42 Messages


1.2K Points

Monday, January 30th, 2023 2:59 PM



religious troll on imdb

There is a religious troll on IMDB targeting films set in deserts by adding fake release dates that predate the actual real release date by a year or two, and also adding fake religious alternate titles for the films. Example: "Les Deux Mondes" (French sci-fi comedy filmed in South Africa, which was actually originally released on November 21, 2007) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0808230/releaseinfo?ref_=ttfc_ql_2 Can anyone identify them and prevent them from hacking any other films' pages? I've already tried to undo the vandalism this person did on the page for "The Nativity Story" (2006), and the experimental Portuguese "Arabian Nights" trilogy from 2015, but i'm not sure if those pages have already been restored to their original state. Can anyone else help me out here?

Accepted Solution



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

2 years ago

Hi SalemTheBlackCat-   Thanks for reporting this. We have accepted your deletion requests and identified the user who added them to stop them from being added again. Keep in mind the year on the page takes a little to update.   Cheers!