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2.7K Messages


47K Points

Saturday, November 12th, 2022 7:38 PM


No Action Needed

Duplicate Keywords - List #62 (misc. keywords) (Proposals for Permanent Merger and Auto-Conversion)

Here is the next installment of my lists of proposed keywords for permanent merger and auto-conversion.

I am posting this list for fellow contributors to review first and raise any objections or questions. I will wait at least 28 days before changing this post to a "problem" post and asking IMDb staff to make the proposed changes.

The mergers and auto-conversions should be made in the direction of the arrows.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

alternative-reality (72 titles) -->  alternate-realities (6 titles)  -->  alternate-reality (598 titles)

ammo-belt (29 titles) -->  cartridge-belt (34 titles)  -->  ammunition-belt (46 titles)

anti-social (110 titles)  -->  antisocial-behavior (16 titles)  -->  antisocial-behaviour (10 titles)  -->  anti-social-behavior (58 titles) -->   antisocial (26 titles)

betrayal-by-a-friend (164 titles)  -->  betrayal-by-friend (25 titles)  -->  betrayed-by-friend (21 titles)  -->  betrayed-by-a-friend (10 titles)  -->  betrayal-of-friend (9 titles) -->  betrayal-of-a-friend (7 titles)  -->  friendship-betrayal (31 titles) -->  friendship-betrayed (3 titles)  -->  friend-betrays-friend (4 titles)

falling-from-height (3489 titles)  --> fall-from-height (621 titles)  -->  falling-from-great-height (7 titles)   -->  falling-from-a-high-place (5 titles)  -->  falling-from-a-height (5 titles) 

haunted-by-past (10 titles) -->  haunted-past (7 titles)  -->  haunting-past (2 titles)  -->  past-coming-back-to-haunt (123 titles)  -->   haunted-by-the-past (775 titles)

jumping-from-height (755 titles)  -->  jump-from-height (24 titles)  -->  jumping-from-a-height (2 titles)

language-learning (111 titles)  -->   learning-a-new-language (24 titles)  -->   learning-a-language (41 titles)

language-teaching (27 titles) -->  teaching-a-language [new keyword]

locked-out-of-house (46 titles)  -->  locked-out-of-the-house (3 titles)  -->   locked-out-of-a-house (1 title)

piano-playing (716 titles)  -->  playing-a-piano (59 titles) -->  playing-the-piano (55 titles)  -->   playing-piano (1203 titles)

private-investigator (689 titles)  -->  private-eye (326 titles)  -->   private-detective (1653 titles)

suspended-from-job (46 titles)  -->  job-suspension (27 titles)  -->  suspended-from-a-job [new keyword]

taking-drugs (57 titles)  -->  drug-taking (19 titles)  -->  drug-use (1928 titles)

trick-or-treat (202 titles)  -->   trick-or-treating (697 titles)

wrongful-accusation (165 titles)  -->  false-accusation (3544 titles)

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

IMDb staff:

Now that the comment period on this list of keywords has passed, the list is ready for action. I will copy and paste the list below with the numbers of titles removed to facilitate the mergers and auto-conversions.

Duplicate Keywords Proposed for Permanent Merging and Auto-Conversion

alternative-reality  -->  alternate-realities   -->  alternate-reality 

ammo-belt  -->  cartridge-belt   -->  ammunition-belt 

anti-social   -->  antisocial-behavior   -->  antisocial-behaviour  -->  anti-social-behavior  -->   antisocial 

betrayal-by-a-friend   -->  betrayal-by-friend   -->  betrayed-by-friend   -->  betrayed-by-a-friend   -->  betrayal-of-friend  -->  betrayal-of-a-friend   -->  friendship-betrayal  -->  friendship-betrayed   -->  friend-betrays-friend 

falling-from-height  --> fall-from-height   -->  falling-from-great-height   -->  falling-from-a-high-place   -->  falling-from-a-height  

haunted-by-past  -->  haunted-past  -->  haunting-past   -->  past-coming-back-to-haunt   -->   haunted-by-the-past 

jumping-from-height   -->  jump-from-height  -->  jumping-from-a-height 

language-learning   -->   learning-a-new-language   -->   learning-a-language 

language-teaching  -->  teaching-a-language 

locked-out-of-house   -->  locked-out-of-the-house   -->   locked-out-of-a-house 

piano-playing  -->  playing-a-piano  -->  playing-the-piano  -->   playing-piano 

private-investigator   -->  private-eye   -->   private-detective 

suspended-from-job  -->  job-suspension   -->  suspended-from-a-job 

taking-drugs    -->  drug-taking   -->  drug-use 

trick-or-treat   -->   trick-or-treating 

wrongful-accusation   -->  false-accusation 



5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

1 year ago

Hi @keyword_expert -

We sincerely apologize for the delayed response in circling back to this older keyword proposal request.
We regret that we are unable to take the requested keyword actions raised in this thread and will be marking this as Closed. For more information please review our recent and more detailed response on this previous thread.

Again, while we truly appreciate the requests, we are sorry we cannot assist further.