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90 Points
Doctor Who Franchise Reboot
Check out Doctor Who on BBC iPlayer: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b006q2x0/doctor-who?seriesId=m00116r6 The page shows 13 seasons, ending with the S13 special "The Power of the Doctor". To view the recent 60th anniversary specials, you need to click on "More Like This", where you'll discover "Doctor Who (2023-)" on the same level as the OG "Doctor Who (1963-1996)". This is a clear indication that the 60th anniversary specials are the first episodes of a new Doctor Who era, coinciding with the start of the collaboration with Disney. This ScreenRant article confirms the franchise reboot: https://screenrant.com/doctor-who-season-14-ncuti-gatwa-numbering-change/ The 15th Doctor's first season will not be season 14, but season 1 of a new Doctor Who era. That means it's time to consider the current Doctor Who era has officially ended: "Doctor Who (2005-2022)". A new page should be created for the new era "Doctor Who (2023-)", and the 60th anniversary specials (The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder, The Giggle) should be moved there. Long live Doctor Who! Both of them!
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