tom_wake's profile

435 Messages


7.2K Points

Saturday, April 16th, 2022 10:37 PM


I'm a little confused on what qualifies as a "podcast"

I've seen a lot of radio series listed as podcasts. For example:

Admittedly the distinction between them may be a little blurry, but is this correct, or should it only be "true" podcasts?

If we are now allowing proper radio series, shouldn't this be a category unto itself, rather than listing it as a "podcast" from 1967?



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi tom_wake  -

We do not yet list radio broadcasts, so if there is a title listed on the site for a radio broadcast from 1967, that title is ineligible and will need to be removed.  I have now removed the example title you referenced.

Regarding Podcast titles and what constitutes a "podcast", generally a podcast is a collection or series of digital audio or video files that are released for downloading or listening via the Internet.  If episode files from a radio broadcast in the 1960's is later made available online, this doesn't constitute as a podcast, the audio or visual series must have been originally made available online.

I hope this helps clarify!


435 Messages


7.2K Points


Thanks Michelle,

In that case, these titles will need deleting as well:

In fact, there seem to be a lot of titles listed that are too old to be "true" podcasts, at least in their original form

435 Messages


7.2K Points

Hi @Michelle - just wanted to chase this up, as the reply seems to have been missed. Thanks

435 Messages


7.2K Points

@Michelle​ Hi Michelle - any word on these?

435 Messages


7.2K Points

2 years ago


Sorry to create a new thread for this, but my responses on this older thread don't seem to be getting seen by the staff, so just wanted to draw attention to it here:


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Radio series being listed as podcasts

435 Messages


7.2K Points

...and, now that the new thread has been merged with this thread, it looks like nobody ever will!



17.2K Messages


310.5K Points

2 years ago

Hi @tom_wake -

My sincere apologies for the delayed reply, IMDb staff are working through a backlog of older, missed threads to help resolve any outstanding issues.

Circling back here, some radio shows have been re-released as Podcasts (which we do accept), but we do not accept other radio shows.  For the titles you reported:

To clarify, these titles are not re-released as Podcasts, is that correct (ie. it has become widely available for fans to enjoy via podcast listening services)?

435 Messages


7.2K Points

@Michelle​ Hi Michelle,

I believe some of those may have been re-released as podcasts, but given your earlier criteria...

If episode files from a radio broadcast in the 1960's is later made available online, this doesn't constitute as a podcast, the audio or visual series must have been originally made available online.

...I'm not sure they were all originally made available online.

In any case, the release dates attached are all for the original radio series; if any of these were to be retained, surely it should use the dates of the original podcast? The Archers, for example, currently has episode attached with a 1950 release date, which would obviously only apply to the radio series and not any podcast series.

435 Messages


7.2K Points

Furthermore, I have also recently discovered this listing, which is most definitely not a podcast, nor has it ever been - it is a radio series that ended in 2003.

By the criteria given in @Michelle's post at the top of the thread, it therefore needs to be deleted.



5.4K Messages


56.5K Points

@tom_wake​ Hi!

So sorry for the delayed response, just to clarify the policy, if it is made available as a podcast, it is eligible but the dates/year should be the dates when the podcast was released, not when the radio show was originally broadcast.

Regarding that last title it is listed as a podcast, let me know if it's not.


435 Messages


7.2K Points


Thanks Bethany,

The following titles (listed as podcasts) are not podcasts and have only been released as radio broadcasts:

These titles DO exist as podcasts, but the listings mostly refer to the radio series (e.g. release date of 1950, Movie Connections for films and TV series that "reference" it when they were released 30 years before the podcast began, etc.

I'm not clear on which of those two categories this one falls into, but it's clearly one or the other because I don't believe there were any podcasts in 1925:

I'm sure there are dozens (if not hundreds) of other examples if I had the time to do a deep dive into it, but I really can't commit to diving headfirst into another rabbit hole at the moment!



14.3K Messages


328.6K Points


Could you add clarifications of these policies in the help page guidelines?

As posts here may be deleted, and not all contributors read this forum, it is not always enough to answer policy questions here.

Adding policies to guidelines also helps make sure you actually have consistent policies.

Unfortunately, the policy stated above seems to contradict the answer I got here years ago:




5.4K Messages


56.5K Points

Hi @tom_wake & @Peter_pbn -

I have now deleted the one that was never released as a podcast, for the other 3 a cleanup has to be done to either delete ineligible episodes that were not released as podcast, or to fix the release dates to match the day they were released as podcast, a ticket has been done to work on that.

@Peter_pbn I can see that old answer is contradictory, I will make the callout to our policy team to add that to our guidelines, while they add it, that is their word on it, release dates listed should be the dates of when they were released as podcast.




5.4K Messages


56.5K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Hi!!

Policy team has confirmed the release year for a title type can only be as early as the date of invention. For podcasts that's 2004.


2.7K Messages


82.6K Points

@Bethanny​ However, it is still possible to submit a podcast series with a year before 2004....



2.4K Messages


24.2K Points

The contribution form and Help Articles for Podcasts are being worked to prevent submitting wrongly formatted Podcasts. The updates are being processed by our team and will be visible on the site soon, thanks for the patience and help on getting this sorted out.



2.4K Messages


24.2K Points


I'm following up here to confirm that this issue has now been resolved.

As per our Adding a New title help article, we do not accept titles types with a year before the type was invented. For Podcasts 2004.