345 Messages


7.7K Points

Friday, March 17th, 2023 5:07 PM



Miscellaneous errors on keyword help page (subgenres)

I mentioned most of these on another thread, but am making a separate post for them here. In no particular order: - The subgenre "farce-comedy" is missing both examples and description. This is true both for the movies section and the series section. - "lifestyle-reality-tv" is also missing both examples and description. - News subgenres are all missing examples. This may be intentional, but I think it wouldn't be that hard to fix. - "Period-drama" is on the list twice: once in the drama, and once in the romance section. I assume the second instance is supposed to say "period-romance". Having tested it, "period-romance" is not able to be added as a subgenre, so it's not just a problem with the help page. - There is a typo in the description for entertainment-documentary. It says "move" where it should say "movie". - Several of the descriptions for documentary subgenres reference "biographical-documentary" despite that subgenre being deleted. UPDATE: The phrasing has been removed from the descriptions in the series section, but not the movies section. - New error as of the latest update: For some reason, docuseries-documentary has been placed in the movies section instead of the series section. Sadly, it seems that with each new update, the number of errors is only increasing, rather than decreasing. Some examples: - The new "history-documentary" subgenre is labeled as part of the "history" genre despite being situated alongside the documentary subgenres. - A typo in the example to the above-mentioned subgenre: it says "hey Shall Not Grow Old" instead of "They Shall Not Grow Old" - Not an error, per se, but a stylistic inconsistency: the examples used in the latest update show the year in parentheses (e.g. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)), whereas all the other examples only include the title. This should be the same throughout. The year is not really necessary for well-known titles; in this circumstance it should only be used when it is necessary to differentiate between remakes and originals or other films that use the same title. In other words, there are no other noteworthy versions of It's a Wonderful Life besides the 1946 original, so the year is not really necessary in this context. - Another typo: "GThe Godfather" instead of "The Godfather" for gangster-crime subgenre example. - The subgenre holiday-comedy is listed as holiday-comedy-comedy.

Accepted Solution



17.7K Messages


316K Points

1 year ago

Hi All - I wanted to confirm that the updates have now been made to the Help Guide.  For some additional context on some of the changes, we have removed "period-romance", if needed these titles can be found by using the "period-drama" keyword and filtering the search to include the romance genre.  We also intentionally removed the "news" subgenre. Cheers!



17.7K Messages


316K Points

2 years ago

Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1 - Thanks for reporting.  I have filed a ticket for the appropriate team to investigate the Keyword Help Guide and review the sub-genre listings you called out. Thanks again!

345 Messages


7.7K Points

@Michelle​ It's been three months and none of the errors I mentioned have been corrected. Any updates? Edit: the "period-romance" one is particularly urgent, because until that gets fixed, no one can add it as a subgenre.




14.7K Messages


333.3K Points

1 year ago

Timothy helpfully updated his post following recent guide updates. I'll add some notes: romantic-comedy has been added. There is a reason why it wasn't listed, namely the guideline against repeating genres, which was affirmed last year. The added history-documentary arguably also repeats genre data, though other similar keywords like crime-documentary and sports-documentary were already listed. holiday-season is surprising, the only listed "subgenre" which doesn't end with a genre despite this being perhaps the main principle behind the list. food-and-drink-documentary lists the example "Julia". The best known works with this title appear to be dramas, so perhaps the year (2021) could be added to specify the documentary. Two different subgenres list the example "Stanley Tucci". This presumably refers to Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy. farce-comedy, buddy-cop-comedy, holiday-comedy-comedy, romantic-comedy, screwball-comedy, gangster-crime, holiday-season, holiday-family, financial-drama, erotic-thriller are also listed under series keywords, but only have movie examples.


345 Messages


7.7K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Thanks for the notes, Peter. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually have no complaints about keywords repeating genre data. It takes half as many steps to search for the keyword "romantic-comedy" than it does to search for movies with both "romance" and "comedy" as genres. It's more convenient to have one single search term. Secondly, there might be some very rare occasions where a title might have both "romance" and "comedy" as a genre, but not really fit the general idea of what a "romantic-comedy" is (for instance, if a film were to combine the subgenres "dark-comedy" and "dark-romance" - I can't think of any off the top of my head that fit this description, but it is certainly possible.) Holiday-season is, in my opinion, a very welcome surprise. It's a good idea to have an overarching version of the holiday subgenre in addition to the more specific ones like holiday-comedy, holiday-romance, etc. I think they should even consider doing this for some of the other subgenres (like perhaps "epic", or "surreal", "teen", "b-movie", "superhero" or "period-film".) It also gives them something of a precedent if they want to later add some more esoteric subgenres that don't necessarily fit under any existing genres, like exploitation, blaxploitation, neo-noir, anthology-film, amateur, indie, etc. Another thing worth considering would be adding video game genres/subgenres, like RPG, shooter (first-person-shooter, third-person-shooter), fighting games, multiplayer, stealth, puzzle, etc. These can't exist under the current model that prioritizes only those "subgenres" that fit the strictest definition of a subgenre. Your last point is a good one. These subgenres should have series-specific examples. That's the whole point of separating movies from series, isn't it?




14.7K Messages


333.3K Points

I don't necessarily have a problem with romantic-comedy and others being allowed or listed, but it's very inconsistent.



17.7K Messages


316K Points

1 year ago

Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1 & @Peter_pbn - I'm just circling back to this older thread to confirm that the ticket to update our Help Guide is still open, and I have commented on the ticket to help give it a push.  As soon as I have an update on the status I will be sure to post the details here.