1 Message


70 Points

Friday, June 17th, 2022 10:36 PM

No Status


Rating / Reviewing

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to suggest an idea of limiting rating and reviewing of motion picture on your app. 

I know that you support the freedom of speech and want to have many ratings and reviews on your app but there are tons of movies and shows that are just underrated or rarely overrated. And this happens because of the so called fanboys and because of those who do not even see the movie and post hate comments. There is nothing wrong if someone watched a movie and really liked it that they decided to give it a 10/10 straight away. There is also nothing wrong with someone watching the movie and then rating it 1/10 because they did not like it one bit. But there has to be a limit. I think that there are mostly problems with underrated motion picture, because people tend to not watch movies that have ratings below 6 or 5. I do not know if you are aware of all the hate comments and reviews they get that don't even make sense, but i notice them almost every time i read reviews on IMDb.

That is why i have come up with a solution. Instead of giving everyone the free will to rate and review anything they want, every user would have to fill out a survey in which they would have to name, review and rate 2-5 movies or tv shows before they get the allowance to post any review for any movies on your app. They would only have to do it once. It would depend on how well they describe the movie (they know what the movie is about so that you know they watched it), what reasonable opinions they state, whether they like or do not like the story, the visuals, the acting etc. With the information that you get, you may decide if the user is suitable for a reviewer or not. With your approval the user would then be able to and post reviews and rate movies without any further complications.

That way we would get more realistic and objective ratings and reviews from people that know how motion picture works and what is good and bad.

An example: A lot of movies and TV shows today support LGBTQ+ community and a lot of people hate it. However i still think that movies should not be rated based on politics, so this is not reasonable. IMDb ratings are too subjective.

I hope you will consider this as an idea for better future for the app, its users and its customers. I hope, in case the approval of the idea is not possible because of how strict it may be, that you will at least consider something similar.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Nejc Vrščaj

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