EVON1TY's profile

10 Messages


148 Points

Monday, December 30th, 2024 6:53 PM


The NEW character limit of Profile Bio is not enough at all.

The new Profile Page is just great, but I am using Bio as a summarize of what I like. I include shortcuts to some lists I created, but also I included some lists in there. For example I included a list named "Most Influential Men", because I wasn't able to make that list due to lack of titles such as Isaac Newton. My Bio is still there, but I can't edit it, since the character limit is lowered to 1K from 15K or 20K. Please I want to include some details to my Bio, increase the limit to 20K at least. The new profile page is really great, except for the character limit, there are no downsides I find compared to the old one.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Redesigns Profile Pages

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