12 Messages
244 Points
Doctor Who listed incorrectly
Doctor Who is under a new production company and is restarting their season numbering. They’ve officially ended Doctor Who (2005-2022), and they’re now beginning Doctor Who (2023-). Somebody needs to fix this on IMDb as it currently lists the new episodes as season 14, but there is no Season 14 in the 2005 show. That should be Season 1 of 2023!
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
2.1K Messages
21.1K Points
1 year ago
Hi all,
Thank you for your patience whilst this issue was being reviewed.
We can now confirm that a new parent series page has been created for Doctor Who (2024-). All episodes for the previous series are now listed as expected and the Connections page for the new series page has been updated.
2.1K Messages
21.1K Points
1 year ago
Hi @MitchellK,
Thank you for your problem report.
I have filed a ticket (ref. #D106040478) with the appropriate team so that this can be looked into and the appropriate changes made. I will provide any updates to this thread as and when I receive them.
7 Messages
178 Points
1 year ago
Some of the extra Doctor Who videos are not considered episodes and are under their own titles. However the date given in the title information is incorrect, many are given the year of 2005 (when the series was revived), instead of the release year. These entries for these have the correct release year, but there is a discrepancy in the data.
See Clara and the TARDIS for example (released in 2013). I tried to change the year but get the "The year in the new title must match the year in the old title" message, and no matter what I put in the explanation field will allow me to submit the proper information. Also see The Great Detective, which has the same problem and won't allow for the submission of the proper information.
3 Messages
90 Points
1 year ago
Check out Doctor Who on BBC iPlayer:
The page shows 13 seasons, ending with the S13 special "The Power of the Doctor". To view the recent 60th anniversary specials, you need to click on "More Like This", where you'll discover "Doctor Who (2023-)" on the same level as the OG "Doctor Who (1963-1996)". This is a clear indication that the 60th anniversary specials are the first episodes of a new Doctor Who era, coinciding with the start of the collaboration with Disney.
This ScreenRant article confirms the franchise reboot:
The 15th Doctor's first season will not be season 14, but season 1 of a new Doctor Who era. That means it's time to consider the current Doctor Who era has officially ended: "Doctor Who (2005-2022)". A new page should be created for the new era "Doctor Who (2023-)", and the 60th anniversary specials (The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder, The Giggle) should be moved there.
Long live Doctor Who! Both of them!
2.1K Messages
21.1K Points
1 year ago
Hi all,
Thank you for your reports on the title page for Doctor Who.
We will not be making any changes to the title's listing at this time. We will revisit this decision closer to the release date of the new series, when we are likely to have more definitive information about how the series and episodes will be officially categorized.
4 Messages
100 Points
1 year ago
Russell T. Davies has clearly stated “The New Who era (2005-2022) is now over…” and Davies confirmed that Doctor Who Series 14 will not only mark a return to “season” terminology, but also restart the show’s chronology from scratch, too. “Next year, Season 1,” he said. “Yes, we’re calling it Season 1.”
if you look at BBC iPlayer, the latest release is listed as “Doctor Who (2023-)”
12 Messages
244 Points
1 year ago
New teaser trailer for “SEASON 1”: https://youtu.be/RlyPLWz-e1U?si=oL-Jw97Sla3hIOrI
12 Messages
168 Points
9 months ago
Doctor Who’s latest series as been separated into its own entry due to the decision of the BBC and Disney to market the series as “season 1” in order to attract viewers. While this is purely for marketing reasons, and is still considered to be series 14 of Doctor Who (2005-2022), it seems odd to create a separate entry. Having one for the classic series (1963-1989) and the modern series made sense as they are different shows, being separated by 16 years, but it seems unnecessary to create a separate entry for the RTD2 era.
However, in order to solve this issue, what about combining the three Doctor Who pages into one? And have a single entry titled Doctor Who (1963-present) which lists everything from season 1 (1963-64) to season 40 (2024).
2 Messages
70 Points
6 months ago
I’ve seen that Doctor Who has several different IMDb listings with the 60th specials and Ncuti Gatwa’s first series have a new page. I know it’s referred to as “season 1” but that’s just for marketing and more to do with the Disney + deal, with them not wanting to start listing from series 14. Just seems unnecessary to create a new page in my opinion for what is the next season. It’s not a new show, Doctor Who 2005-2022 is the same series as Doctor Who 2023-present.
It’s also confusing for users having to jump between pages. It’s frustrating enough already having the classic series and new Who on separate pages. Is this something that can be fixed? Merging the 2005-2022 page with the 2023-present page. Or even merging all three pages!
11 Messages
214 Points
4 months ago
Why are there two separate IMDb pages for the 2005–present Doctor Who program?
The 2023–present series is not a separate program/series. It is still the same series.
The two separate pages: