1 Message


74 Points

Sunday, June 26th, 2022 2:26 AM



First and last name switched on credits, search results, and profile page header

I know that the database logs my name Last then first "Shinavier, Andrew". But I don't believe its supposed to show up that way on credits, searches, and top of my professional profile (it definitely doesn't for other peoples). It says "Shinavier Andrew" in all those places but I think its supposed to say "Andrew Shinavier". People who look at my profile and credits have asked me why its backwards and I'm not sure. Its possible when originally creating the profile I misunderstood the naming conventions and preemptively put my name the wrong way when I wasn't supposed to? How can I fix this so my name will be properly displayed as "Andrew, Shinavier" in places like film credits, search results, and my profile itself? I've tried using the edit system but it wont let me submit a fix. Please help



7.5K Messages


277K Points

3 years ago

Andrew: Yes, your name is displaying backwards compared to how it should display. 

How can I fix this so my name will be properly displayed as "Andrew, Shinavier" in places like film credits, search results, and my profile itself?

I assume you mean "... my name will be properly displayed as "Andrew Shinavier" in places like film credits, search results, and my profile itself". You only want a comma in your name when it is being listed last name first. In ordinary use, there should be no comma.

I also assume that you were never credited backwards like this in any film or TV show, in which case the following instructions should be able to get your name to display in the correct order.

Go to your name page at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm12808769/ and click "Edit page".

On the next screen, on the Name Correction line, select "Add correction". Scroll down and click "Continue".

On the next screen, there will be a blank line on which to enter your corrected name. Enter it as:

Shinavier, Andrew

That is, last name first with a comma after the last name.

There will be a box labeled "Preserve previous name on existing credits. i.e. '(as Shinavier Andrew)'". Make sure that box is un-checked. 

In the Explanation box, enter something like this: "I am Andrew Shinavier, and my name has been mistakenly entered into IMDb backwards as Shinavier Andrew. Andrew is my given name, Shinavier is my family name, and I have always been credited as Andrew Shinavier. I am submitting this correction to have my name entered in the correct order." Click "Check these updates".

On the next screen, you will get a warning that says, "By unticking the box to preserve existing credits, you are implying they are incorrect ...." Since the existing credits indicate that you were credited on screen as "Shinavier Andrew" and you were actually credited as "Andrew Shinavier", that's what you want. Check the box marked "Warning understood, go ahead anyway." Click "Re-check these updates".

On the next screen, your data should appear with a green background and you should be able to click "Submit these updates". 

Allow a few days for the correction to be processed. Good luck!


5 Messages


368 Points


How do I submit a correction for somebody else's name?

What kind of evidence would be acceptable?

I submitted a link to Wikipedia thinking it would be enough but it was rejected.

It is a Japanese name, so the credits would show "Last name - First name".



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1.9K Messages


20.5K Points

3 years ago

Hi shinavier_a-

After reviewing the information and with gromit82's help, I can confirm that the submission for the name correction has been approved. The changes will be live on the site shortly.  

Let us know if you have any further questions/issues!

