12 Messages


168 Points

Saturday, May 11th, 2024 7:20 PM



Doctor Who should be listed as One singular entry and not Three

Doctor Who’s latest series as been separated into its own entry due to the decision of the BBC and Disney to market the series as “season 1” in order to attract viewers. While this is purely for marketing reasons, and is still considered to be series 14 of Doctor Who (2005-2022), it seems odd to create a separate entry. Having one for the classic series (1963-1989) and the modern series made sense as they are different shows, being separated by 16 years, but it seems unnecessary to create a separate entry for the RTD2 era.  However, in order to solve this issue, what about combining the three  Doctor Who pages into one? And have a single entry titled Doctor Who (1963-present) which lists everything from season 1 (1963-64) to season 40 (2024). 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Doctor Who listed incorrectly

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