73 Messages
5.7K Points
Updates to List Pages
Today (Dec 6) we are announcing an update to the List pages on the IMDb desktop experience. This update is part of the broader site changes announced recently (https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/upcoming-changes-to-several-imdb-features-du6man1opd5q0). After in-depth discussion and examination, we have decided to simplify the features and functionality for lists. We have merged “compact view” and list editing into a single Edit experience. In that one view, you can now modify your text and add, copy, delete and move items. We have also pulled List actions (edit, export, settings) together into a 1-click menu (the 3 vertical dots on the top right of the page). You will now also find two new options in the Refine menu: ‘In Theaters’ and ‘Keywords.’ Tech constraints on the new system prohibit us from continuing to support drag-and-drop from the Edit view; we appreciate your understanding. For more information about Lists, see the IMDb Help Center.
Official Solution
7.5K Messages
182.5K Points
7 years ago
The next change resulting from the technology migration is now live -- you can now create and edit lists (add/remove items) on the IMDb Android app. Please see https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/imdb-android-lists-update
Official Solution
7.5K Messages
182.5K Points
7 years ago
Basically I hope that IMDb wants to make Lists into a superb feature. This is 100% true, as is everything on https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/upcoming-changes-to-several-imdb-features-du6man1opd5q0 which is driving the wider changes. If the customer feedback makes it seem more negative than it's worth (like message boards?), they might decide to pull the plug. No danger of this -- lists are a core feature of IMDb and are from where IMDb originates. The latest changes have already enabled us to add list editing to our Android app at https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/imdb-android-lists-update which brings full list support to more than 100 million additional customers who did not have it before this week (see install count on https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imdb.mobile).What we especially appreciate from you are the clear, constructive and actionable feedback items. We will not be able to get to all of them in 2017 (see https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/upcoming-changes-to-several-imdb-features-du6man1opd5q0 :-) but they are going on a prioritized list for consideration by the appropriate teams. Thanks.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Here is a list of updates we've made over the past week (Jan 19): We added pagination to image lists to fix an issue causing browser crashes with large listsWe increased the number of items you can see in a list (up to 250 per page) to help users with long lists move items around since drag-and-drop is no longer availableBug fix: If you have a list of 1000+ titles and add another, the total count is now updated correctlyBug fix: We fixed an issue that was causing problems for Kindle Fire users who wanted to reorder list itemsAlready implemented: Improved list item validation. You can no longer add invalid items, for example, if you accidentally mistype an image ID you will get an error so you know to correct it. Also, if an image is no longer available, you have the ability to delete it so that your list item count is accurate [DONE]Improved the list creation form so that it accepts & and + (for list name and description) [DONE] Improved list display on Your Activity page (aka your Profile page) so that long list display names wrap to multiple lines [DONE]I'll update this thread weekly. Thanks for your ongoing feedback and for bearing with us as we make updates to the new system.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Here is the progress update for the week ending Jan 26. This week: We improved the performance of list editing for users with large listsWe added links to checklist, watchlist, and ratings to the top of Your Lists page
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Here is the progress update for the week ending Feb 2. We fixed an issue that was causing encoded characters in list descriptions to display incorrectly. We fixed an issue on the Showtimes page that caused the Watchlist ribbon to render incorrectly when viewing trailers. Additionally, see the iOS update announcement here: https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/ios-update-version-8-5-1-now-available. We've updated lists on iOS with the ability to add or edit notes to any movie, show, or person.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Here is the weekly update for the week ending Feb 9: You can now add a title or name to a list by entering a full URL in the edit list search box ("Add a movie or TV show to this list:")Your ratings now appear in your exported listsWe fixed an issue that was causing encoded characters on Your Activity page to display incorrectly
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone Here is the update for the week ending Feb 16. We improved list reordering to make edits work more predictably. We're continuing to work on additional sort options; I'll post announcements when they are available.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Here is the update announcement for this week (the week ending Feb 23): We added an additional list view option. In addition to Detail and Grid, there is now also an option for Compact view.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. No updates to Lists today (Mar 2) as we are currently prepping for Oscars.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. No updates to Lists today (Mar 9); posting for completeness.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. No updates to Lists this week (week ending Mar 16); posting for completeness.
Official Solution
73 Messages
5.7K Points
7 years ago
Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience and feedback as we've released List features over the past 3 months. This will be the last of the weekly updates to this announcement thread, but please keep adding ideas for future List ideas here: https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb?topic-list[settings][type]=idea I'll post new announcements on Get Satisfaction as we release new features and functionality in the future.
437 Messages
14.6K Points
7 years ago
How can I effortlessly move a new entry on a very long list (lets say number 550) to page 3, position 250. Before the change, it was easy as I could just go to page 3 in edit mode, add it there and drag it to the exact position where I want it. But now it always puts new entries to the very end of the list.
14.7K Messages
333.3K Points
7 years ago
If regular lists can have added refine features, why can't the ratings list have any?
1 Message
382 Points
7 years ago
The edit options appears to be broken. I'm not able to rearrange my list now. We used to be able to click and drag titles.