Horst's profile

421 Messages


14.3K Points

Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 4:26 AM



Reviews not displayed in default view (helpfulness)

This is just one example of quite a handful where I submitted a review and it got accepted immediately, but will not show up the way it used to:


As you see, it says 0 Reviews. But for me it says "Edit Review" nonetheless. If I sort by anything other (Review Date, Prolific Reviewer, whatever), my review is displayed correctly. But with "Helpfulness", there seems to be an issue. Also on the title page, the button "User reviews" (between buttons "Cast & crew" and "IMDbPro") is shown. It is never shown on title pages without reviews. So to me this seems to be a display issue, not a submission/contributors issue.

Does this have to do by the way with IMDb going back to "Helpfulness" as the standard selection instead of "Prolific Reviewer"?

On a side-note, this could still be the same issue like here

It would be amazing if you got to the bottom of all this and not just fix the issue for the title I mentioned above. I can happily provide you with the other titles where it is the case if needed. Right now it looks to me as if this only occurs with titles where there is just one single review, but I am not 100% sure about that.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Can you sort the reviews by Helpfulness again?

Accepted Solution



7.2K Messages


177.8K Points

2 years ago

@Horst  Thanks for the problem report.  We are testing an updated approach to the “helpfulness” search in user reviews at the moment. Some customers are seeing the reviews in “prolific reviewer” order as has been the default for the last several months; some are seeing a new version of the helpfulness order which we are testing; some are seeing the old helpfulness order.  

What we suspect is happening is that you are in the latter group and this old order is known to have some bugs as you have reported previously (as well as, frankly, not actually being very helpful).  We will report this to the appropriate team, but the issue should be resolved soon anyway as we expect to switch to the new helpfulness order at the end of the test period. 

Hope this helps.