6 Messages


100 Points

Friday, July 26th, 2024 11:02 PM


The "improved" actor Photos section is buggy and has incomplete information.

First, I want to reiterate what others have already said elsewhere - The "new" layout of the actor Photos section is not an improvement over the old design. The old layout, where we would get pages of pictures in a grid layout was much easier to scan through on actors with many pictures if I was looking for something more specific than just "next, next, next, ...". Scrolling through hundreds of pictures is annoying. OK, now to the subject...

When scrolling through photos, I will often stop to click on one and then hit the "Back" button to continue. But that Back function often doesn't take me back to where I left off. Sometimes it goes back up the scroll and sometimes it jumps ahead. It seems random.

As for incomplete information, with the old layout, hovering my mouse over a picture brought up a line of text showing the actor, the show the photo was taken from, and the year. The new layout gives nothing.

When you click on a photo, it does show the above info, but some of it is incomplete. I saw one today that just said "Episode 15", but not the actual show it was from. I don't think the previous layout gave the episode of a show, but at least you got the show, which is more important anyway.

It seems the beta test for this layout wasn't super thorough.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Redesigns Images Subpages

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