬇️
238 mbjwilkins 925 ⬆️
239 pizarron-00920 924 ⬆️
240 FangsNL 923 ⬆️
241 britstuff 922 ⬇️
242 officialprincekumar 920 ⬇️
243 chaurasiyahariom 912 ⬆️
244 anoopj226 910 ⬆️
245 Cecchini-</a> 909 ⬆️
246 martinlovettross 908 ⬇️
247 philip_leach 900 ⬆️
248 Gislef 890 ⬇️
249 charlesburke-47120 888 ⬇️
250 gollumsmeagolrocks 887 ⬆️
251 georgidjul 885 ⬇️
252 dj-dom 885 ⬆️
253 TrivWhiz 884 ⬇️
254 abtheboss 879 ⬆️
255 arrifat-77810 872 ⬆️
256 csillabedi 871 ⬇️
257 tazjjh 854 ⬆️
258 zevt 842 ⬆️
259 elfrontinoso 842 ⬇️
260 bruno_knolle 838 ⬆️
261 pbn 833 ⬆️
262 thebrotherfamily 831 ⬆️
263 kaihiamaru 830 ⬇️
264 davidcunningham-46431 829 ⬆️
265 jp_91 827 ⬇️
266 norbertcreutz 819 ⬆️
267 oscar75 814 ⬆️
268 bta98 813 ⬆️
269 fischporcao 803 ⬆️
270 markomisiraca 798 ⬆️
271 michaelapearlman-68040 789 ⬇️
272 danchermawiski 787 ⬇️
273 statmanjeff 779 ⬆️
274 k-vissers 774 ⬆️
275 jostimor 772 ⬇️
276 J-R-Dickson 763 ↔️
277 chris-53-184575 762 ⬇️
278 arorashadow_2003 760 ⬆️
279 amickbyron 760 ⬆️
280 hclark-76943 755 ⬆️
281 arjubhat 750 ⬆️
282 jandrewworld 748 ⬇️
283 Quig555 746 ⬇️
284 sargentty 746 ⬇️
285 elifyilbas 746 ⬆️
286 yoloart_elgk 744 ⬆️
287 tymoteuszkutz 740 ⬇️
288 albierobles 736 ⬇️
289 ruditstamas-87565 733 ⬆️
290 becshanssen 732 ⬇️
291 Cracker05 731 ⬆️
292 robnet-48324 731 ⬆️
293 Bolkonskij 730 ⬆️
294 jeremysnead 728 ⬇️
295 izko-35160 727 ⬇️
296 Jukka_A 724 ⬇️
297 suyash-kul 720 ⬆️
298 montoromania 716 ⬇️
299 Global_Joe21 715 ⬆️
300 sim_ul 715 ⬇️



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Thanks everyone for your submissions in week 2, just to clarify that the new totals listed above are rolling covering week 1 and 2 items, not a brand new total for week 2 items only. We hit a total of 909,164 items from the leaderboard so far in March alone! That's an additional 42,450 items in comparison to week 1 and puts us at an average of 64,940 items a day, 2,705 an hour and 45 per minute. 

We had 66 new users join the leaderboard this week, hello to all and congratulations on being featured on week 2. The highest position for a new leaderboard entrant was azuraring-84989 who climbed to position 54, congratulations azuraring-84989!

Special shout-outs to zoltanakos who jumped a whopping 195 positions week on week, and to Perspicuity1, who submitted the most items outside of inespape-1 in week 2! 




3K Messages


72.5K Points

I moved up a spot. Woo hoo!

8.6K Messages


176.7K Points


WOW !!

It must take you more than a dozen CDs to backup your lists of Names and Titles

- - -

rank   nick             total
1       inespape-1  118,849

goes to

and you added "ref_=ldtr_wk2" to track the source

[⬆️]  to green  ? ?

[↔️] to Yellow ? ?
[⬇️]  to red ? ?
- - -


Welcome to IMDb Contributor, a site dedicated to the contribution experience at IMDb.
At the moment you can track the status of your 
new title, episode, trivia, and image update contributions.
We will add tracking for other types of data contributions in future updates.
Stay tuned!...
Col Needham

- - -


Add this to that ? ?


Your Contribution History (Beta)
This page is still in development, so there may be bugs that need ironing out.
You can help us improve by reporting bugs or giving feedback on Get Satisfaction.

Already there :


Update History





3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

It sounds like you've been doing some great research, good work daniel_francis_gardecki!



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

4 years ago

Hi everyone!

Just a little reminder that if you are enjoying the contributor leaderboard trial please do let us know in the comments so we can log your feedback.



8.6K Messages


176.7K Points


another suggestion ...

? ?

Put :

Week 1:

Week 2:

etc  in a separate read only thread - easy to compare weeks

and keep all comments to be added to this thread




14.5K Messages


330.9K Points

4 years ago

I'm not sure what an item means these days. Do some types of contributions release more points than others?

10.7K Messages


225.4K Points

Well, certainly a submission can contain updates to or corrections of multiple items, along with additions and deletions. In the cast section of a title page, each reference therein to a name page is a distinct item (comprised of three data fields). Concordantly, in the filmography section of a name page, each reference therein to a title page is a distinct item (comprised of three data fields). The items of a submission would be the individual changes made or to be made to the content of the database, not at the field level but the item level. So, those are two contexts for the meaning of "item" on IMDb.

10.7K Messages


225.4K Points

I meant, "five" instead of "three", by the way.

(It's a tuple; with a tconst, an nconst, the character name string, the attributes string and the credit order number. By default, we ordinarily only edit four fields at a time. Owen Rees can probably articulate and explain it really well.)

456 Messages


14.6K Points

I am not sure of all the details of what counts as "an item" in all parts of the data but as far as I know, for anything that can be submitted via the usual contribution form a new item would be what is labelled "New #1" etc. and an existing item what is controlled by a single "Keep/Correct/Delete" selector. Adding a piece of trivia or a goof will take more work than adding a single keyword but as far as I know each counts as one item.

I do not know how the scoring works for additions, corrections and deletions but I suspect that if you try to gain extra points by adding an item then correcting it it will not work (and might even count against you). Adding incorrect information that is later deleted is not likely to increase you score either and will probably damage your reputation as a reliable contributor.

The existence of the weekly leader board indicates that the system that processes these numbers has changed at least to the extent of doing the count more often. There may be other changes too so what I know may be out of date.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

4 years ago

Here is the leaderboard for Week 3:



rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 181,262 ↔️
2 Perspicuity1 64,396 ↔️
3 michaelfool 39,933 ↔️
4 formulakaz 33,565 ⬆️
5 cinelamour 33,006 ⬇️
6 harrisonjiang-78175 19,453 ⬆️
7 batshoncristiano 18,582 ↔️
8 ymirkovic 16,538 ⬇️
9 digital-18070 16,526 ⬆️
10 Mark_a_Wood 15,781 ⬆️
11 emiebocalbos-jp 14,607 ⬇️
12 BonaFideBOSS 14,494 ⬆️
13 Woodyanders 14,417 ⬆️
14 ctfabian 13,477 ⬇️
15 pegg1976 13,296 ⬆️
16 MAthePA 12,955 ⬇️
17 Ioana_St 11,163 ⬇️
18 denny-27 10,926 ⬇️
19 farhanazhari05 10,355 ⬆️
20 bradleykent1 10,258 ⬇️
21 dscbulkmail-amazon 9,970 ⬇️
22 Holojarg 9,813 ⬆️
23 Blaine1942 9,800 ↔️
24 spring_migrant 9,330 ⬆️
25 saebaby86 9,275 ⬇️
26 Huggo 9,213 ⬇️
27 sundevilemily 9,091 ⬆️
28 raympretorius 8,981 ⬆️
29 Leffaneuvos 8,977 ⬆️
30 Greg75 8,713 ⬇️
31 Robohopper 8,486 ⬇️
32 Happy_Evil_Dude 8,314 ⬇️
33 ron_whisky 8,268 ⬇️
34 elouie2000 7,940 ⬇️
35 Invisible2015 7,742 ⬆️
36 tashrimac 7,669 ⬆️
37 Stevarooni 7,565 ⬇️
38 joeddelozier 7,179 ⬆️
39 mcwelch7 7,049 ⬇️
40 vorachotes 6,937 ⬇️
41 shatterdaymorn 6,868 ⬆️
42 11433Sthlm 6,660 ⬇️
43 PierreLeewes-2 6,510 ⬇️
44 pampeano2882 6,374 ⬆️
45 yook 6,318 ⬆️
46 trotter1954 6,159 ⬆️
47 geeked-out-4-movies 6,114 ⬇️
48 zoltanakos 5,957 ⬆️
49 Simba63 5,876 ↔️
50 info-68530 5,867 ⬆️
51 horn-5 5,806 ⬇️
52 vielguillaume 5,722 ⬆️
53 gurer-65810 5,719 ⬆️
54 ncottone-28464 5,631 ⬆️
55 martindano 5,585 ⬇️
56 lapantera 5,470 ⬇️
57 dk_schiff 5,310 ⬇️
58 mna-35184 5,301 ⬇️
59 arturo_smallcharm 5,167 ⬆️
60 sarge-19 5,118 ⬇️
61 benhampel 5,061 ⬇️
62 mafaldaroma 4,954 ⬆️
63 E-Kartoffel 4,865 ⬇️
64 jimjo1216 4,802 ⬆️
65 Littleman95 4,779 ⬇️
66 ahmetkozan 4,730 ⬇️
67 martinchinwuba 4,627 ⬆️
68 lor_ 4,624 ⬆️
69 slordoshoes 4,614 ⬇️
70 akira625 4,515 ⬇️
71 lecoinducinephage 4,428 ⬆️
72 maaarun 4,397 ⬆️
73 philipfhayes 4,388 ⬇️
74 ianlueck 4,351 ⬇️
75 zedmusic 4,289 ⬇️
76 mneu-22567 4,281 ⬇️
77 soma-2 4,264 ⬆️
78 Kurre 4,141 ⬆️
79 sarahm17 4,071 ⬇️
80 chribren 4,066 ⬆️
81 azuraring-84989 4,002 ⬇️
82 LargoDonWen 3,957 ⬇️
83 essmom 3,863 ⬇️
84 common_rotation 3,852 ⬇️
85 Lenonn 3,848 ⬆️
86 thomaswake16 3,755 ⬆️
87 madhuc 3,697 ⬇️
88 ind3 3,678 ⬆️
89 snazzyleo-40564 3,663 ⬆️
90 Channing_F 3,633 ⬇️
91 LoginTo 3,559 ⬇️
92 scgary66 3,545 ⬆️
93 SlyFan180 3,521 ⬆️
94 davefoss 3,518 ⬆️
95 Velaska_official 3,479 ⬇️
96 Gabrielfox 3,463 ⬇️
97 gal bela 3,436 ⬆️
98 ebrahimiexe 3,406 ⬆️
99 jmgr-86592 3,404 ⬆️
100 capamaroux-1 3,403 ⬇️
101 Peter-Patrick76 3,397 ⬆️
102 The_Movie_Cat 3,385 ⬇️
103 kuldeepchauhan_331 3,367 ⬆️
104 ipsd-75573 3,336 ⬆️
105 kevinolzak 3,237 ⬇️
106 jb71a 3,201 ⬇️
107 PierreS 3,191 ⬆️
108 jordangun 3,150 ⬆️
109 Rain85 3,149 ⬆️
110 prudi-272-737983 3,147 ⬆️
111 eknowlson 3,122 ⬆️
112 brainybrailler 3,114 ⬇️
113 skillwithaquill 3,112 ⬇️
114 abby_fdez 3,093 ⬇️
115 migueloliveiramonteiro 2,963 ⬇️
116 mnmonteiro 2,941 ⬇️
117 Tarkin 2,928 ⬆️
118 aghaemi 2,922 ⬆️
119 fireflightawake-22396 2,915 ⬇️
120 Tarhaseppo 2,883 ⬆️
121 Lara_Cain 2,871 ⬆️
122 carllh 2,866 ⬆️
123 marcial84 2,857 ⬆️
124 dbassler1304 2,831 ⬆️
125 mitchelvwijk 2,829 ⬆️
126 kimran999 2,827 ⬇️
127 alphastud 2,798 ⬆️
128 sweet_fluffy_puppy 2,791 ⬇️
129 luis_caffesse 2,751 ⬇️
130 Col Needham 2,739 ⬆️
131 jason-nadle 2,736 ⬇️
132 bozsko-andras 2,729 ⬇️
133 andreaguiar08 2,704 ⬇️
134 benboulaid 2,701 ⬇️
135 NickRiganas 2,686 ⬆️
136 farmigaharmon 2,655 ⬇️
137 klier_leon 2,631 ⬇️
138 anthony-42000 2,602 ⬇️
139 yossi-tissona 2,588 ⬇️
140 ayumihamasakifan 2,587 ⬆️
141 nelliepants 2,571 ⬆️
142 slownet2 2,568 ⬆️
143 DmitryKantorov 2,475 ⬇️
144 Jukka_A 2,466 ⬆️
145 srfacanha 2,431 ⬇️
146 britstuff 2,400 ⬆️
147 jan_nihilation 2,375 ⬆️
148 xylit333 2,371 ⬆️
149 The_Professor_Scary 2,366 ⬆️
150 sheilaforever 2,347 ⬆️
151 hemantagarwal-05637 2,336 ⬇️
152 rharlan58 2,333 ⬆️
153 geronimoelortegui 2,317 ⬇️
154 ashi1550 2,307 ⬇️
155 tmfraga 2,291 ⬆️
156 Chip_douglas 2,222 ⬆️
157 staylor-51 2,182 ⬇️
158 Sekho 2,167 ⬆️
159 sonny-corleone-38-760864 2,145 ⬆️
160 hm-2021 2,142 ⬆️
161 Valkyrslayer 2,137 ⬇️
162 jg-50323 2,091 ⬆️
163 edwardhewitt65 2,089 ⬆️
164 kashyapchandhock 2,078 ⬇️
165 scharlachred 2,073 ⬆️
166 carlesum 2,060 ⬇️
167 RoderichFM 2,048 ⬆️
168 MrIQ 2,038 ⬇️
169 vondiesel-1 2,031 ⬇️
170 aidanrodriguez-16648 2,024 ⬆️
171 Akasava 2,021 ⬆️
172 ehren-50501 2,016 ⬆️
173 danstarr69 2,012 ⬆️
174 marty602 2,005 ⬇️
175 hannu-33731 2,002 ⬇️
176 PJ66MR 1,983 ⬆️
177 stefanocappuccio-sc 1,965 ⬆️
178 dutchmarvel 1,962 ⬆️
179 robiics 1,924 ↔️
180 rnahigian 1,922 ⬆️
181 Cecchini- 1,916 ⬆️
182 NoRa_FoKa 1,905 ⬆️
183 mririv 1,899 ⬆️
184 Himanshusainy 1,877 ⬇️
185 newyorkinspace 1,876 ⬆️
186 Matt-Affleck 1,874 ⬆️
187 lharamija 1,868 ⬇️
188 suprabj0083 1,867 ⬆️
189 jayantakumarmondal 1,829 ⬇️
190 paulparisot 1,786 ⬆️
191 spencergagnon-37805 1,774 ⬇️
192 sanisaaura 1,763 ⬇️
193 Imme-van-Gorp 1,761 ⬇️
194 vande 1,758 ⬇️
195 Godslaye 1,755 ⬇️
196 shape5 1,747 ⬆️
197 CPPB-Int 1,734 ⬇️
198 alex-mjacko 1,732 ⬇️
199 Sosna95 1,722 ⬆️
200 ntanakey 1,717 ⬇️
201 wnevill 1,714 ⬇️
202 bruno_knolle 1,709 ⬆️
203 noni-25243 1,684 ⬇️
204 Rodrigo_Amaro 1,683 ⬇️
205 mysteriousbluebox 1,683 ⬇️
206 Noirdame79 1,676 ⬇️
207 mbjwilkins 1,674 ⬆️
208 SchaiDog 1,641 ⬇️
209 markomisiraca 1,638 ⬆️
210 JasonIK75 1,632 ⬇️
211 paulijcalderon 1,629 ⬇️
212 GroupZlatan 1,628 ⬆️
213 FangsNL 1,601 ⬆️
214 jrommz 1,598 ⬆️
215 smcgann14 1,592 ⬆️
216 ljdoncel 1,587 ⬇️
217 connorwhearn 1,580 ⬆️
218 slachtomi 1,571 ⬆️
219 jishnuproductions 1,526 ⬇️
220 Travis_Bickle92 1,523 ⬇️
221 surenpbharadwaj 1,506 ⬇️
222 livewirebryant-58232 1,503 ⬇️
223 lovingreg23 1,501 ⬇️
224 manzanamx1 1,499 ⬇️
225 BeetleBailey33 1,497 ⬆️
226 benourdog 1,496 ⬇️
227 tityron 1,485 ⬆️
228 marilyng-08110 1,482 ⬇️
229 arans-75600 1,481 ⬆️
230 ruditstamas-87565 1,477 ⬆️
231 heartbreak_king-2 1,460 ⬇️
232 bogicevjelena 1,451 ⬇️
233 ulf-635-523367 1,440 ⬇️
234 TiredAlex 1,439 ⬇️
235 playtimejm 1,439 ⬆️
236 asadsheikhcasting 1,430 ⬆️
237 vadoczpeter 1,409 ⬇️
238 pizarron-00920 1,407 ⬆️
239 cecilia-mateus2012-370-15660 1,404 ⬆️
240 fredcdobbs5 1,402 ⬇️
241 amickbyron 1,396 ⬆️
242 SlapCapFever 1,395 ⬆️
243 Marcus_Trubridge 1,383 ⬇️
244 ripitidi 1,377 ⬆️
245 EricGreene 1,374 ⬇️
246 prbkrn91 1,369 ⬇️
247 salternativa 1,365 ⬇️
248 magdamaquillaje 1,355 ⬆️
249 Gislef 1,345 ⬇️
250 diveta-productions 1,337 ⬇️
251 abtheboss 1,324 ⬆️
252 neilr64 1,313 ⬇️
253 BulmaPunkRocker 1,312 ⬆️
254 bmlpsn 1,308 ⬆️
255 zoroman2008 1,308 ⬆️
256 farhanazhariannuar 1,302 ⬆️
257 combarros-36109 1,296 ⬆️
258 ozerovocka-17870 1,289 ⬇️
259 invisec 1,282 ⬆️
260 guillaume-52319 1,265 ⬇️
261 ChloeDee 1,258 ⬆️
262 dj-dom 1,257 ⬇️
263 hershiser2 1,257 ⬇️
264 mdappel 1,253 ⬇️
265 arrifat-77810 1,249 ⬇️
266 elliot91 1,244 ⬇️
267 gigovatio 1,240 ⬇️
268 k-vissers 1,237 ⬆️
269 exe_malaga93 1,231 ⬆️
270 rorymsk 1,223 ⬆️
271 Bolkonskij 1,219 ⬆️
272 statmanjeff 1,212 ⬆️
273 richboy_is_dead 1,210 ⬆️
274 georgidjul 1,206 ⬇️
275 anoopj226 1,200 ⬇️
276 quintjones 1,194 ⬆️
277 philip_leach 1,193 ⬇️
278 mmeijlof 1,191 ⬆️
279 gsnoon 1,186 ⬇️
280 tazjjh 1,176 ⬇️
281 Mjollnir 1,171 ⬆️
282 indu-95696 1,171 ⬇️
283 Global_Joe21 1,164 ⬆️
284 nickromm 1,157 ⬆️
285 Hurdy_Gurdy_Man 1,151 ⬆️
286 TVBuff90 1,149 ⬇️
287 erindunlap 1,148 ⬇️
288 corcop 1,147 ⬇️
289 izko-35160 1,138 ⬆️
290 jp_91 1,116 ⬇️
291 gamazoa-35769 1,116 ⬆️
292 gabrielk-31973 1,111 ⬆️
293 Muvienutt 1,110 ⬆️
294 oscar75 1,097 ⬇️
295 jerrygauthier 1,094 ⬆️
296 Sergey119 1,092 ⬆️
297 pinch_of_hope 1,077 ⬇️
298 kevinkriedemann 1,071 ⬆️
299 pbn 1,070 ⬇️
300 snitchgrovel 1,067 ⬆️



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Thanks everyone for your submissions in week 3, just to again clarify that the new totals listed above are rolling covering weeks 1-3, not a brand new total for week 3 items only. We hit a total of 1,391,873 items from the leaderboard so far in March. That's an additional 482,709 items in the week and an additional 42,450 more than week 2 from the leaderboard users. That puts us at an average of 66,280 items a day, 2,762 an hour and 46 per minute! 

We had 33 new users join the leaderboard this week, hi to all of you and congratulations on being featured on week 3! We also had 5 users who featured again in week 3 from the week 1 leaderboard – a special welcome back to zoroman2008, rorymsk, quintjones, gamazoa-35769 and jerrygauthier. The highest position for a new leaderboard entrant was BonaFideBOSS who climbed to position 12, zoroman2008 was our highest return user coming in at position 255, congratulations to both of you!

Special call-outs for pampeano2882 who jumped 166 positions week on week, and to digital-18070, who submitted the most additional items (11,645) in comparison to their week 1-2 and week 2-3 totals. 




3K Messages


72.5K Points

I was 13 items from moving up again this week. If only they had processed all my edits to Zack Snyder's Justice League!



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

It was the additional runtime that delayed us, apologies Adrian ;) Good luck in week 4!



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

4 years ago

Welcome to the final month to date leaderboard update. Please see the below for Week 4:



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

rank nick total movement
1 inespape-1 245,957 ↔️
2 Perspicuity1 81,246 ↔️
3 michaelfool 51,586 ↔️
4 formulakaz 44,073 ↔️
5 cinelamour 42,253 ↔️
6 spring_migrant 34,789 ⬆️
7 batshoncristiano 27,136 ↔️
8 harrisonjiang-78175 25,084 ⬇️
9 BonaFideBOSS 22,707 ⬆️
10 Mark_a_Wood 21,691 ↔️
11 ron_whisky 21,303 ⬆️
12 digital-18070 20,403 ⬇️
13 Woodyanders 19,807 ↔️
14 pegg1976 18,128 ⬆️
15 emiebocalbos-jp 17,453 ⬇️
16 ctfabian 17,108 ⬇️
17 Ioana_St 16,949 ↔️
18 ymirkovic 16,538 ⬇️
19 dscbulkmail-amazon 13,770 ⬆️
20 denny-27 13,717 ⬇️
21 Blaine1942 13,426 ⬆️
22 Greg75 13,169 ⬆️
23 raympretorius 13,033 ⬆️
24 Huggo 12,876 ⬆️
25 bradleykent1 12,713 ⬇️
26 Holojarg 12,702 ⬇️
27 geeked-out-4-movies 12,014 ⬆️
28 farhanazhari05 11,709 ⬇️
29 Happy_Evil_Dude 11,238 ⬆️
30 soma-2 11,205 ⬆️
31 elouie2000 10,192 ⬆️
32 Leffaneuvos 10,127 ⬇️
33 Stevarooni 10,053 ⬆️
34 Invisible2015 9,928 ⬆️
35 mcwelch7 9,428 ⬆️
36 Robohopper 9,415 ⬇️
37 thomaswake16 9,303 ⬆️
38 saebaby86 9,275 ⬇️
39 gurer-65810 9,250 ⬆️
40 shatterdaymorn 9,075 ⬆️
41 trotter1954 9,034 ⬆️
42 zoltanakos 8,975 ⬆️
43 yook 8,947 ⬆️
44 vorachotes 8,877 ⬇️
45 joeddelozier 8,782 ⬇️
46 11433Sthlm 8,599 ⬇️
47 ncottone-28464 8,363 ⬆️
48 Lara_Cain 8,281 ⬆️
49 Simba63 8,174 ↔️
50 PierreLeewes-2 8,129 ⬇️
51 tashrimac 7,903 ⬇️
52 lapantera 7,850 ⬆️
53 NickRiganas 7,435 ⬆️
54 horn-5 7,420 ⬇️
55 info-68530 7,351 ⬇️
56 pampeano2882 7,347 ⬇️
57 mna-35184 7,345 ⬆️
58 sarge-19 7,131 ⬆️
59 ianlueck 6,994 ⬆️
60 rvindas-38328 6,903 ⬆️
61 ahmetkozan 6,876 ⬆️
62 ind3 6,870 ⬆️
63 Kurre 6,765 ⬆️
64 lor_ 6,625 ⬆️
65 benhampel 6,622 ⬇️
66 martindano 6,575 ⬇️
67 lecoinducinephage 6,552 ⬆️
68 Gabrielfox 6,388 ⬆️
69 Littleman95 6,363 ⬇️
70 dk_schiff 6,262 ⬇️
71 vielguillaume 6,120 ⬇️
72 jimjo1216 6,066 ⬇️
73 chribren 6,051 ⬆️
74 E-Kartoffel 5,999 ⬇️
75 philipfhayes 5,910 ⬇️
76 mneu-22567 5,808 ↔️
77 akira625 5,736 ⬇️
78 madhuc 5,693 ⬆️
79 zedmusic 5,643 ⬇️
80 arturo_smallcharm 5,585 ⬇️
81 skillwithaquill 5,514 ⬆️
82 maaarun 5,488 ⬇️
83 Peter-Patrick76 5,483 ⬆️
84 martinchinwuba 5,390 ⬇️
85 jostimor 5,344 ⬆️
86 essmom 5,286 ⬇️
87 eknowlson 5,209 ⬆️
88 Velaska_official 5,206 ⬆️
89 ebrahimiexe 5,013 ⬆️
90 common_rotation 4,961 ⬇️
91 mafaldaroma 4,955 ⬇️
92 LargoDonWen 4,920 ⬇️
93 jmgr-86592 4,898 ⬆️
94 Channing_F 4,810 ⬇️
95 azuraring-84989 4,768 ⬇️
96 SlyFan180 4,760 ⬇️
97 LoginTo 4,623 ⬇️
98 slordoshoes 4,614 ⬇️
99 snazzyleo-40564 4,573 ⬇️
100 PierreS 4,550 ⬆️
101 The_Movie_Cat 4,548 ⬆️
102 Rain85 4,530 ⬆️
103 Lenonn 4,460 ⬇️
104 gal bela 4,456 ⬇️
105 scgary66 4,425 ⬇️
106 capamaroux-1 4,418 ⬇️
107 mitchelvwijk 4,414 ⬆️
108 davefoss 4,355 ⬇️
109 info-67488 4,307 ⬆️
110 slownet2 4,295 ⬆️
111 kashyapchandhock 4,280 ⬆️
112 prudi-272-737983 4,253 ⬇️
113 Col Needham 4,228 ⬆️
114 dbassler1304 4,081 ⬆️
115 sarahm17 4,071 ⬇️
116 arans-75600 3,959 ⬆️
117 brainybrailler 3,938 ⬇️
118 migueloliveiramonteiro 3,876 ⬇️
119 mnmonteiro 3,844 ⬇️
120 jb71a 3,843 ⬇️
121 klier_leon 3,840 ⬆️
122 carllh 3,746 ↔️
123 ismailumarrkhan 3,746 ⬆️
124 christinakyriazis 3,744 ⬆️
125 abby_fdez 3,727 ⬇️
126 Schneider-light 3,623 ⬆️
127 sweet_fluffy_puppy 3,620 ⬆️
128 aghaemi 3,574 ⬇️
129 jg-50323 3,544 ⬆️
130 Tarkin 3,532 ⬇️
131 marcial84 3,517 ⬇️
132 TheTempestAhead 3,481 ⬆️
133 Tarhaseppo 3,475 ⬇️
134 carlesum 3,473 ⬆️
135 calderdo 3,446 ⬆️
136 jordangun 3,414 ⬇️
137 kuldeepchauhan_331 3,406 ⬇️
138 ipsd-75573 3,376 ⬇️
139 tmfraga 3,373 ⬆️
140 jan_nihilation 3,368 ⬆️
141 alphastud 3,361 ⬇️
142 marty602 3,347 ⬆️
143 sonny-corleone-38-760864 3,284 ⬆️
144 kevinolzak 3,278 ⬇️
145 ayumihamasakifan 3,236 ⬇️
146 Jukka_A 3,175 ⬇️
147 rharlan58 3,165 ⬆️
148 farmigaharmon 3,136 ⬇️
149 scharlachred 3,132 ⬆️
150 yossi-tissona 3,131 ⬇️
151 The_Professor_Scary 3,080 ⬇️
152 robiics 3,014 ⬆️
153 vondiesel-1 2,976 ⬆️
154 fireflightawake-22396 2,974 ⬇️
155 consumerapplication 2,949 ⬆️
156 paulparisot 2,930 ⬆️
157 DmitryKantorov 2,910 ⬇️
158 anthony-42000 2,862 ⬇️
159 kimran999 2,827 ⬇️
160 Chip_douglas 2,824 ⬇️
161 Matt-Affleck 2,822 ⬆️
162 hemantagarwal-05637 2,810 ⬇️
163 Noirdame79 2,777 ⬆️
164 luis_caffesse 2,751 ⬇️
165 jason-nadle 2,736 ⬇️
166 bozsko-andras 2,729 ⬇️
167 FangsNL 2,719 ⬆️
168 stefanocappuccio-sc 2,712 ⬆️
169 bmlpsn 2,710 ⬆️
170 andreaguiar08 2,706 ⬇️
171 Imme-van-Gorp 2,685 ⬆️
172 lovingreg23 2,663 ⬆️
173 edwardhewitt65 2,646 ⬇️
174 RoderichFM 2,628 ⬇️
175 jayantakumarmondal 2,622 ⬆️
176 nelliepants 2,620 ⬇️
177 PJ66MR 2,618 ⬇️
178 benboulaid 2,613 ⬇️
179 markomisiraca 2,610 ⬆️
180 MrIQ 2,583 ⬇️
181 aidanrodriguez-16648 2,581 ⬇️
182 NoRa_FoKa 2,581 ↔️
183 geronimoelortegui 2,571 ⬇️
184 Sekho 2,517 ⬇️
185 britstuff 2,506 ⬇️
186 ehren-50501 2,495 ⬇️
187 Valkyrslayer 2,482 ⬇️
188 hm-2021 2,473 ⬇️
189 blackorpheus-2 2,466 ⬆️
190 Sosna95 2,464 ⬆️
191 xylit333 2,459 ⬇️
192 connorwhearn 2,449 ⬆️
193 aankietchoaksey 2,443 ⬆️
194 Akasava 2,436 ⬇️
195 srfacanha 2,431 ⬇️
196 sheilaforever 2,409 ⬇️
197 SlapCapFever 2,399 ⬆️
198 bruno_knolle 2,397 ⬆️
199 salternativa 2,397 ⬆️
200 ashi1550 2,365 ⬇️
201 rnahigian 2,349 ⬇️
202 willsonemmanuelp 2,342 ⬆️
203 danstarr69 2,333 ⬇️
204 Cecchini- 2,298 ⬇️
205 mysteriousbluebox 2,272 ↔️
206 arrifat-77810 2,230 ⬆️
207 ripitidi 2,211 ⬆️
208 anoopj226 2,209 ⬆️
209 Mjollnir 2,204 ⬆️
210 Godslaye 2,200 ⬇️
211 suprabj0083 2,196 ⬇️
212 staylor-51 2,182 ⬇️
213 mbjwilkins 2,171 ⬇️
214 GroupZlatan 2,134 ⬇️
215 Travis_Bickle92 2,133 ⬆️
216 jrommz 2,128 ⬇️
217 JasonIK75 2,124 ⬇️
218 paulijcalderon 2,095 ⬇️
219 alex-mjacko 2,063 ⬇️
220 slachtomi 2,055 ⬇️
221 hannu-33731 2,042 ⬇️
222 nickromm 2,033 ⬆️
223 manzanamx1 2,032 ⬆️
224 newyorkinspace 2,029 ⬇️
225 vande 2,026 ⬇️
226 dutchmarvel 2,006 ⬇️
227 guillaume-52319 2,001 ⬆️
228 jerrygauthier 1,981 ⬆️
229 tityron 1,973 ⬇️
230 thephenom-98803 1,970 ⬆️
231 EricGreene 1,952 ⬆️
232 fredcdobbs5 1,951 ⬆️
233 rebekahlos 1,949 ⬆️
234 pizarron-00920 1,943 ⬆️
235 marilyng-08110 1,934 ⬇️
236 Rodrigo_Amaro 1,914 ⬇️
237 smcgann14 1,914 ⬇️
238 mririv 1,899 ⬇️
239 Marcus_Trubridge 1,894 ⬆️
240 playtimejm 1,889 ⬇️
241 mmeijlof 1,878 ⬆️
242 Himanshusainy 1,877 ⬇️
243 BulmaPunkRocker 1,876 ⬆️
244 benourdog 1,876 ⬇️
245 lharamija 1,868 ⬇️
246 ruditstamas-87565 1,859 ⬇️
247 Gislef 1,836 ⬆️
248 izko-35160 1,828 ⬆️
249 watcheram 1,826 ⬆️
250 philip_leach 1,814 ⬆️
251 CPPB-Int 1,808 ⬇️
252 dj-dom 1,800 ⬆️
253 livewirebryant-58232 1,782 ⬇️
254 noni-25243 1,779 ⬇️
255 spencergagnon-37805 1,774 ⬇️
256 sanisaaura 1,763 ⬇️
257 arorashadow_2003 1,758 ⬆️
258 georgidjul 1,754 ⬆️
259 ntanakey 1,749 ⬇️
260 shape5 1,747 ⬇️
261 invisec 1,722 ⬇️
262 glf-5 1,718 ⬆️
263 amickbyron 1,717 ⬇️
264 wnevill 1,714 ⬇️
265 diveta-productions 1,711 ⬇️
266 SchaiDog 1,704 ⬇️
267 ChloeDee 1,694 ⬇️
268 KaramXXV 1,688 ⬆️
269 k-vissers 1,680 ⬇️
270 Bolkonskij 1,667 ⬆️
271 quintjones 1,661 ⬆️
272 penguin-694-706044 1,660 ⬆️
273 mahdi_ahmed 1,658 ⬆️
274 lashadardagany-858-825885 1,642 ⬆️
275 corcop 1,638 ⬆️
276 ulf-635-523367 1,637 ⬇️
277 Sergey119 1,635 ⬆️
278 ljdoncel 1,629 ⬇️
279 bbmtl-21883 1,629 ⬆️
280 farhanazhariannuar 1,615 ⬇️
281 blytheandferb-91172 1,609 ⬆️
282 martinlovettross 1,607 ⬆️
283 abtheboss 1,599 ⬇️
284 BeetleBailey33 1,594 ⬇️
285 prbkrn91 1,588 ⬇️
286 GBrazier 1,572 ⬆️
287 elliot91 1,566 ⬇️
288 shahrizwan-30396 1,552 ⬆️
289 TVBuff90 1,548 ⬇️
290 umbdis 1,547 ⬆️
291 bazso-karoly 1,546 ⬆️
292 TiredAlex 1,533 ⬇️
293 nmilijasevic-98485 1,527 ⬆️
294 jishnuproductions 1,526 ⬇️
295 frc1983 1,521 ⬆️
296 Hurdy_Gurdy_Man 1,514 ⬇️
297 neilr64 1,514 ⬇️
298 surenpbharadwaj 1,506 ⬇️
299 statmanjeff 1,489 ⬇️
300 SadbutSad 1,485 ⬆️



3K Messages


72.5K Points

Up 2 spots this week. I guess I have Aretha to thank!



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Thanks everyone for your submissions in week 4, just to repeat that the new totals listed above are rolling covering weeks 1-4 items, not a brand new total for week 4 items only. That is an incredible total 1,880,696 items from the leaderboard so far in March! That is an additional 488,823 items in the week and an additional 6,114 more than the week 3 total from the leaderboard users. That puts us at an average of 67,168 items a day, 2,799 an hour and 47 per minute! 

We had 9 new users join the leaderboard this week for the first time, hi to all of you and congratulations on being featured on week 4!


We also had 21 users who featured again in week 4 from one of the leaderboards from previous weeks – a special welcome back to all of you as well! The highest position for a new leaderboard entrant was thephenom-98803 who climbed to position 230, jostimor was our highest return user coming in at position 85, congratulations to both of you! A special mention for arans-75600 who jumped 113 positions week on week.


I will be updating a finalized leaderboard for the month on Tuesday next week to let you know the full totals for March.


As before, if you are enjoying the leaderboard updates please leave a comment registering your interest in the trial.



3K Messages


72.5K Points


Is the going to continue past March? I sure hope so. I look forward to the Monday updates.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Hi Adrian! At this point it's still to be decided, but thank you so much for registering your interest, it's great to hear that you are enjoying the updates!

8.6K Messages


176.7K Points

4 years ago

IMDb Statistics

As of December 2020
Total Data Items: 404,763,829
Titles:                      7,548,383
Names:                 11,214,704


Date                     | Title pages | People pgs | Users           | Sprinklr Members
Mon Jan 04 2021 | 13,780,000 | 12,204,000 | 127,660,000 | 91,600 (1832 pages x 50)
Mon Jan 11 2021 | 13,827,000 | 12,220,000 | 128,170,000 | 91,750 (1835 pages x 50)
Mon Jan 18 2021 | 13,848,000 | 12,240,000 | 128,500,000 | 91,950 (1839 pages x 50)
Mon Jan 25 2021 | 13,918,000 | 12,261,000 | 128,730,000 | 92,100 (1842 pages x 50)


Mon Feb 01 2021 | 13,964,000 | 12,282,000 | 128,980,000 | 92,250 (1845 pages x 50)
Mon Feb 08 2021 | 13,998,000 | 12,304,000 | 129,260,000 | 92,400 (1848 pages x 50)
Mon Feb 15 2021 | 14,050,000 | 12,324,000 | 129,500,000 | 92,500 (1850 pages x 50)
Mon Feb 22 2021 | 14,102,000 | 12,345,000 | 129,740,000 | 92,650 (1853 pages x 50)


Mon Mar 01 2021 | 14,153,500 | 12,365,000 | 12,9950,000 | 92,800 (1856 pages x 50)
Mon Mar 08 2021 | 14,201,000 | 12,385,000 | 130,200,000 | 92,900 (1858 pages x 50)
Mon Mar 15 2021 | 14,208,000 | 12,405,000 | 130,410,000 | 93,050 (1861 pages x 50)
Mon Mar 22 2021 | 14,300,000 | 12,426,000 | 130,670,000 | 93,150 (1863 pages x 50)
Mon Mar 29 2021 | 14,349,000 | 12,429,000 | 130,921,000 | 93,300 (1866 pages x 50)







- - -

See more from above






3K Messages


72.5K Points

4 years ago

I missed seeing an update this Monday. I don't think we ever got the "month end" update.



3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

I've updated the first post now with the final standings adrian and commented below with the final round up. It was a bank holiday in the UK which put me back a day ;)




3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

4 years ago

Once again, thank you to everyone for taking part and congratulations to everybody who featured in one of the leaderboard updates. I've updated the initial announcement post with the final confirmed leaderboard positions.


We hit a final total of 2,119,587 items from the top 300 in March, That’s an incredible average of 68,374 items a day, 2,849 an hour and 47 a minute!


We had 431 different users featured over the different weeks with 198 hardy souls making it on all 5 updates, congrats to all of you for your consistent performances throughout the month! 47 contributors featured in 4 updates, 41 in 3 updates, 54 in 2 updates and 91 were featured once.


Special shout-outs to the 7 users who were featured in the final update who have never appeared before (Rachel, ccoyle36, alexfbi, sudheeshthulaseedharan, untilter, mackenziepaterson-29292, and vtorov-boss) and welcome back to the 4 returning users (TrivWhiz, pbn, swayleetna and ozerovocka-17870) who made it back for the final leaderboard update. The highest new entrant was Rachel who climbed to position 195 and the highest returning user was TrivWhiz at 250, well done both!


Congratulations to Kurre as well who consistently outperformed his previous weeks’ rank throughout and rose from a starting position of 231 in week 1 to 60 by the final update.

As ever, if you enjoyed the trial please let us know by liking and commenting on this post.




3K Messages


72.5K Points

I fell for the first time. Slow week for me!




3.7K Messages


77.7K Points

Only by one position adrian, you've been remarkably consistent throughout! 



161 Messages


5.9K Points

Yaay, I made it to the list....

59 Messages


1K Points

4 years ago

I personally find this leaderboard to be very useful. It is a great idea, and I wouldnt mind if it were to continue into the future.