17.7K Messages
315.3K Points
Six Degrees Game Beta

We are excited to announce the BETA launch of IMDb’s Six Degrees game! The BETA period will be available to our valuable users between September 20, 2023 and mid-October 2023. The goal of game is to connect the starting and ending actor through shared co-stars in the same Movie or TV Series. More information is available in the FAQs on the help page.
We hope you enjoy playing, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
Please feel free to provide your feedback about the game on the thread below.
Ready to play? Try six-degrees here: https://imdb.com/games/six-degrees/

— The IMDb Website Team
12 Messages
220 Points
1 year ago
Another useful twist on this would be to allow the user to input two credited names (or default to Kevin Bacon), and the database calculates for the user the minimum degrees between the two names.