Michelle's profile



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Thursday, April 25th, 2024 4:12 PM

Search by character names in Advanced Title Search

Search by character names in Advanced Title Search


We’re pleased to share that you can now search for a character in Advanced Title Search. With the re-introduction of this functionality, you will see all the Titles in which a character appears when you search for them by name. Long-time IMDb users may remember previous versions of character-based search; with this launch, we are reintroducing the functionality in an improved form, built on our redesigned Advanced Search feature. To get started, go to Advanced Title Search (imdb.com/search), open the section labeled “Characters” on the left side of the page, and enter the name of a character you’d like to find.


- The IMDb Team





5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

9 months ago

Hooray for character search!

So when you specify 2 characters, the logic is OR? 

This search for "indiana jones" and "bugs bunny" yields 991 results.


I would think AND would be more useful, and a way to specify AND/OR would be best, on any parameter, not just characters.

I tried inserting ! before "indiana" in the url, and nothing different came back. So NOT isn't supported?



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Hi @bderoes​ -

In this case the current logic is "Or".  In the meantime, thanks for the feedback, I have relayed the comments to the team who will review for future improvement considerations.

14 Messages


302 Points

7 months ago

Searching on a character, as you describe above, only seem to list roles with the same name. Ex. for "Jack Ryan" it will not only list movies and tv-show with "Jack Ryan" (the Tom Clancy fictional character), but every other movies and tv-shows sharing the same name as well.

I made a suggestion on a different post (see below, regarding a "character"-page). A unique character-page would be great linking together movies and tv-show, but also photos, quoutes and various info about one specific character.

In my head, the actual info is already on IMDb, its just about organizing and linking it together.




5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

7 months ago

This search yields 89 results


This search yields 120, with some same titles visible:


Yet this yields no results:


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled advanced title search returns no results for "jack ryan" and "tom clancy"



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@bderoes​ We will confirm with the search team, but it appears that when performing a character search, only acting credits are considered in the "Cast or crew" filter.  For proof, this works fine and as expected -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?role=nm0000148&characters=jack%20ryan 



7.4K Messages


181K Points

... and to further restrict to movies in which Harrison Ford played Jack Ryan -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&role=nm0000148&characters=jack%20ryan

or movies where Roger Moore played James Bond -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&role=nm0000549&characters=James%20Bond&sort=year,desc 



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

@Col_Needham​ But that restriction means that ATS will not find all the actors who played a role created by a particular writer. Is that really a limitation you want? It reduces ATS to doing what a user can do with ctrl-F on the Actor's page.



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@bderoes​ I did not say that is what we wanted, merely how it appears to be behaving :-)

10.7K Messages


225.5K Points




7.4K Messages


181K Points

@bderoes​ A quick update on this … the restriction to actors/actresses is the intended behaviour, however, we are discussing a better option which would fix things both here and in the more general case. 



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

5 months ago

Should display the character matches in the search results.



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Yes, we agree (and the same with the ATS topic searches for trivia/quotes/etc).  It is on the list, however,  we have a growing backlog of issues at the moment due to capacity constraints, so it may take a while.