49 Messages
570 Points
Locking my imdb profile so no one else can make an edit except me
How do I lock my imdb page so no one edits it?
Someone edited my BIO and all my project credits to assistant or uncredited (maybe my competition who is trying to make a bad name for me).
Is there a way to lock it so no one edits it?
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
I believe this is harassment and cyber bullying
17.6K Messages
314.9K Points
3 years ago
Hi lukasispenn -
In order to be as comprehensive and current as possible, we cannot restrict updates for a specific name page to a single source or reject further changes.
If the recent changes made to your page were incorrect, you should submit the applicable corrections/updates and and our editors will take a look. Additionally, to help prevent any further errors I encourage you to include any evidence links to help verify your changes (such as screen grabs of the on-screen credits confirming your role). Otherwise, for specific details on how to correct your mini-Bio I encourage you to review our Help Guide.
If the data has been corrected and is again incorrect modified, let us know and we can investigate further for sabotage.
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
I corrected it a couple of days ago and someone has changed it back and made it even worse. I am quite ready to take legal action against the person who keeps changing this.
Is there a way to reach out to your customer care team?
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
Its also quite unfair practice from you that IMDB is letting the other person change whatever they want without asking for evidence !
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
Hi Michelle,
Can someone please help me out here? They are trying to sabotage my reputation and it will be having a huge impact on my career since most of the film folks check imdb for almost everything. Its been giving me a headache for over 4 days now. I would really appreciate if some imdb staff would help me.
Thank you
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
this is my imdb profile
I have submitted about 89 changes.
20 November 2021
All of them got rejected.
I checked my page again in a few hours and someone added over 580 episodes of me being an actor! if this is not harassment then what is?!
17.6K Messages
314.9K Points
3 years ago
Hi Varun -
I can confirm that all the incorrect Actor credits have been moved to a separate page listing for "Varun Hadkar (II)", as these credits likely belong to another person with the same name.
Regarding the credit corrections you submitted, I can confirm that these have not been approved because our editors were unable to verify the information. To help verify, can you post some screen grabs of your on-screen credited role for several episodes of each series?
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
Hi Michelle, please don’t put my name here. I don’t want anyone using google and finding this thread. Also, there is a NO person in this world with my name! It’s unique only to me. You can watch that tv show and notice there is no such actor.
also, I am happy to share any videos and clips but I would prefer you lock the credits once I send proof your way.
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
Also I am hugely surprised that you guys let a random troll change my profile without proof, but when I send you proof links, you guys rejected those changes.
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
You guys are doing a horrible job! someone just uncredite my profile AGAIN and added random designations. AND they added my as self to a kama sutra tv show, added a racist quote.
I don't understand why you guys don't lock my profile and not let anyone edit it except me!!
Have a look : profile
17.6K Messages
314.9K Points
3 years ago
Hi vdh -
Apologies for the delayed reply. I can confirm that the inappropriate Bio Quote has been removed as well as the newly created duplicate name page with false credits.
Concerning the ongoing sabotage, our staff have taken steps to help prevent further attempts of adding false data to your page. If you notice any outstanding errors in the meantime, let us know!
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
the person who is trolling has changed almost all my movies. I now have to go in there and fix each and every credit with evidence again ! I am a little austounded on why someone else has the access to change my profile when i am connected to my imdb pro.
as a side note, I dont have a nickname, someone is trolling on the page no matter what.
Thank you for all your help both of you. It helps a lot
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
Guys, please help. I think my entire page has been sabotaged with credits that din belongs to me and the person has made me a junior in almost all my movies. Have added unwanted credits on my page from movies or tv shows I have no idea about why or how this person is able to troll so much on my account.
the last update I added was shazam: fury of the gods: visual effects
after that day on everything is a catastrophic event.
Can you guys help do something about this?
Thank you very much for help so far
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
My page just keep getting rotten by the day. Someone really wants to troll on me big time. I think, if IMDb is not able to solve this. I’d rather have no page on my name than having trolled on so much. It’s not good for reputation unfortunately. Most of the film folks rely on IMDb for info - just like Wikipedia
49 Messages
570 Points
3 years ago
Hi @VonPunk @Michelle
can anything be done about this? I hope the IMDb staff can rectify this. I have been waiting for this for quite sometime now.