7 Messages


104 Points

Thursday, October 14th, 2021 9:37 PM


User reviews sorted by prolific reviewer

It seems to be a bug regarding how user reviews are sorted on default. It used to be sorted by helpful, but at the moment it’s prolific reviewers. Is IMDB aware of this issue, or have they actually changed it permanently? 

In that case, I really hope they’ll consider changing it back. These prolific reviewers often have a completely different view than the average viewer, I want the general consensus, not some negative prick’s opinion with 1-star reviews on every single movie/episode. 

I think it’s a shame that the first review the audience is going to see is a biased opinion, just because he/she have been active on IMDB for years. Thoughts?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Can you sort the reviews by Helpfulness again?

8.4K Messages


174.6K Points

3 years ago


Joined Thu, Oct 14, 2021

Joined Sat, Oct 9, 2021

Sat, Oct 9, 2021 6:50 PM

Can you sort the reviews by Helpfulness again?
The reviews are now sorted by prolific, and I don't want that,
could we go back to helpfulness again?

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Col_Needham, Employee

We have changed the default sort order for User Reviews based on customer feedback.
You can always change back to "Helpfulness" 
via the menu in the upper right hand corner near the first review: