2.7K Messages
47K Points
IMDb Staff: some more keyword odds and ends
Hello IMDb staff,
Here are a few random keywords odds and ends to address.
1. Please delete and block these keywords:
indians (16 titles) *
part (8 titles) [generic keyword]
wonderful (8 titles) [subjective keyword]
* The keyword "indians" has been fully audited. It should not be merged into "indian." Not only is the keyword "indians" plural, it is also vague -- it could refer to an American Indian, an Indian from the country India, an Amerindian (indigenous person from the Americas), etc. At the request of @gromit82 and myself, the keyword "indians" should be blocked from the system.
2. Please unblock the keyword "william-shakespeare" and set it up for auto-conversion to "reference-to-william-shakespeare":
william-shakespeare (0 titles) --> reference-to-william-shakespeare (1870 titles)
A while back, at @Marco's request, the keyword "william-shakespeare" was simply blocked from the system. While there was nothing inherently wrong with blocking the keyword, it does mean that in the future, when people try to add that keyword, they will be blocked from doing so, and some of them will give up without realizing they could be using the more appropriate keyword "reference-to-william-shakespeare." The less drastic remedy to blocking "william-shakespeare" would be to set that keyword up for auto-conversion to "reference-to-william-shakespeare." Similar keywords like "franklin-d.-roosevelt" and "vladimir-putin" and "donald-trump" have already been set up for auto-conversion to their "reference-to-" counterparts. The same should be done with the "william-shakespeare" keyword.
3. Please merge and block "commissioner-gordon-character" keywords
This request results from a post by @adrian. Character-name keywords don't typically include job titles, and "commissioner-gordon" is inherently vague because there are at least two different Commissioner Gordon characters in the Batman universe (James and Barbara). At the request of @adrian and myself, the following changes should be made:
a. Please merge these keywords as follows (in the direction of the arrows):
commissioner-james-gordon-character --> commissioner-gordon-character --> james-gordon-character [new keyword]
b. After step "a" is finished, then please block these two keywords:
commissioner-james-gordon-character (147 titles)
commissioner-gordon-character (123 titles)
Accepted Solution
17.6K Messages
314.8K Points
2 years ago
Hi keyword_expert -
These keyword updates have now been made and the changes should be live on the site shortly.