48 Messages


680 Points

Saturday, March 25th, 2023 3:51 PM


No Status

Rating system for actors' performances.

My question to IMDB is could you please add a feature where you are able to rate an actor's performance in a specific tv show or movie out of 10, just like rating the movies or tv shows themselves. This would give the general population ideas of performances to look out for and also would give incentive to people watching the film or tv show. Please consider this. I can't seem to find any website that does this.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Rating for actors



729 Messages


8K Points

1 year ago

Hello @thomasmoore5,

We appreciate you took the time to share your thoughts with us. We have changed your post to an Idea so IMDb users can vote on it. This will allow us to measure the level of interest and may help in future improvement.

Thank you for your support!

48 Messages


680 Points

@Edward​ Thankyou very much.