

December 4th, 2018

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replied to a comment on
's post

5 months ago

I remember seeing a movie where a blind guy was pushing a black guy in a wheelchair and I think they were training for a race. I remember one scene where he pushed the wheelchair onto the train tracks in front of an oncoming train and pushed it off just in time before getting hit just to show how ca

@soljwf98​ Thank you but that's not the one I'm looking for

commented on
's post

5 months ago

I remember seeing a movie where a blind guy was pushing a black guy in a wheelchair and I think they were training for a race. I remember one scene where he pushed the wheelchair onto the train tracks in front of an oncoming train and pushed it off just in time before getting hit just to show how ca

Still looking!

's post

5 months ago

I remember seeing a movie where a blind guy was pushing a black guy in a wheelchair and I think they were training for a race. I remember one scene where he pushed the wheelchair onto the train tracks in front of an oncoming train and pushed it off just in time before getting hit just to show how ca

posted a question

August 6, 2024

5 months ago

I remember seeing a movie where a blind guy was pushing a black guy in a wheelchair and I think they were training for a race. I remember one scene where he pushed the wheelchair onto the train tracks in front of an oncoming train and pushed it off just in time before getting hit just to show how ca

replied to a comment on
's post

3 years ago

I'm looking for a show that used to be on the discovery health channel called mystery diagnosis. I'm trying to find a place to watch all the episodes made does anyone know where I could do that either for free or for a price?

@UKWildcat23​ thank you! Unfortunately it's unavailable in our area I live in Canada

commented on
's post

3 years ago

I'm looking for a show that used to be on the discovery health channel called mystery diagnosis. I'm trying to find a place to watch all the episodes made does anyone know where I could do that either for free or for a price?

Still looking if anyone has any ideas!

's post

3 years ago

I'm looking for a show that used to be on the discovery health channel called mystery diagnosis. I'm trying to find a place to watch all the episodes made does anyone know where I could do that either for free or for a price?

's post

3 years ago

I'm looking for a show that used to be on the discovery health channel called mystery diagnosis. I'm trying to find a place to watch all the episodes made does anyone know where I could do that either for free or for a price?

's post

3 years ago

I'm looking for a show that used to be on the discovery health channel called mystery diagnosis. I'm trying to find a place to watch all the episodes made does anyone know where I could do that either for free or for a price?

posted a question

February 3, 2022

3 years ago

I'm looking for a show that used to be on the discovery health channel called mystery diagnosis. I'm trying to find a place to watch all the episodes made does anyone know where I could do that either for free or for a price?