11 Messages
234 Points
How do I cancel a pending submission?
I goofed with Contribution #221223-205548-797000 on HARD TO DIE. I thought I was on the page for its sister film, SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II. How do I withdraw it?
11 Messages
234 Points
I goofed with Contribution #221223-205548-797000 on HARD TO DIE. I thought I was on the page for its sister film, SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE II. How do I withdraw it?
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
The only way to cancel it is if IMDb staff see your post here and cancel it before it is acted upon.
Otherwise, if the submission is approved, you can submit the opposite change to effectively reverse it yourself.
2.6K Messages
26.6K Points
2 years ago
Hello zombihntr,
I have removed the duplicate Trivia from the title, the changes will be live on the site shortly!
Happy Holidays and Cheers!
2.7K Messages
47K Points
2 years ago
I hope people following this thread will vote in favor of my "idea" post suggesting that contributors should be allowed to cancel their own contributions while they are pending:
Add the ability for contributors to cancel their pending contributions