7 Messages


178 Points

Monday, December 11th, 2023 5:34 AM



"The year in the new title must match" problem

Some of the extra Doctor Who videos are not considered episodes and are under their own titles.  However the date given in the title information is incorrect, many are given the year of 2005 (when the series was revived), instead of the release year.  These entries for these have the correct release year, but there is a discrepancy in the data. See Clara and the TARDIS for example (released in 2013).  I tried to change the year but get the "The year in the new title must match the year in the old title" message, and no matter what I put in the explanation field will allow me to submit the proper information.  Also see The Great Detective, which has the same problem and won't allow for the submission of the proper information.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Doctor Who listed incorrectly

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