ShippersAreEvil's profile

36 Messages


596 Points

Sunday, October 3rd, 2021 4:23 PM


Review mobbing

Is there anything that can be done when it is plainly obvious that whatever Reddit sub the Angry Virgins (aka incels) hang out in are mobbing a shows reviews?

Illustrative example: Foundation (2021): average 7.6, with a clear skew towards 8-10 - and yet all of the "Helpful" reviews are the enraged 1-star reviews whining about wokeness and especially gender changes (something specifically approved by Asimov's estate) and some of them looking suspiciously like bots.

It is such obvious system-gaming that it really ought to have been dealt with years ago.

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

3 years ago


October 3 2021

Foundation (2021- )
A complex saga of humans scattered on planets throughout the galaxy
all living under the rule of the Galactic Empire. - 500 Reviews

IMDb Users
10,078 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.6 / 10
Rating        Votes
10   28.9%  2,913
  9   19.0%  1,916
  8   19.7%  1,984
  7     8.8%     890
  6     4.0%     407
  5     3.3%     328
  4     2.5%     248
  3     2.8%     285
  2     2.8%     284
  1     8.2%     823
Arithmetic mean = 7.5   Median = 8

- - -

October 10 2021 - 643 Reviews

13,308 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.5 / 10

Rating        Votes
10  27.0%   3,597
  9  18.5%   2,459
  8  20.4%   2,710
  7    9.7%   1,296
  6    4.8%      636
  5    3.4%      459
  4    2.6%      350
  3    2.9%      391
  2    2.8%      375
  1    7.8%   1,035
Arithmetic mean = 7.5   Median = 8

- - -

October 17 2021 - 754 Reviews

16,246 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.4 / 10
Rating         Votes
10   26.0%   4,221
  9   17.9%   2,909
  8   20.8%   3,383 
  7   10.6%   1,723
  6     5.0%     819
  5     3.7%     602
  4     2.7%     444
  3     2.9%     472
  2     2.8%     456
  1     7.5%   1,217
Arithmetic mean = 7.4   Median = 8

- - -

October 24 2021 - 871 Reviews

19,092 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.4 / 10
Rating         Votes
10   24.8%   4,730
 9    17.7%   3,377
 8    21.1%   4,020
 7    11.1%   2,127
 6      5.5%   1,059
 5      4.0%     757
 4      2.9%     545
 3      3.0%     576
 2      2.7%     524
 1      7.2%  1,377

Arithmetic mean = 7.4   Median = 8

- - -

October 31 2021 - 960 Reviews

21,860 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.3 / 10
Rating       Votes

10   24.2%   5,284
 9   17.4%    3,804
 8   21.1%    4,615
 7   11.7%    2,547
 6     5.9%    1,287
 5     4.1%      900
 4     2.9%      631
 3     3.1%      669
 2     2.7%      594
 1     7.0%    1,529
Arithmetic mean = 7.4   Median = 8

- - -

November 8 2021 - 1,049 Reviews

24,724 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.3 / 10

Rating        Votes
10   23.5%  5,808
 9   17.4%   4,297
 8   21.7%   5,356
 7   12.1%  2,992
 6     6.0%  1,485
 5     4.1%  1,015
 4     2.9%    707
 3     3.0%    754
 2     2.6%    653
 1     6.7%  1,657

Arithmetic mean = 7.4   Median = 8



36 Messages


596 Points

@ACT_1 Um, yeah?

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points


You could have added this

Check statues later....


36 Messages


596 Points

@ACT_1 *shrug* I summarised it.



5.2K Messages


55.1K Points

@ShippersAreEvil​ Hi!

So sorry for the late reply, we are working through a backlog. Can you confirm if this is still an issue?


8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

@Bethanny​ 😀

? ?

November 8 2021 - 1,049 Reviews

24,724 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.3 / 10

- - -


March 22 2023

Foundation (2021- ) - 1,658 Reviews

63,094 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 7.4 / 10
Rating          Votes
10   18.7%    11,777
  9   17.0%    10,742
  8   25.1%    15,839
  7   16.8%    10,605
  6    7.4%      4,654
  5    4.2%      2,626
  4    2.5%      1,599
  3    2.2%      1,375
  2    1.8%      1,145
  1    4.3%      2,732
Arithmetic mean = 7.5   Median = 8

- - -


Foundation (2021– )
User Reviews
Filter by Rating: 
  1 Star : 298 Reviews
  2 Stars: 172 Reviews
  3 Stars: 182 Reviews
  4 Stars: 137 Reviews
  5 Stars: 122 Reviews
  6 Stars:   82 Reviews
  7 Stars:   99 Reviews
  8 Stars: 133 Reviews
  9 Stars: 143 Reviews
10 Stars: 259 Reviews



36 Messages


596 Points

@Bethanny​ Of course it is (it is nothing to do with the weighting of ratings, and everything to do with how *reviews* are being gamed to drive 1-stars to the top of the "Helpfulness" list (a list which is not remotely fit for purpose and should be scrapped). 



5.2K Messages


55.1K Points


I have reported the issue.
