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2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 7:28 PM


Title pages — new version available for sneak peek

IMDb is working on updates to the Title page. The new version of the page is mobile-responsive, meaning all features are available on devices of all sizes, and has a modern look and feel — otherwise it maintains all the functionality of the current page, though some features have moved on the page.

The new version of the page is available to a limited group of fans during a beta period. During the beta, some features are still under construction, and you may encounter bugs.

UPDATE: now available!

  • Recently viewed
  • Related News
  • Awards & Top 250
  • More like this
  • Character” links are now included in the Cast section.
  • The Episodes section now includes a link to all top-rated episodes for TV series.

For more information, check out this Help article.

421 Messages


14.3K Points

4 years ago

Allow me to respectfully decline the offer. Keep the old view. And allow me to remove that suggestion of yours by including an x. I checked it out and I don't want it, but it still keeps asking me if I wanna try it. Thanks, but no thanks.

3 Messages


90 Points

4 years ago




7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@Tom No company information has been removed here, sorry. For example, on https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6141246/ click the ">" at the end of the production companies line to reach https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6141246/companycredits ... this is the same as clicking the "See more" link on the old design. 

3 Messages


90 Points

OK.  I went back to the sample page I looked at this morning.  On my first perusal of the new format, the screen shows PRODUCTION COMPANY printed in black and a Single Company Name printed in light blue (in this case Blumhouse Productions.  I assumed that was the link to click on & when I did so, a listing of all of Blumhouse's prior productions was revealed but no information about Distributors  After getting your memo, I went back to the same page. This time I hovered over all of the categories in Black. Some of which are hyperlinked and some are not.  When i hovered over PRODUCTION COMPANY, I could see that it was hyperlinked, so I clicked on it, and sure enough, the Distributor info was revealed., so you're right, the info is still there, but your page construction is not intuitive and I still think it's clunky.  Bottom line, though, is the info I want is still there, so I'll leave well enough alone!!



5K Messages


117.9K Points

Given all the dreadful vertical space that is wasted in the new format, if you know you want Company info, you might want to use the All Topics menu near the top of the page (akin to the More link in the prior format.)

I agree that these lines together communicate that Pro is the place to find more companies:

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago


I would just like to say that the production year of the movie should be right next to the title, like it was in the old page version. It's a pretty important piece of information and shouldn't be in the line below, with a font 3 clicks smaller...

Thank you

1 Message


72 Points

4 years ago

Movie / series year should be next to the title name. 

Such as:

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

8.2K Messages


173K Points

Joined Fri, Jan 8, 2021
- - -
? ? 


You could add :

For a limited time, go back to the older version of this page.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)


Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)



1 Message


60 Points

4 years ago

Please let me be able to copy all the Categories at once like before (Thriller, Drama, War). Please let me be able to save the Poster (Save Picture as). Not always is newer better. Thanks. AD Switzerland



5K Messages


117.9K Points

Aart, can you provide an example where you cannot copy all the genres?

On this title, I can do that, but it only has 3.




6.6K Messages


116.5K Points

4 years ago

Personally, since the Front Page changed to the new look I avoid it. It's ugly, it has less information, it makes it harder to find data, it looks ugly.

I was afraid when that change was coming to the title pages. Looking at the preview, it is not as bad as I expected. But having the cast in circles instead of a list, and the black background at the top are things I don't like. And hope don't stay.

The rest I can get used too, but as I once proposed, It would be great if the User polls appeared above User Lists. The polls are a feature for everyone and allow users to participate. The lists are often personal and of no interest beyond the author.

2 Messages


72 Points

4 years ago

It looks clean af, so much better than the one currently in use. I do, however, think that it could use an option to view the page in dark mode. I would simply like that color more bc it's easier on the eyes, Other than that it's pretty much perfect.

2 Messages


72 Points

4 years ago

I love the layout but think there should be an option for a darkmode. (I typed out way more about how I really like the new layout but it deleted everything when I created an account, alas: what you see is what you get).

262 Messages


8.2K Points

4 years ago

Further Impressions

GALLERY - The title page gallery should include still images, event images and production art, as the previous versions did. That diversity on the title page would make it more interesting.

TRIVIA/QUOTES/CREDITS - Don't use only the most popular ones, allow alternating between them on a periodic basis. Again, diversity. 

VIDEO/PHOTO LINKS - The title page has two links for video and photos. I think just one of each will suffice. 

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

Before you could click the release date and find the name of the release in every language provided.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled How do you find the different titles in one click in the new layout?



5K Messages


117.9K Points

Click on All Topics > Release Dates

520 Messages


9.3K Points

4 years ago

re-implement string of season and years links instead of terrible drop down menus for serials

it's already bad as a user

and as a contributor this is terrible

and barely anything has more links than the size of those buttons

1 Message


62 Points

4 years ago

This redesign is a trainwreck of style over substance. Internet Movie Database — remember that last part. The whole point of this site is the presentation of information, like a list of cast and crew, not a two-column presentation dominated by huge photos. This is every bit as bad as the candy-shop presentation of the mobile app and mobile site. Quit trying to tart up a website that is already burdened by invasive media. Think about what people actually want from IMDb, and present that information. Make the information easy to find and easy to use before you do anything else. (Having said that, I'm sure it's too late to put this painted horse back in the barn.)

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

A nice new design, bringing mobile / browser versions closer together. 

Some remarks :  

This needs a fully dark theme, now just upper half is dark, bottom half is white background. 
Also, page needs to be more compact, need to scroll too much to get through the content (make the list of stars more compact, for example, reduce spacing where possible).

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

A nice new design, bringing mobile / browser versions closer together. 

Some remarks :  

This needs a fully dark theme, now just upper half is dark, bottom half is white background. 
Also, page needs to be more compact, need to scroll too much to get through the content (make the list of stars more compact, for example, reduce spacing where possible).

2 Messages


72 Points

4 years ago

Hello, I have a few observations I'd like to share:

  • The new half black/half white color scheme is very distracting, and annyoing in a darker room. The entire site should have a proper, unified (and optional) dark theme for those who'd like to browse at night.
  • The new Title page layout requires too much scrolling to get to the more important information blocks, such as cast, movie details, detailed storyline, and reviews. Blocks such as "Photos" and "Awards" take up much more screen real estate than they should.
  • The cast list is unnecessarily large. The old, simple list view was much more compact.

It's nice to see that IMDB is getting a refreshed skin, but so far it's mostly going in the wrong direction, and as it stands now, I prefer the old design.
