

May 2nd, 2024

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2 years ago

Hello, Can you please tell me how I cite a profile on the website? Chantel

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2 years ago

Hello, Can you please tell me how I cite a profile on the website? Chantel

Hi @misschantelhatchett, We are still unsure what exactly you're requesting permission for. What do you need to use an IMDb page for? Are you interested in using images? If so, please see our help site article about this.

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2 years ago

Hello, I am doing a documentary and I need to use a profile of a person on the IMBD website. How do I request permission to use the profile in the documentary? Is there a specific license or permit I need to request for?

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2 years ago

Hello, I want to use one of your profiles in a (informal) mini-documentary. How do get permission to use a profile on the IMDb website?

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2 years ago

Hello, I want to use one of your profiles in a (informal) mini-documentary. How do get permission to use a profile on the IMDb website?

Hello @misschantelhatchett, Our customer service team has reached out to you directly for assistance with your account. Please let us know if we can offer any further help.

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2 years ago

I am doing youtube I want to share IMDb movie trailers on my youtube channel how can I take permission and license?

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2 years ago

I am doing youtube I want to share IMDb movie trailers on my youtube channel how can I take permission and license?

Hi @laraki57, Most of the photos and videos on our site are licensed to us for our own use only. We do not have the authority to sublicense them to others. Photos and videos on our site may be licensed directly from the license holders. For photos o

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2 years ago

I just know my profile ID, I tried all the emails I have but nothing happened I can’t find my account. I’m really confused. What should I do?

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2 years ago

I just know my profile ID, I tried all the emails I have but nothing happened I can’t find my account. I’m really confused. What should I do?

Hi @Marwanium, I see that you've already reached out to us through the Contact Us section. You are welcome to responde to us using our previous reply.

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2 years ago

"I'm interested in using IMDb content on my personal website. Could someone please provide information regarding IMDb's guidelines for content usage, including any restrictions or requirements that I need to be aware of?"