2 Messages


70 Points

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 8:33 PM


Doctor Who “Season 1” Merge

I’ve seen that Doctor Who has several different IMDb listings with the 60th specials and Ncuti Gatwa’s first series have a new page. I know it’s  referred to as “season 1” but that’s just for marketing and more to do with the Disney + deal, with them not wanting to start listing from series 14. Just seems unnecessary to create a new page in my opinion for what is the next season. It’s not a new show, Doctor Who 2005-2022 is the same series as Doctor Who 2023-present. It’s also confusing for users having to jump between pages. It’s frustrating enough already having the classic series and new Who on separate pages. Is this something that can be fixed? Merging the 2005-2022 page with the 2023-present page. Or even merging all three pages! 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Doctor Who listed incorrectly

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