11 Messages


170 Points

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023 2:27 AM


10 reviews getting not getting approved or posted for no specific reason?

I have tried to write a movie review couple of time, and all got rejected without providing a valid reason?

Please provide one or more valid reason; can you point out what's the issue with my reviews or is it your system?
Let me know if I need to provide additional credible resources to back my review points? or is it just deliberate nonsense racism?

Here were the rejected reviews for you to review:







https://contribute.imdb.com/contribution/230911-202336-913504 (Approved but not posted)



Thanks for support, if any!



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

10 months ago

Hi @ygmail -

231120-190836-606304- Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title.

231015-012743-263004- Mentions social comments like 'whitewashing'

231010-055630-532004- Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title.

230928-184451-877104- Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title.

230927-064304-390804- Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title.

230911-202336-913504- Was not approved, was duplicated to other submission.

230911-193344-775104- Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title.

230908-101334-408104- Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title.

230905-031356-883804- Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title.

Please re-write review after reading our guidelines so we can approve.


11 Messages


170 Points

Hi @Bethanny​ ,
   Many thanks for feedback and support.

Please explain what is meant by "Review focuses on real life situations instead of the title."?

The movie is being promoted as "a real life situations" based story, and in the trailer and in the movie there are a repetitive phases like "Israel will be wiped out of the map" which is historically very false about the declared intension of 1973 war which was to enforce the implementation of UN resolution after repeatedly rejection of Israel to accept UN-based peace in 1971-1973 (as published on NYTimes, Israeli Haifa University and there are Associated Press footages to debunk the film false claims).

Please let me know if I should be providing the specific phases and/or the times they appear inside the film?

Remember the movie "title" is "Golda", and it was Golda who rejected the UN resolution and 1971 peace. It was the fake "Golda" in the movie who promoted the false intensions of Sadat. Here's an Israeli Haifa U publication for your own reference:

«Sadat's proposal for a comprehensive settlement of the Egyptian-Israeli dispute, which was secretly submitted to Kissinger in February 1973. Despite the fact that it met most of Israel's requirements regarding peace, Sadat's proposal was REJECTED BY GOLDA. By making this decision, Golda Meir and her colleagues opted for war rather than peace» https://cris.haifa.ac.il/en/publications/last-chance-to-avoid-war-sadats-peace-initiative-of-february-1973



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@ygmail​ Hi!

Please refer to our guidelines under 'Personal opinions or speculation on real life events or subject matter on which a film is based' your comment is explaining how things were portrayed wrong and explaining how it really was instead of focusing on the content of the title.


11 Messages


170 Points

@Bethanny​ I am comparing the CONTENT of the film vs what is true.
I can support it with references of the exact minute and scenes in the film if this would make it crystal clear?
Truth goes against guideline and disinformation is a community value of IMDb?

11 Messages


170 Points

@Bethanny​ Hi,
There are reviews that were posted that critics historical events with the events of the so-called Documentary, for example: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw9331026/

Why I am not allowed to use US State resource to debunk scenes that are based on disinformation?
Or is there a specific template or format to write?

11 Messages


170 Points

6 months ago

I recently made a review post that includes comparing the official statements vs the claims the film makes.

I can come up with another review and elaborate more on resources for reliable American, Egyptian and Israeli sources w/ video footage to debunk such flat lies; unless of course spreading disinformation is part of the values IMDb cherish!

I appreciate if you can tell which part of my review prevents it from being approved?

Contribution#: 240312-081202-228304
Thank for support.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Review not getting approved for no reason

11 Messages


170 Points

6 months ago

In my review to Golda, contribution#240313-041716-922504 , I compared what the film shows vs what actually happened; I cited from history.state.gov, which is a US govt source.

The only option I gave was that the supposedly "documentary" is not aligned with US govt source.

Based on IMDb code, what value does the US govt source violate? Is it a source issue?
I can provided alternative additional Egyptian, European, Chinese and Russia (including video footage too) if you find US govt not so reliable source!

Based on IMDb code, is comparing the "Documentary" film events, to what is a documented real world events; telling truth and debunking flat lies considered a violation?

Thanks for support.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Reviews with US govt citations to debunk "documentary" events do not get approved; why?



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @ygmail,

As previously highlighted in my colleague's previous response, the review you are attempting to submit is in violation of our user review guidelines, as it is contains social commentary on the title's subject matter and is not a review of the title's content itself. We would also remind you that the title you are reviewing is not a documentary.

I hope this helps!

11 Messages


170 Points

@Ozzy​ Hi,
Thanks for clarification.
I believe the film declares itself as based on true story in the beginning and uses days and dates to set the timeline; It would make much more sense if the film is classified as "Fantasy" while dropping misleading dates and "true story" entitlements.
Lets say I am debunking claims are declared as true events, with evidence-backed facts; does that go against "guideline" too?

As I said, I can provide the scene in (minutes:seconds) as reference, if necessary, in which the film displays misleading and ultraly false information; there are tremendous of resources to debunk the film claims and certain statements used; I can provide resources/citation from Associated Press footage, US State Office of Historian, Israeli Haifa U publications, Egyptian media as well as Russian, in which are all aligned.

What do you mean by "social commentary"?
I see posted reviews with titles like "Faking History" and "A Disastrous Falsification of History " (which uses similar words, like "misrepresenting" and "fiction" to make clear comparison between film events and events that the film claims to be "based on").

Please note, your GUIDELINE, literally says "Personal opinions or speculation" and this is NO PERSONAL NOR SPECULATION, what I am brining is actual well documented facts.
…which means if you bring well credible sources, such as US State Office of Historian, Associated Press, CBS Face The Nation (Official YouTube Channel) that should be sufficient to debunk a flat lie… or a "fantasy" that 

claims to be based on true events?

Is there specific format or words I should or should not use, please provide so?
Thanks for your help!


155 Messages


2.4K Points

@ygmail​ Well! 1) Label a ordinary movie even if it has a storyline that goes against history as Fantasy is pritty crazy. 2) There are a number of ways you can critize a movie for the storyline whitout putting in reference to different Ytube channels.  A review schould focus around the storyline and what is going on in the movie.

11 Messages


170 Points

1) I did not label anything in my reviews; but to put a "based on true story" label on a movie while twisting the whole "true story" sounds pretty crazy, isn't it?

2) There are number of posted reviews that critize movies for their plot vs the real world events it claims it is "based on"; as such the examples I posted earlier ( "Faking History" and "A Disastrous Falsification of History ")

The purpose of adding references was to represent an accurate real world events which is being compared to what the corresponding events the "based on true story" movie twist/claims real; also, instead of providing instruction about the sources for fact-checking, it would be easier just to hit the source.

What "channels"? The Associated Press channel? Is it marked as unreliable source according to the "guideline"?
If so, I can remove that AP. Other sources included were US State Office of Historian website, New York Times, Haifa University; Are these sites marked as unreliable source according to the "guideline" too?


155 Messages


2.4K Points

@ygmail​ Sorry! But I don't understand how you could misssunderstand. I did not say that you have labeled the movie as a Fantasy. I was say that Making it = change it to a fantasy from a generally stand point about what genere this ovie schould have is crazy.

Only becouse is is not accurate to history so is it not Fantasy. It is a ordinary drama how is inspierd from a real event. As like for exempel Apollo 13 whit Tom Hans. And of you think that other reviews are breaking the guidelines then report them.

11 Messages


170 Points

@Jimmi1996​ 1) No worries, no big deal! As I said, there are statements and scene within the film that goes totally in different direction of what is a well documented historical events it is based on; which makes them fictional statements towards fantasy than to be "based on true story", or any thing near a very well documented history.
* I do not believe they are "breaking the guidelines" the same way I believe mine did not; that's why we're here to begin with. 




1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @ygmail​,

The reviews you have highlighted both contain comments on or criticism of the title's content and is not solely social commentary on the title's subject matter. As previously stated, your review solely contains social commentary on the real life events or subject matter the title is based on. To answer your question, a user review is not the place for debunking a title's content, but providing your opinion on the title you are reviewing.

I hope this helps!