swtpete's profile

137 Messages


3.6K Points

Saturday, January 4th, 2025 4:08 AM


Posts still backwards, Sprinklr asking logon once submitted!

{{I can't believe this website is still programmed in this sort of backwards, code-breaking, submittal dumping, dysfunctional fashion- I think I've submitted this post or idea or suggestion or thread already, anywhere between 3 and 5 years ago!}}


If a user is signed into the regular IMDb website, and clicks over to "Help," and then the Community help forum area IE the sprinklr-dotcom posts and chats area, then in the lower right if the user clicks the <<{{+}} ..plus sign to start a new thread, then types up an entire message or suggestion or problem or idea Etc, as soon as they click [Submit], they are prompted for a login and password, after the fact!!! I have lost entire submittal texts in the past, long ago, due to poor HTML design and programming/ backend code handling.


Why not when a user clicks the floating bubble or <<{{+}} plus sign in the bottom right to begin a new post, I think it best to request right away up front a login and password credential, or for the user to create or register a new account up front, *before they compose an entire new post and then risk losing all of what they typed*, EG, they click the back button or they've forgotten their password, or any of a dozen ways that that can go afoul and all ones work is wiped and lost/purged/dropped..

Thanks for considering.



190 Messages


1.9K Points

1 month ago

Hello @swtpete,

Thank you for your question! We'll review this with the appropriate team and we'll circle back once we have an update.