Lina's profile



135 Messages


7K Points

Saturday, November 11th, 2017 12:07 AM

New IMDb Help hub

Hi everyone,

We are thrilled to announce we have published a new Help hub for IMDb fans, IMDbPro members and Data Contributors. This hub, available at, replaces the help content previously residing on and and provides streamlined access to the most common customer queries, organized in intuitive themes, with improved navigation and mobile-optimized design. It includes completely new search functionality across IMDbPro, fan and contribution sections. With this update, IMDbPro help content which was previously available only to logged-in IMDbPro members is now available to logged out users and non-members.

The new help site is one of the projects under the umbrella of software upgrades our founder, Col, wrote about here:

We hope the new hub helps you make the most of your IMDb experience and solve questions you have about our features and services.

We will continue to work on improving our help content, adding more images where this helps to communicate more effectively.

Please feel free to reply on this thread with any feedback or any issues you encounter. We appreciate all your help and dedication to our site.

Old Help experience:

New Help experience:

8.6K Messages


176.9K Points

7 years ago

Hi everyone,
We are thrilled to announce we have published a new Help hub for
IMDb fans, IMDbPro members and Data Contributors.
This hub, available at,
replaces the help content previously residing on
by Lina, Official Rep
Joined on January 9, 2013
- - -

You have to register new WWW account for this ??

Message from
We encourage users to help each other get the most out of IMDb.
Often the community provides answers and solutions faster than we can respond directly.
For best results, before posting a question or reporting a problem, please click here.

now goes to 

how to report problems ??

EDIT  Found it


Update above link in "Message from IMDb" ??

- - -

Message from
For billing/payment issues, visit

goes to ??

- - -

IMDb Staff is working hard to keep changing things here to keep their jobs

262 Messages


8.2K Points

7 years ago

Looks okay to me. 



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

7 years ago

As an old contributor used to the old submission guide page, I find it confusing that looking under 'Submission Guides' in the contributor section doesn't bring me to all the submission guides. For instance, I have to look under 'Titles' to find the plot or genre guides.

I would have preferred that the submission guides were grouped together as before as submission guides and FAQs are two different types of documentation. But if you prefer to group by topic, you could drop the header 'Submission Guides' in favour of something like 'Other Data'.

Also, under 'Submission Guides', the pages 'Awards', 'Events' and 'Awards data' are listed separately as if they are unconnected. It might be better to group them or list them 
closer together. The 'Awards data' link could possibly be dropped as the page is already linked from the main awards guide and is not very helpful on its own.



135 Messages


7K Points

7 years ago

Hi Peter, thanks for these suggestions. 
We will discuss with the data vetting team, to see if we can re-organize some things based on your suggestions.

Would it help if there was a page like an A-Z index of all the data submissions guides?



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

Yes, I think that would help. Perhaps other contributors will chime in.

119 Messages


12.3K Points

Hi Peter,

The Submission Guides: A - Z page is now live on the Help site:



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

Thanks. There's something wrong with that link, but perhaps I will have better luck:

119 Messages


12.3K Points

Sorry about that!

Try the link here:

We also renamed the Submission Guides section as "Other Submission Guides":



135 Messages


7K Points

7 years ago

Regarding old help article redirects that ACT_1 pointed out above:

We have redirected a finite list of the most popular help links from the old sites (e.g. ) - as well as ALL data submission guides.

In the process of creating the new help site, we have removed a lot of outdated and redundant content and consolidated many articles, to provide better quality of help articles.

We have also made the tough choice not too redirect all the remaining help articles.
We realize this means that some of your bookmarked help links will now be redirected to the help hub main landing pages, rather than the specific location of the new article. The same applies for some links in GetSatisfaction posts - which means people will have to look through the hub or do a search to find the specific information.

We apologize for this inconvenience, which should lessen in time as bookmarks get updated and the new links are posted on new GetSatisfaction threads.



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

There was a list FAQ, which is linked from this box in list edit mode:

Is the formatting help still available somewhere? I couldn't find it.

8.6K Messages


176.9K Points

Regarding old help article redirects that ACT_1 pointed out above:
We have redirected a finite list of the most popular help links from the old sites ...
by Lina, Official Rep
- - -

on there is
Need more help?
Visit the official IMDb support community powered by GetSatisfaction

You could post a link to this "New IMDb Help hub"
for more information
May be some confusion with redirected pages

Only 55,570 GS Members of the 82,290,000 registered users know about




135 Messages


7K Points

You could post a link to this "New IMDb Help hub"
for more information
May be some confusion with redirected pages
That's a good idea.
Where would you expect to find this in the hub and what terms might you use to search for this?
So we make sure it's easily discoverable.

8.6K Messages


176.9K Points

That's a good idea.
Where would you expect to find this in the hub and what terms might you use to search for this?
So we make sure it's easily discoverable.

by Lina, Official Rep

- - -

IMDb general support

Need more help?
Visit the official IMDb support community powered by GetSatisfaction

"New IMDb Help hub" - Nov 11 2017 - by Lina, Official Rep

8.6K Messages


176.9K Points

add another link ?

Why did you take away the TV listings?

I sent a message to the Help Desk
Contact #17434953

YOU should post Your announcement :
"We have decided to remove the TV Listings Grid for a couple of reasons...   "
by Leonard, Official Rep

and a link to This message

at the top of
so others can add comments Here

by ACT_1

119 Messages


12.3K Points

Hi Peter,

Thanks for catching that. I've added a FAQ for list formatting:



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

I noticed that your FAQ includes link formats, but doesn't mention the simple link format where you don't need an end tag: [link=tt0093832]

97 Messages


1.6K Points

7 years ago

If only you spent as much time fixing problems we bring up, rather than spending time kicking them into the long grass, we wouldn't need to bring them up.

This new help hub has offered me no help.

What a shame.

2.8K Messages


83.7K Points

7 years ago

Just three tiny errors I happened to stumble upon:

The word 'interfere' is misspelled as 'intefere' here:

In the sentence about Breaking Bad on this page you write "An example of can be found". This should of course be "An example can be found":

On the plot page ( you state that for all plot types (outlines, summaries and synopses) goes that they must be ones own work. This general point is also listed separately in the summary section. You can remove it there since it is already in the general section.

And yes, I already know the way too long and ugly URL's are for search results and stuff, but that doesn't make them any shorter or prettier :)

119 Messages


12.3K Points

7 years ago

Hi Marco,

Thanks for flagging these errors. I've corrected the three pages and the updates should be reflected now.

We appreciate your feedback regarding the length of the URLs. I've passed it onto the correct team to consider. 

Let us know if you find any other errors or have additional feedback.

8.6K Messages


176.9K Points

On the plot page (
And yes, I already know the way too long and ugly URL's are for search results and stuff, but that doesn't make them any shorter or prettier :)
by Marco
Joined on February 8, 2017
- - -
We appreciate your feedback regarding the length of the URLs.
I've passed it onto the correct team to consider. 
by Ava, Official Rep
- - -

Why do WE need all this ____ in a messase link ?


Old Boards Links looked like:

Board Number
Thread (Original Message) Number
Reply to Original Message Number
Reply to Reply Number

User Profiles are just
If you changed your name the Number was the same
- - -

WE do not need to post the Ref part in a message here - that is for IMDb tracking

2.8K Messages


83.7K Points

Thanks very much Ava, for the fixes as well as the swift response.



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

7 years ago

The page 'Companies data' appears in the Submission guides section, but appears to be a version of the old page about Special Effects Companies. If you want a page about company data in general instead of a specific page about effects companies, at least rewrite the text and include references to the other company lists (production companies, distributors, miscellaneous).



135 Messages


7K Points

Hi Peter.
Thanks for flagging this. I've pinged the data team to review your suggestion.



1.2K Messages


36.3K Points

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the suggestion, the Companies data page has been updated now to include:

  • Production companies
  • Distribution companies
  • Visual Effects companies
  • Miscellaneous companies
  • Sales Agents



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

7 years ago

This page about IMDb Partners has some points which appear to be dropdowns, but I can't get them to display anything.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Four hours later... Please check again, Peter. If it wasn't working before, it is working now, at least for me.



14.5K Messages


331.2K Points

Yes, it appears to work.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

7 years ago

Where do we find the new "processing times" page?



3K Messages


72.5K Points

Though, I believe the old link now correctly re-directs here.

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points

Well, certainly should redirect there. It was redirected elsewhere for a moment.

2.8K Messages


83.7K Points

7 years ago

On pages where users can add a review (example:, there's a link to the guidelines (well, actually five) that leads to this page: I think it would be better if it would link to this page: Can you change this please?

Also, this page: opens with the maximum number of words for a review, then goes on to the average number of words and for the minimum, it suddenly talks about lines instead of words. I think it would be more consistent to also name a minimum number of words for a review. Also, lines is more vague than words because depending on the device a user uses, the number of lines differs.

119 Messages


12.3K Points

Hi Marco,

I've passed this onto the correct team to help with redirecting the "Guidelines" links to the correct article. I'll let you know when this is updated.

We appreciate your feedback regarding this. I've tested this out and when reviewing on a mobile device, you'll need to switch to the "Desktop version". Viewing on the "Desktop Version" will match the same format of the Desktop site, so it won't change the number of words/lines required, so the reviews written through a mobile device won't be shorter than those written on a desktop or laptop.

2.8K Messages


83.7K Points

I've tested this out and when reviewing on a mobile device, you'll need to switch to the "Desktop version". Viewing on the "Desktop Version" will match the same format of the Desktop site, so it won't change the number of words/lines required, so the reviews written through a mobile device won't be shorter than those written on a desktop or laptop.
Thanks for testing, but it's still not very consistent to speak of words for the maximum number, words for the average and change to lines for the minimum. It's no biggie of course, but I feel it can be better than it currently is.

119 Messages


12.3K Points

Hi Marco,

I agree and we definitely want to make sure our Help Content is clear and easy to read.

I've updated the intro for the article here:

Let me know if you have any additional feedback.

2.8K Messages


83.7K Points

7 years ago

In the Acceptable Bio-trivia part of the biographical trivia section (, it is explained that spouse shouldn't be in biographical trivia because they have their own section. Could you make the words "own section" clickable so they link to



1.2K Messages


36.3K Points

Hey Marco,

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into this and get back to you soon.




5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

7 years ago

@IMDb staff:
The Lists FAQ for "How can I move list items without drag and drop?"
is horrible advice. Here's what's wrong:
On the list you want to reorder, click the 3 vertical dots and select "Edit" from the menu. Once the page loads, replace the position numbers of those items in the desired order and select "Done" and then select "Save" when the pop up window is displayed.
For example, to move an item that is currently at #5 in the list order to #1, replace the number 5 with the number 1. Click "Done" at the top of the screen, then "Save".  The page will refresh with the new order
While the directions are "accurate", they send you OUT of list Edit mode. For people who want to change multiple titles, but want to do them one (or a few) at a time, this is a lot of extra time wasted. You provided a better mechanism; you should refer to it.

Instead, after entering the new position number, I would advise:
'Click "SAVE LIST ORDER" and the page will refresh with the new order.'

If the user wants to exit, they can find the Done button on their own (or just leave Edit mode).

    119 Messages


    12.3K Points

    Hi bderoes,

    Thanks for your feedback and edits on this. I've updated the Help page:

    with the updated instructions for reordering lists.



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    7 years ago

    The page
    needs work.

    First sentence has a grammatical error ("Check-ins are a feature" has mismatched plural/singular).

    Under How do I check-in?
    On the desktop version, I would not describe the Share link as being in the  upper right of the page. I'd say it's to the right and slightly above the title. The upper right of the page has the facebook/twitter/instagram  icons to follow IMDb.

    You can also add a title to Check-ins by hovering over the Add to Watchlist icon, waiting for the dropdown list of lists...

    Under How Do I Access my List of Check-ins?
    It's not on the Your Lists page any more.
    I found it on Your Activity, or by clicking the double right-arrow in the Add to Watchlist dropdown.
    Being on the Yours Lists page is state again elsewhere.

    Under How do I reorder my list?
    It says you can't. But you can now. You also have the option to make them private, which contradicts an earlier statement on the page.

    Under How do I get my list to show up in one of the tagged sections, like "Horror"?
    I don't know what a tagged section is. Is this something we lost on Dec 6?

    There may be other problems; I got tired of reading it. I went there to learn what Check-ins were. Seems like it's just another list, but one you assign to every account. <shrug>



    3K Messages


    72.5K Points

    I don't see a grammatical error there as both "check-ins" and "are" are plurals. The fact that it ends with a singular, feature, is not a grammatical error. Like, "Bees are an insect." You wouldn't say "Check-ins are a features".



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points


    I would say Check-ins is a feature, and bees are insects, or a bee is an insect, but not what you wrote.

    But it's entirely possible that I'm being (not bee-ing) old-fashioned. I can't find an online grammar checker that objects to your bee sentence. But it makes me wince.

    Check-ins, in this context, is the name of a list, a singular thing. It is a feature of the IMDb site.

    If the sentence meant the collection of titles on the list, the plural noun would be apt. E.g.,  Check-ins are titles you want to share...

    It's really not critical. The inaccurate How-to's and Where-to's are more important (but still not critical in the grand scheme of things.)

    BTW, I might say "bricks are a construction material."  I don't want to think about why I find that different than bees. Covered in bees. Ahhhhhh. (that was a small scream)

    And doesn't this exchange go inside out if we talk about British grammar instead? 



    3K Messages


    72.5K Points

    Check-ins (which is plural) is (which is singular) a feature would be grammatically incorrect.



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    It would also be nice if there were an official spelling (hyphen or no?)

    On the page of them:

    But on the dropdown, and on the help page linked above:



    5.1K Messages


    118.5K Points

    Teletubbies was a TV show.
    Teletubbies (seemingly plural, but actually a name of a thing) was (singular) a TV show (also singular).

    BTW, back on the help page, the opening question was 
    What are check-ins?
    They are a feature?
    If it's correct, then blech on technical correctness.

    Covered in bees.

    10.7K Messages


    225.5K Points

    Well, the Teletubbies are just as much a team of anthropomorphic anomalies as Teletubbies is a show. So, it is a matter of context. Mismatches in singular and plural forms are not always considered grammatical errors.

    Note: I'm yet not entirely sure what, in detail, a Teletubbie (or a Teletubby) is :P
    (Also, maybe no member of the Teletubbies is ever referred to in singular form outside of pronouns or by name.)