s_h_3zmjad9id0o6c's profile

29 Messages


670 Points

Thursday, August 12th, 2021 11:29 PM



Slurs as keywords

Was wondering what the rule is on slurs as keywords? I've found b*tch and cr*pple as keywords which I think ought to be changed to something less offensive.

Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310K Points

3 years ago

Hi s_h_3zmjad9id0o6c -

We don't allow offensive slurs as Keywords, these inappropriate keywords you reported have been removed and the changes should be live on the site shortly.


29 Messages


670 Points

Thanks @Michelle I was wondering if the same could be done with "wheelchair bound" as that is not an ok term to use anymore, but as @bradley_kent said, maybe change instead of deleting.

29 Messages


670 Points


Another query, what about the term "slut"? Seems like a pretty demeaning term that maybe needs changing to something else?


2.7K Messages


47K Points


I would not support banning the keyword "slut." That word, while offensive or demeaning in certain contexts, has also been embraced by many, including in titles including the word, as well as by certain characters.

I also don't think it's possible to change "slut" to a different keyword. Today the word is not only applied to women, but also men, and in a variety of contexts other than sexual promiscuity.

With that said, I and other users such as @bradley_kent have, through manual editing, purged IMDb of similar keywords that were being abused, like "slutty-attitude" and "filthy-slut." 

And I do believe that certain keywords like "loose-woman," "harlot," "easy-woman," and "wanton-woman" should all be merged/autoconverted into "promiscuous-woman," if merely for the fact that there is no reason to have so many synonyms as different keywords. But first, I have been going through these keywords to root out their abuse.

29 Messages


670 Points


Yeah I know about it being reclaimed :) The rest sounds good to me.



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

@s_h_3zmjad9id0o6c I think the proper term to use would be "wheelchair-user" instead of "wheelchair-bound". This also has the advantage of being a noun instead of an adjective.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

1.3K Messages


23.1K Points

3 years ago

Were they audited and some changed to "b-word" and something like "physically-challenged-person-slur" before you removed them?  I fear that this scary, unbridled march into removing/deleting keywords is destroying information that can never be retrieved and correctly formatted. Why have you opted so many times for the "nuclear option"?  Because it's easy and expedient?  Because audits take time and patience and conscientiousness?

I don't "like" these offensive keywords, either, but this action is destructive to the database. Audit, audit, audit.  Correct, correct, correct.  Please.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

@s_h_3zmjad9id0o6c Progress! The keyword "whore" has now been blocked from IMDb.

@gromit82 I really like your suggestion to merge "wheelchair-bound" into "wheelchair-user." I have made a note of your idea in my private list of disability-related keywords that I will publicly propose for action by IMDb staff, hopefully soon. 

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Regarding the "crippled" and related keywords, I have created this new thread:

Duplicate Keywords - List #34 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion) (physical disability keywords)

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Update: many of the keyword revisions involving physical disabilities recommended in this thread have now been accomplished.

Duplicate Keywords - List #34 (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion) (physical disability keywords)


2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Another update: several "bitch" keywords have been permanently blocked.

IMDb Staff: Please block and delete these keywords ("factual," "entertainment," and "bitch" keywords)