11 Messages


170 Points

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024 5:22 AM


Reviews with US govt citations to debunk "documentary" events do not get approved; why?

In my review to Golda, contribution#240313-041716-922504 , I compared what the film shows vs what actually happened; I cited from history.state.gov, which is a US govt source.

The only option I gave was that the supposedly "documentary" is not aligned with US govt source.

Based on IMDb code, what value does the US govt source violate? Is it a source issue?
I can provided alternative additional Egyptian, European, Chinese and Russia (including video footage too) if you find US govt not so reliable source!

Based on IMDb code, is comparing the "Documentary" film events, to what is a documented real world events; telling truth and debunking flat lies considered a violation?

Thanks for support.

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10 reviews getting not getting approved or posted for no specific reason?

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