mailo_chewissies's profile

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102 Points

Sunday, March 6th, 2016 9:08 PM


Standard, votable Mood-Tags for all titles, of course!

Almost all interesting aspects of movies (and tv series etc.) can be found on IMDb, from awards to trivia, and of course the ratings...
...But the mood of a movie, cannot, and this is something that IMDb is truly missing, because it's about the emotions and the feeling you get from movies. Something you want to know about, when you are figuring out what you want to see next. Right now I can check out how acclaimed the  movie is, or how good according to the users, what sort of movie it is (genre), and yes, I could watch the trailer. Hell, I could go on to check out reviews. But it takes a lot of time and I go into the movie with more information than I actually wanted to know, while I think a lot of people are actually searching for just a few words to make sure the show/movie is one of their taste.

Mood-tags are somewhat like Keywords, but Keywords on IMDb seem very random/unorganized (because they can be made by anyone), don’t get too many votes, and most importantly, are mostly about situations and stuff in the movie.

My idea is about standardized Mood Tags (like: dark, sentimental, complex, disturbing) on which IMDb-users can vote after they have rated the movie. Standardized, to keep it clear and relevant, but also comparable to other movies etc. Let’s say (for example) around 30 moods, of which the four with the most votes are The Moods of that movie (until other moods get more votes of course). Then it is possible to search for moods, in combination with other moods (maybe even search for the darkest voted movies).

Most importantly however, it will be possible to understand if a movie is of your taste, from only one look at the mood tags. (Certainly if they would be placed in some kind of convenient (colored) map.)

Whatever taste websites out there that had something similar, are not available for individuals anymore, so it would be rather unique too, can you believe it!? Haha..

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