Unfrozen's profile

6 Messages


124 Points

Thursday, June 1st, 2023 6:28 PM


Someone else's name was put in for my role in The Sixth Sense instead of mine.

Someone else got the screen credit and the $ for the work I did. I was told at the time nothing could be done, but just recently I asked found out that maybe it could be changed here. 

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

1 year ago

Well, the IMDb company won't allow for there to be two cast credit items for the same role such that one item has the attribute "(credit only)" while the other item has the attribute "(uncredited)". I've proposed that this underdocumented policy be adjusted, but the IMDb policy team thus far disagrees, perhaps due to not understanding or simply because it poses some kind of technical setback. I give up. Nobody else, maybe except for adrian, seems to care; or perhaps hardly anybody is even aware of the situation.



17K Messages


308.8K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Unfrozen & @jeorj_euler -

I have raised this issue with our Policy team to review.  Once I have confirmation on the current policy regarding this use-case I will post those details here.

6 Messages


124 Points

@Michelle​ thank you very much!

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Joel's answer to similar problem pointed out a while ago can be found at https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/one-of-my-actress-credit-corrections-for-blockers-was-declined/5f4a7a0f8815453dba968746. He didn't provide a truly useful explanation of the policy. I wonder how many cases like this (in which the people overseeing both the movie editors and the credits designers made a mistake for a specific production) manifest as obfuscations on IMDb's reporting of movie information.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@jeorj_euler​ Looking at that thread, it looks like situation was not really understood so I say there is no reason to accept Joel's response as correct since there was most likely a misunderstanding there. And it clearly does not reflect any written rules and not really in line with any guidelines.

Audrey Casson is not credited in the movie, so it's factually incorrect to list her as credited -with an as attribute- and it's not in line with any policies, actually it goes against policies. Correct handling that is in line with policies on that movie page would be listing Audrey Casson as (uncredited), and listing Amelia Oswald as credited with (scenes deleted) attribute (scenes deleted attribute is better because Amelia Oswald actually filmed it but it was cut from final edit, see her explanation on this Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/ameliaoswald/posts/1890605077616304)

That would be the correct way to handle it and that would be in line with policies. Amelia Oswald is a different person, it's not an alternate name of Audrey Casson, so it's just wrong to list Audrey with Amelia's name as an AKA. They both worked on the movie and so it should be on both of their name pages with proper attributes (one -scenes deleted- and one -uncredited-). Joel's answer is caused by misunderstanding and should not be taken as correct because it does not reflect any written rules.

There's a recent similar case here which was handled with one (uncredited) and one (credit only) entries for both pages: https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/how-to-have-credits-corrected-when-production-clearly-states-they-made-an-error/6442bc1200bd3f7acdb3e946

Which is certainly the correct way to handle it than listing someone who's not credited as credited.


6 Messages


124 Points

I appreciate your answer. I looked up your Facebook post, and I understand what you are saying. But I don't thing there was a miscommunication. There is clearly a problem. Thing is, the scenes I was in were NOT cut. The wrong name was put in for the accredited work I did. I contacted Daniel Passiario at Disney, and I contacted M. Night Shyamalan. No one seemed to be able to do anything. And yet, something needs to occur, don't you think?

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Thanks, mbmb. I could've sworn that I observed Will (who was an active member of the IMDb staff at the time) give as similar reply as Joel, regarding the same situation for a different movie, but I couldn't find the thread corresponding.



17K Messages


308.8K Points

1 year ago

Hi @Unfrozen & All -

To clarify, we cannot remove the existing credit associated with the individual who was credited on-screen, however,  the "credit only" attribute should be added to the credit to indicate that while the individual was credited they were not featured on the film.

Under these specific circumstances we will also allow a separate cast credit listing for the same role with the 'uncredited' attribute.  You will need to submit your credit to the title with this attribute, I also encourage you to include an explanation either linking to this community thread or outlining the situation and including the screen capture of your role featured on-screen.

Let us know if you have any questions or issues submitting the credit.  Cheers!

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@Michelle​ This is definitely the more sensible and correct approach. I made a submission to amend the issue on the thread referenced by jeorj_euler according to your reply here: 230606-194929-904000

6 Messages


124 Points

Thank you Michelle. I appreciate your thoughtful response. I don't know how to make a submission, as I have just joined. Could you please point me in a direction? Thank you, Elsa



2.1K Messages


21.8K Points

Hello Unfrozen,

I encourage you to take a look at our Adding a Filmography credit help article, with the instructions and help to submit the missing credit.

6 Messages


124 Points

6 months ago

The ghost in this clip is me. Not the name in the credits

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled I am the female ghost on the sixth sense , another name was used. I would like credit. My name is Elsa Ward.



1.4K Messages


14.7K Points

Hi @Unfrozen,

You will need to submit a credit addition with the attribute mentioned above by Michelle, via our Contribution Form with sufficient supporting evidence. You can do this by following the guidance in our help page.
