ville_3jqmlhtdr442w's profile

2 Messages


70 Points

Wednesday, April 25th, 2018 6:34 AM


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Ratings: Add a predicted rating feature

Hi there! An idea came to me one day as I was rating some titles and searching for new one's to watch. How about if there was "your predicted rating" -feature in the title pages? That would be a button that counts your predicted rating when clicking the button. That would help users to search for titles they would like an bring a new interesting depth to the rating system. I think this wouldn't be to hard to program?

What do you think? Sorry, if there is something wrong with my English, I am not a native speaker :D

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Ratings: Algorithm to predict how I'm going to score a film would be great.

4 Messages


92 Points

3 months ago

I agree 100%. Back when Netflix had their DVD mailing program, they had a very accurate rating prediction system just like you are suggesting. Since I had previously rated thousands of movie titles, nearly every prediction they made for me was accurate. In 12 years and over 1000 predictions, their algorithm was over 90% accurate.

Compare this to IMDB’s recommendations based off of one’s rating history and what is in one’s watch list, which for me has proven to be less than 20% accurate.

It doesn’t even make sense why IMDB bases anything off of what is in someone’s (un)watched list. You may hate the film once you get around to watching it, yet IMDB puts tremendous weight on a movie you haven’t even watched or rated to recommend other titles for you.