5 Messages


114 Points

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022 5:42 PM


No Status

Dubbing Credit

Dubbing performances are unique creative expressions. Each requires the same preparation, interpretation and execution as does the original. Language by its nature embodies unique, singular characteristics not shared among dialects. Dubbing performers should receive IMDB credit. Equal work, equal credit.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Suggestion for New feature: Voice Actors



3K Messages


72.5K Points

3 years ago

This would make cast listing nearly unreadable as there would be a potential of dozens or more people credited for the same character. I think there needs to be a new implementation to handle dubbing credits but you'd have to change the IMDb policy that they only list credits from the original release.

2.8K Messages


83.8K Points

@adrian​ "This would make cast listing nearly unreadable as there would be a potential of dozens or more people credited for the same character."

Dubbers don't have to be listed in one long cast list. Apart from the main list with the original cast, there can be several cast lists per title, one for each language the title has been dubbed in.

2.5K Messages


69.2K Points

3 years ago

People probably often forget that some countries like Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc literally dub (almost, at least) everything. It’s not just animation films etc. IMDb doesn’t have resources to sort out 6-7 different ”set” of actors in every film and series. Let alone Adrian’s comments about unreadable cast listings.

So this won’t happen in any time soon. It’s simply unrealistic request.

2.8K Messages


83.8K Points

@eboy​ "People probably often forget that some countries like Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc literally dub (almost, at least) everything."

Wouldn't that actually be an argument in favor of adding dubbers to the database? If IMDb truly wants to be international and offer all their customers a good service, shouldn't they include the voices heard by millions and millions of people all around the globe?

"So this won’t happen in any time soon."

True dat, I've first asked about this in 2003.

"It’s simply unrealistic request."

Everything is unrealistic until it is done and with that, becomes a reality. Creating a database with these stats: https://www.imdb.com/pressroom/stats/ was probably also considered unrealistic in the pre-internet era. :)