7 Messages


142 Points

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 3:48 PM



Problem with searching titles

Hi! I have an issue with searching titles in my language. I will use «Ультрамен» («Ultraman» in English) as an example of this problem.

If you start typing «Ультрамен» in the «Search IMDb» bar, all different movies and series with «Ультрамен» in the title start appearing, for example Shin Ultraman, Ultraman Z etc. When you click «Search» button, it shows me only exact title matches: titles that are named simply «Ультрамен» and nothing more. Even if you click «More title matches», it still shows only 2 results. When I search «Ultraman» in English, it also shows me all different results when typing in the «Search» bar, only media exactly named «Ultraman» when clicking the «Search» button, but all different series and movies when clicking «More title matches». May I ask, why is that? Thank you in advance.



729 Messages


8K Points

2 years ago

Hello @Allosaurus,

We've tried to reproduce this problem; however, when we search either with "Ultraman" or "Ультрамен" we get multiple name matches (not only exact name matches as you have referenced).


Could you please click on that link and confirm if you see multiple results or only exact name matches?

Thanks in advance!

7 Messages


142 Points

2 years ago

Hello! Unfortunately, when I click the link you gave me, it still shows me only 2 exact matches. I knew it's not supposed to work that way.



729 Messages


8K Points


So that we can investigate further, please provide us with more information on the device and issue you're experiencing
  1. Device Model
  2. Browser version number
  3. Operating system
  4. OS version number
  5. IMDb app version number (if applicable)
  6.  Screenshots

In addition to this, please confirm your content settings found on https://www.imdb.com/preferences/general

Thanks in advance!




14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

I believe you are testing new search result pages, so are you using the same version as Allosaurus?

I am seeing the old version and the same results that Allosaurus describes.

7 Messages


142 Points


Hello! I understand.

Device model: Lenovo TB-8504X

Browser version number: Chrome 101.0.4951.61

Operating system: Android

OS version number: 8.1.0

IMDb app version number: I'm not using it

Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fauBvxlmjoiP0IeXDe7i68E38tFWrFSN/view?usp=drivesdk

As for the content settings, I've selected Ukraine and Ukrainian for country and language, respectively.

I can also give some additional information. I tried pasting the link you gave me to the browser's anonymous mode (meaning I wasn't logged in and none of my settings were counted). When I did it, it showed me all the different results and the site looked more like a mobile version. But such a thing happened only once. When I tried doing the same thing again and again, the results were like before that: only exact title matches.



890 Messages


9.6K Points


Hi there!

I want to notify you that I have already escalated this to our technical team.

They will review your case and when we have more details I will get back to you. 

7 Messages


142 Points


Thank you!



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

Following up on my earlier post, now that I am seeing the new version of search results I see 15 results in a search for Ультрамен instead of 2


7 Messages


142 Points


I see, I assume that's a correct number that should be displaying. As for me, I don't see any changes unfortunately.