4 Messages
90 Points
"View all credits" at a person's page should be selectable as a default in the member's Account setting
Reason: If you need just plain written information, this is the page setting of choice. Plus, searching for a work the person was involved in, you might be unsure if the work in question was a TV movie, a movie, or an episode of a series. Having all entries in sight allows you to use your browser's search function to find the work in question.
To get all those information you quite tediously first have to select the page, wait until it is complete (incl. all sorts of pictures and movies included), scroll til the three-lines-pictoram under the headline "Credits", click it, and click "View all credits" in the pop-up window that appears.
It would be a great help to get the desired information immediately.
Kind regards
Wieland Samolak
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