2 Messages


70 Points

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 4:59 PM


Watchlist - How to Watch Function

When I go to my "Your Ratings" list, it gives me a bunch of details about the movies I have rated including a bit on How to Watch (Amazon Prime, HBO Max, etc.).  This could be helpful, but since I've already watched the film, odds are I already know that information.  Or, at least, am not likely to be looking for it again, and almost certainly not in list form.

However, when I go to My Watch List, it doesn't have that same information.  It would only seem logical that it's more helpful to have that information on a list of movies you're looking to watch instead of on a list of movies you already have watched.  I'm not actually opposed to it being on the Your Ratings page, but it would be really nice if were on the My Watch List page, as well.  The functionality is obviously already there, it's just not programmed to the Your Watch List page.

Any chance that information could be added to the My Watch List page, as well as the Your Ratings page?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

I would like to sort my watch list by what available on a particular streaming service.

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