34 Messages


490 Points

Friday, August 11th, 2023 1:54 PM


A User Sabotages Keywords

Hello dear community, 

A user constantly has been targeting and sabotaging almost every male nudity related keyword as many times as he wants.

Unfortunately, another thread on the same topic has been given the brush off, and the saboteur continues to wreak damage on these keywords. I am writing as a last ditch effort to get this problem sorted out for good. If it makes no headway, I am going to have to stop contributing these informative keywords.

Please see below for a few selected titles affected by the user. There are a lot more. 

#230810-194757-239000 #230810-194701-548000 #230810-194415-127000 #230810-194339-542000 #230810-194024-142000
#230810-193949-179000 #230810-193910-668000 #230810-193615-325000 #230810-193340-798000 #230810-193139-626000

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Male nudity related keywords sabotaged

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

1 year ago