68 Messages


1.7K Points

Thursday, October 6th, 2022 5:03 PM



Moving trivia item to the correct title

NOVA episode 49.11, Saving Venice, has one trivia item with no votes. Here is the complete trivia item: "344 single points of potential failure all had to be accomplished without fail to complete the successful deployment of the JWST." "JWST" stands for "James Webb Space Telescope" which is the subject of NOVA episode 49.10 Ultimate Space Telescope (note that the "Storyline" includes "James Webb Space Telescope"). My contribution #221003-034215-998000 submitting this trivia item to NOVA episode 49.10 was accepted (in my "explanation" I mentioned where I had found the item). My contribution ##221003-033633-842000 to delete this trivia item from NOVA episode 49.11 was "Declined"! The reason given was a generic "Does not meet contribution guidelines." I repeat that the trivia item in 49.11 has no votes. I realize that IMDb is reluctant to delete trivia. However, could someone from IMDb delete this trivia item from NOVA episode 49.11, please? Thanks.

Accepted Solution



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

2 years ago

Hi therichmeister-   I have resubmitted the deletion on your behalf and approved.   Cheers!