2 Messages
130 Points
Top 250 TV Show - Don't understand
Mr Sunshine (Korean drama - 2018) is arguably and objectively one of the best TV shows out there, whether you like the genre or not. I know your ratings/rankings methods are top secret, but I'd like to understand why, while standing at 8.8 rating and 5,360 reviews (Aug 23rd), this show is not included in your Top 250?
Same will probably apply to the exceptional 'currently sitting at 9.1 but not yet 5000 reviews' My Mister.
Accepted Solution
14.5K Messages
331.1K Points
3 years ago
According to the information at the bottom of the page, ratings from 10,000 users are currently required.
2 Messages
130 Points
3 years ago
Makes sense. Last time I checked (a few months ago), it was 5000, I guess it just recently changed. Will have to wait a little bit longer then to see those masterpieces where they belong! Thanks for your help Peter_pbn.