keyword_expert's profile

2.7K Messages


47K Points

Sunday, August 28th, 2022 10:56 PM


IMDb Staff: A glitch has prevented the "male-objectification" keyword from being fully deleted

Dear IMDb staff:

I would have posted this as a response on this other recent thread, but that has thread has been closed after action by staff.

Per my request on that other thread, three days ago the keyword "male-objectification" keyword was recently deleted and blocked from the system. Those changes are much appreciated.

However, in the process of making those changes, an odd glitch occurred: the keyword was not completely deleted from the system. It went from 4,361 titles down to 183 titles, but those 183 titles are still there (I have quadruple-checked that, as discussed below).

male-objectification (183 titles)

Here are some of the steps I took to confirm that the keyword does in fact remain on these 183 titles. 

First, it has been three days, which is enough time for the keyword deletions to fully flush through the system. 

Second, I have double-checked some of the individual titles and confirmed that the keyword is still there.

Third, I successfully deleted the keyword from 3 titles a couple days ago, after the mass deletion. The figure of 183 titles accurately reflects the current number, after I deleted the keyword from those 3 titles. 

Fourth, within the past 24 hours, the keyword mapping numbers have gone through their weekly update. This is more proof that the keyword in fact remains on 183 titles. 

And finally, I also searched this keyword as a title search rather than a keyword search (because title searches are more accurate in reflecting recent changes in the data). The title search also returns 183 titles:  Male-objectification (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)

I don't know why the keyword was not fully deleted. Most likely the deletions were somehow interrupted in the middle of the process.

Can you please delete the keyword "male-objectification" from the remaining titles?

The keyword is definitely blocked from adding to new titles, so that part went smoothly. 

Thank you for looking into this.

Accepted Solution



17.2K Messages


310K Points

2 years ago

Hi @keyword_expert -

Thanks for catching.  The remaining keywords have now been removed.  Cheers!

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Michelle​ Thank you!!