jay_spirit's profile

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30.3K Points

Saturday, May 1st, 2021 10:41 AM


The Return of the Faux TOM AND JERRY TV series

Once again, IMDb lists a TOM AND JERRY series that pretends the theatrical cartoons from 1940 to 1967 are a TV series that lasted from 1940 to 1967.

At least this time the theatrical shorts themselves were not converted into TV episodes. Instead, we have TV episode duplicates of every theatrical short.

Tom and Jerry (TV series 1940-)

Accepted Solution



17.6K Messages


314.8K Points

4 years ago

Hi jay_spirit -

Thanks for your report, this incorrect TV Series has now been removed.


1K Messages


30.3K Points

4 years ago

Here's what I'd like to see happen.

1. Make it possible to categorize a series as something other than a TV series. There should be MOVIE SERIES, INTERNET SERIES (for podcasts and other kind of series made for the internet) and CHANNEL SERIES (for standalone videos that all appear on a single YouTube (or other platform's) channel.

2. Make it possible to label an episode as a dummy, which would prevent anyone from voting for it or adding information to it. All the dummy would have is a link to the actual title.


1. We could label TOM AND JERRY as a Movie Series.
2. We could list the theatrical shorts as episodes, but keep them as dummies that link to the real movies.

(Yes, TOM AND JERRY was also an actual TV series that began in the 1960s, and collected three theatrical shorts per episode. That's a different issue.)

1K Messages


30.3K Points

I'm thrilled you brought this up! I've been wanting the movie serials to be listed as series for a long time.

Now, in this case, I'd like the serials to be listed exactly the way TV series are listed. No dummy episodes. The only difference is that they would be labeled as a movie series ~ or better yet, specifically as a movie serial, to distinguish them from a series like TOM AND JERRY, OUR GANG or STAR WARS.

2.8K Messages


84.1K Points

You guys might want to read and vote for this idea: https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/add-episodes-for-vintage-movie-serials/5f4a79828815453dba7fa925

(perhaps you already have voted for it, but this sprinkler system doesn't show who voted for an idea....)

And good catch @jay_spirit for finding this annoying faux Tom and Jerry series. Hopefully, a staffer will soon respond, fix this mess and contact the person(s) available for this nonsense.

1K Messages


30.3K Points

I just voted for it, Marco. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.